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Y/n dodged a bullet that skimmed past her shoulder, taking cover behind a multitude of trees Y/n looked up in time to see her four armed lemur buddy.

"Pssst! Hey! You overgrown baboon, hey, come help me out" she tutted

The money rolled its eyes and Y/n scoffed in response.
Climbing up the tree, the prolemur came down a few moments later with a large purple fruit.

"Not this shit again-" Y/n sighed as her eyes widened when the fruit was aimed at her.

"No! NO!" Y/n hissed backing up from the tree.

Tsu'tey and Jake sully had flown to gather tribes together to fight against the sky people or rather, humans and unite the Navi people while the rest had stayed back to prepare.

Y/n had been gathering branches to make into spears but was somehow caught by a couple scientists who had gone out early and now here she was...

"Don't you fucking dare."

The monkey tilted its head, it's beady eyes glistening with sick amusement and it's thin dry lips curled upwards in warning.

"She went this way!"
"After the experiment, don't let her touch you!"

Y/n backed further away from the prolemur but found herself in a very compromising position.

Prolemur ahead, scientists behind, and thick bush all around.

"Just my luck" Y/n spat quietly, running towards the bush in an attempt to disintegrate enough plants so she could run through.

Looking back in the nick of time she managed to avoid a large purple fruit whizzing past her head and fell into a gap in the bush.

Y/n froze.
"Agh!?" A metallic screech came to a halt and something seemed to wobble on the uneven surface for a few moments before Y/n looked up to make eye contact with the prolemur.

The prolemur seemed to smirk and pulled a different fruit from the tree that looked inedible due to its extremely sharp and spiky exterior.

Y/n's eyes widened, that would hurt to catch...good thing the stupid baboon has bad aim then!

The fruit whizzed past her head once again and hit the object behind Y/n as she turned ever so slightly careful not to make any noise.

There was a strangled cry of pain before everything went silent after a very very loud thud that shook the forest floor, the scientists ran back the way they came realising they hadn't come with backup and glared hatefully at the bush behind them.

Y/n slowly pulled herself up, falling when the branch she was using as support accidentally disintegrated.

"Ouch!" Her vision faltered for a moment as she took a couple minutes on the floor to regain her energy from the chase.

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