Chapter 1

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"Come on Avi you have to come out for new years with us, it only happens once a year!" Giana begs
"Well no, shocker that." I respond, groaning with my face in my pillow.
I was called into work today by my cow of a boss, 31st December! Who calls someone into work on the last day of the year!? Stupid old hag.

It was currently 6pm and I was completely and utterly knackered from work, but me, Giana and some of her other 2 friends had been planning to go to out for new years for the first time ever in Barcelona.

Quite a lot of backstory: Me and Gee have been best friends since secondary school. It all started when our year got into a food fight and she threw a tomato at my head. I lashed out and we ended up in a total bitch fight and for punishment, we were forced by our head of year to be friends. It's funny looking back on it now because we absolutely despised each other, yet now we're practically inseparable. It's so cliché, the best relationships always start out with hatred.

Anyway, I was constantly around her house growing up in secondary school; her parents are possibly my favourite people in the world, Amara and Marlo Russo, they're some of the nicest people you will ever come across, two kind souls they are.

So, at 18, once we both left school and college, when Giana told me her and her family would be moving to Barcelona from Italy, I was distraught, I didn't want to be away from the Russo's, but I didn't realise that what she actually meant was we are all going, including me, because they all see me as family. I even refer to myself as Avi Russo sometimes, even though my actual name is Avi Illiano. Well, Avi's just a nickname, my actual name is Alessia but I prefer Avi.

I sometimes lived with my Grandparents back home, however, to cut things short, they couldn't have me the whole time, and they understood how well Amara and Marlo treated me and took me in as their own, and they knew they were getting too old to give me the best life possible. They ended up encouraging me to move here to Barcelona to in my grandad's words "live life to the fullest", as long as I called them once a week and messaged as much as I could and saw them in person at least once a year when I go back to Italy.

So here we are, now age 21, in Barcelona. We both have our own places now; I got a smaller house for myself where I live now after working my arse off; especially after getting fired from my original job as a waitress with Gee because she started flirting with a customer she thought was "the most beautiful man she'd ever laid eyes on" and in reality he looked like Johnny Test. She ended up getting into a fight with his "girlfriend" which we were convinced and are still convinced was his sister and we all got involved...

And now we are never allowed to return to the restaurant.

But anyway, because of that, I actually managed to get quite a good job working at Louis Vuitton. Nothing particularly special, but it's enough and better than that other job. Although my current boss is a right bitch and has completely killed my mood and now I can't be bothered to go out partying for Ney Years.

"Well aren't you in a good mood today." Gee responds pinching my cheek which wasn't smushed against my pillow.
"Ha ha." I respond in a very monotone voice.
"Aw come on Vi, you can't miss it, you were excited literally only yesterday for this." she persists
"yeah but since then I've had an encounter with HER. Girl has killed my mood" I groan.
"Come on! You'll have one drink and forget about it her, plus we've never been out for New Years here, it'll be something new!" Gee convinces me. "I promise you nothing bad will happen if you go!" She says

"I know~" I drag out. "But I won't be missing anything special." I explain, putting my face back into the pillow.
"Well I'm your best friend and I'll be upset if you don't go." She says in a stern voice causing me to look back up to her.
"I'll go if you do my makeup." I meet her half way.
"Deal." She grins.

"Okay 5 more minutes then I'll get ready." I agree, closing my eyes again.
"Nope!" She says, dragging me out the bed.
"Ow!" I yelp at the force.
"Oh quit complaining! Tonight will be so much fun!" She excites. "Plus you'll never know what could happen; who you could meet!" She enthuses.
"Hm, that's true." I say before following her to go and get ready for tonight.

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