Chapter 50

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RIGHT HERE IS THE OTHER CHAPTER ENJOY I'VE WRITTEN LIKE 15000 WORDS IN A DAY HELP 😭😭 Also disclaimer! It might be like a week or so until the next chapter, but then I'm done with school sooo expect a lot of chapters coming your way 😍😍
However, this is technically my English Language revision 😏😏 (It's not, I'm just trying to gaslight myself into thinking it is) Okay enjoyyy!!


"Ooo, this is so pretty." I say looking around, still with our hands interlocked, just wandering about the outside areas of the hotel which was lit up and absolutely beautiful before we go back to Neymar's room. "Woah." I look up at the five star hotel which was just absolutely stunning.
"You're going to have to to get used to these places you know." Neymar laughs.
"I didn't think I ever will." I say, looking around at the place. "Like look at that!" I point to a huge fountain at beside the little walk way we were walking down at the side of the hotel. It was lovely and quiet, and everywhere was just so pretty!

"Ooh, that is pretty." He says, looking at the fountain. He thinks for a moment before pulling me over the grass off of the little path to go over to it. "Come on let's go!" He comes up with the idea suddenly.
"Ney!" I laugh.
"Av!" He copies my tone, looking over his shoulder to me.

"Can we even go here?" I whisper, looking around as he leads me to a small fence surrounding it.
"Haha, no." He giggles. "But it's fine!" He tries to reassure me. "If we get kicked out I'll just take you to another five star hotel." He winks.
"Oh my god." I laugh at the ability he had to do that, but he was right.
He lets go of my hand for a moment before he hops over the little fence that kept us away from the restricted area, before he holds out his hand for me to take. I hesitate for a moment, looking left and right to see if anyone else was here which only makes him laugh at me. This was my first time in a hotel like this, and even though we could go to another one in a flash, I didn't really fancy getting kicked out of this one tonight.
"God, you're such a goodie two shoes." He playfully rolls his eyes at me checking for anyone working here.
"I am not!" I defend.
"Then come here!" He laughs, but I hesitate again.

"Come on, I've got you." He says in a now soft tone, holding out his hand trying to convince me.
"Okay okay fine." I cave, making him grin before he takes my hand, pulling me over the fence with his help and landing on the other side where the fountain was.
"Avi I can't believe you just did that!" He gasps in a girly voice.
"Oh shut up, I just didn't want to snag this dress." I roll my eyes with a smile. "Plus I'm in heels!" I add.
"Suree~ That's why." He taunts, leading me down towards the fountain.

"Yep, we're definitely not meant to be here." I whisper, looking around at the area which like I said, looked like we were definitely not meant to be.
"Yeah but that's the fun part!" He grins before we get right in front of the fountain, pulling me down to sit next to him on the ledge.
"But I swear, if you push me in-" I warn him.
"I won't push you in!" He laughs, instantly making me not believe him. He was sat down at this point but I was still stood up.
"Okay okay look, I promise you I wont push you in." He says in a softer tone, trying to convince me.
"I'll hold that against you forever if you break that promise." I say as I sit down next to him.
"I won't push you in!" He laughs. "The only way you're ending up in there is if you fall and I won't let that happen."
"Okay." I laugh a little bit, relaxing on the edge next to him, still a little nervous thinking I would fall in, but he was here so it wasn't as bad whatsoever.

I look down at the water beside me for a moment, it was completely crystal clear and really was beautiful. I sway my hand in the water a little bit, looking up at the middle of the fountain where the water was trickling down the levels, landing in the bottom in a cycle. I look to the side of me, noticing Neymar was just looking at me play with the water with a smile on his face.
"What?" I small smile comes on my face back at him.
"Just you." He says, wrapping his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. A grin comes onto my face as I lay my head on his shoulder with his head resting on mine, just enjoying the moment with him.

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