Chapter 8

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"No, you're lying." Gee says. We're currently sat around her kitchen counter at her breakfast bar, and I was currently telling her everything that had happened after I got kicked out of that club which she clearly isn't buying.

"No Gee I promise I'm not." I say laughing, making it look like I'm lying even more. Great.
"So you're telling me you got so drunk you can't remember the details but you managed to go out, meet Barcelona's Football Team, them somewhat befriend YOU, then marry one of them that happens to be Neymar Jr and now you can't get divorced for 6 months?
"Finally you're getting it!." I respond.

"Yeah, Avi there's no way I'm buying that." She shakes her head, getting up to make herself a hot drink.
"I'm telling you! The way I woke up was MAD." I exclaim. So she just turns around to face me.
"Avi." She says.
"Mhm." I respond
"Stop lying." She smiles quite bitchily to be honest before turning back around focusing on her drink. What's got into her?

She lets out a sigh before grabbing her drink, sitting down on a barstool at her breakfast bar. "I don't understand why you're making this up Avi. Just tell me you went home and end it there." she laughs. I roll my eyes before opening up Instagram and scrolling down to the post he liked and push my phone in front of her.

"Where the hell did you get this new phone? That's the newest one! I thought you couldn't afford that!" She gasps.
"First of all, thanks." I say sarcastically. "Second of all, were you even listening? They literally bought it for me you moron, I've been going over this for about 30 minutes." I say to her, but instead of seeming to listen to me, she inspects the likes, then clicks on his account, her eyes going quite wide as it reveals the verified, real Neymar.
"He might've liked it by accident whilst scrolling, I'm sure he likes girl's photos all the time." She says looking away outside the window.
"Well I need to go soon, I'm meeting him at four-" I begin

"Wait!" She says, grabbing my attention again. "Show me your photos." She demands.
"What?" I respond
"Show. Me. Your. Photos." She says demanding again in an obvious tone.
"Alright! Don't have to talk to me like I don't understand English." I roll my eyes. "I don't think I have any though unless- oh I definitely do." I laugh as I open camera roll.

There it was. Filled with photos of Sergi either annoying Pique in the shop whilst Xavi tries to break up whatever's happening, Rafinha passed out bit now in a chair. As I scroll through them, I see selfie after selfie after selfie Sergi had taken. I laugh as I look at each one and look up at Gee who just looks, not annoyed, but her eyebrows are definitely furrowed.
Until I get to one photo. It must have been taken when we all met up so I could actually get said phone, because there the photo was, me, Neymar, Lionel, Dani, plus THE cat walking towards them.

She snatches the phone and looks at the photo. Now she can see I'm not lying, because there I am clearly walking with them.
"Oh my god..." She mutters under her breath. "Oh my god!" she repeats.
"Oh my god how the fuck have you managed that Avi!" She shrieks, clapping her hands together. What the hell.
"Can I meet them!?" She asks. "Like now, take me with you I need to meet Neymar Avi you don't understand!" She fangirls.

"Girl I can't take you!" I laugh and she snaps her head to me looking offended.
"Why?" She asks.
"Because we're going to sort this all out; I can't roll up to his gaff with another person if we're gonna be talking about how we're gonna sort this out." I explain to her, she just looks pissed.
"Ugh come on Avi, after all I've done for you." She crosses her arms.
"Gee." I say
"Yeah?" She asks
"Shut up." I smile bitchily at her like she did to me earlier. Now she rolls her eyes.

"How are you being so calm though? If it were me I'd be all over the place." She asks me. I shrug.
"Probably because I spent my entire night and morning freaking out, so I don't have much left in me to be honest.
Plus, I know they're insanely famous but they're just like normal people really." I say as I pick up my new bag seen as though I lost my other one and put it over my shoulder, picking up my phone and placing it inside too. "Well, so far at least. I'm acting as if I know them." I roll my eyes.
"But you do know them." Gee mutters. "You know what I mean." I laugh

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