Chapter 49

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"WEEYYYYY!" They all cheer as they lift the trophy together. We all clap and cheer with the stadium as all the team jump up and down with huge grins on their faces, happier than ever with their win they've been after for so long. There was silver confetti everywhere which quickly turns to blue and red for the team as music blasts around the stadium. I could see Neymar in the very centre at the front, jumping up and down, holding his medal with everybody as Xavi lifted the trophy behind him. He was so ecstatic, they all were, I couldn't even explain how happy that made me as we watch them.

I look down to Davi who I was holding; he was watching his dad from where we were all stood, right behind the barrier. He looked completely mesmerised with a huge grin on his face as he looked around at all the celebration. I smile at the sight of them both, kissing him on the head before looking back to the team.
"Look how happy they are." Shakira says in awe, watching how much the team were smiling and laughing as they celebrate.
"You know this is all they're going to be talking about for the next few months." Sofia laughs.
"Oh definitely." Antonella agrees before looking to me. "And how are you feeling?" She laughs, clearly picking up on how I looked.
"I couldn't even tell you." I laugh with her before she pulls me into a side hug.

I look at the big screen where it showed the team walking from where they just were back down to the pitch where they'll take some more photos for a bit then go inside to get changed.
"Come on, they'll be inside soon!" Antonella smiles, taking my hand and leading me inside where we'll be waiting for our boys.


"CHAMPIONS! CHAMPIONS!" We hear them chant as loud as they could from inside the changing rooms, definitely so the other team could hear.
"Hahaha! I bet Allegri will be going home happy!" Coach cackles with the team as they make their way outside the rooms seen as though they were changed. "You hear that you baldsack!?" He laughs loudly.
"Coach and that man." Antonella laughs, watching as Coach walks around grinning, talking to all the people stood around waiting to go back to the hotel.
"I think this is the first time I've seen Coach smile." I laugh, watching as they disappear.
"Me too!" Antonella laughs.

"So are we all going out tonight?" I ask her.
"Oh of course!" She laughs making me smile. "Obviously I won't be drinking though, so I think I'm looking after the kids tonight, but I'll still be around of course." She explains.
"I'm gonna have to buy an outfit, I didn't have time to pack a thing." I laugh, thinking about the complete rush I was in a few hours ago.
"Oh don't worry about that, I have hundreds of outfits you can keep." She smiles.
"Keep!?" I ask her. "Are you sure?"
"Of course!" She smiles back at me. "We always kick the boys out our room before we go out anyway so we'll just go there and I'll give you a bunch of things." She says.
"Thank you!" I say to her.
"No problem Av!" She grins.

A few moments later, the door of the changing room swings opens again where we see Neymar running out, jumping around on Leo, laughing at Suarez about something. I smile as I see him giggling with Leo as I realise they kept kicking the back of Suarez's knee's, who keeps trying to whack them both in return, only making them laugh more as they come closer to us.
Leo rushes to see Thiago and Antonella and Suarez goes to see Sofia, and as soon as Neymar sees me again, he puts his bag down on the floor before running over with his arms out again towards me.

I meet him half way, rushing into his arms again with a huge smile on my face. He lifts me up, spinning us around making me laugh whist he looks at me with a huge grin on his face. He then brings me back down to him on the ground, pulling me in to kiss him again.
"Awww! Look at you two!" Shakira gasps in awe. "Oh you look like you're out a Disney movie!" She smiles at us.
"Well, The Princess and The Frog was always Neymar's favourite." Leo comments making Neymar playfully roll his eyes as we stand back with them all.
"Are you saying I look like Prince Naveen!?" Neymar grins proudly.
"Ew no! Prince Naveen was a beautiful man! I meant the frog!" Leo grimaces.
"It's okay Leo, I understand how you feel deep down." Neymar sends him a wink before turning back to me.

Accidentally Married // Neymar Jr ~ DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now