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-chapter 28-

"*huff huff* where is-...everyone?"
Y/n paused and looked around in horror, burnt trees scattered and covered the forest floor not a single speck of green in sight.

"Oh my" she covered her mouth in shock.
Sure she had said it would have been a piece of cake for her to do this but seeing that someone got to it before her was quite unexpected.

A hand was dropped onto her shoulder as the 4 blue fingers gripped tightly in anger.

Y/n hissed.

"Let's go" Tsu'tey grabbed her upper arm and dragged her along as Y/n flailed due to the height difference, Tsu'tey grinned at her struggle for a moment before it flew off his face and turned grim at the prospect of his home being destroyed.

"Where are we going!?" Y/n questioned as she pulled her upper arm from Tsu'tey and slid till her feet were touching the ground leaving just her fingers in his grip, excluding her pinky.

"Back up village" Tsu'tey spoke as he pulled her through the foliage.

The prolemur following not too far behind.
"Is it far?" Y/n questioned as she walked and kept pace with the Na'vi.

"Not far"

Y/n nodded and looked off to the prolemur which was licking its purple fingers.
Y/n smirked at the thought of the monkey changing colour before she shivered as she felt a gaze on her.

She looked into the trees from the corner of her eye catching sight of what seemed to be two blue fingers before the thing jumped out of the tree and into another before she could catch sight of it.

'What is that?' She thought not noticing how Tsu'tey looked at her from the corner of his eyes.

"We are almost here" he spoke up moving the bushes out of their way to reveal a campsite of sort in the distance.

Y/n blinked and nodded as she sped up her pace while Tsu'tey cocked his head to the side when he saw something in the trees.

'About time' Tsu'tey inwardly chuckled.

A huge flap of wings brought dust from the ground and into the air suddenly.
Y/n stumbled but regained her footing and glared at the huge pterodactyl looking creature.

"Who the- oh" who else other than Jake? Y/n regretted feeling worried for him cause it seemed he was fairing far better than her.

"Toruk Macto! TORUK MACTO! Toruk Macto!" The crowd of na'vi chanted and Y/n huffed

'so he comes on a bloody bird and all is good? Damn these people are stupid.' Y/n thought, was she still salty about the fact that Jake knew they were going to take down the tree and try capture her? Yes, yes she was and it was valid.

"Heard he mated with neytiri" Tsu'tey crouched beside her while her jaw physically dropped.

The na'vi gave a deep chuckle which almost sounded like a purr as he used his index finger to prop her jaw closed.

Y/n, still too surprised, didn't think much of the gesture while to Tsu'tey it was progress that she didn't push him away and made him elated at the thought that the two were getting closer.

"Tsu'tey" Jake suddenly spoke up and Y/n jumped away from the Navi who looked slightly surprised.

Neytiri turned to the two and Jake smiled seeing the tsundere (h/c) haired girl.

"Jakesully" Tsu'tey acknowledged him.

"I stand before you, ready to serve the people." Jake spoke formally then getting off his ikran he came forward to the newly elected leader of the tribe.

"You are Olo'eyctan, and you are the best warrior. I can't do this without you." He pleaded

Tsu'tey thought about it for a moment before he glanced at Y/n then back at Jake and sighed.

"I will fly with you" he spoke

As if sensing what Tsu'tey was thinking, neytiri smacked him over the head lightly with her arm.

"For the clan, idiot" she spoke in her home language.

Tsu'tey scowled and rolled his eyes.
"For the clan" he repeated annoyed.

"GRACE! Grace is dying!" Jake spoke up in a hurry

"Bring her in" mo'at called and gestured towards a shelter while Jake picked up the pale and sickly looking grace.

Y/n reeled back and winced.
She paused.

"Here are the powers I give to you, my successor.."

Y/n blinked.

"I will get executed tomorrow morning..."

"I have no use..."


The haze lifted from her eyes and Y/n blinked around to try act normal.

....is, is this a new chance?

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