Chapter 40

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~2 weeks later~


"How do you feel that it's your birthday tomorrow?" Dario asks, standing around the kitchen island as I cook him dinner. Since coming back, I've been at his house quite a lot; it really is a beautiful home I must say, but I'm definitely not moving in or anything like that, I love my home far too much and speaking of, I need to go back soon!
"Good." I respond, smiling a little bit at the thought of seeing most people. "I'm glad I'm back home in Barcelona for it." I say causing him to smile also.

"And I'm glad I'll have the whole day with my girlfriend." He comes around, kissing me on the cheek as I make his food. I force a smile, until he moves out of sight behind me to get himself a drink. I ended up not telling him about what happened on the plane, it would've just caused so much shit, plus I'm yet to see Neymar ever since the airport, or heard from him in that matter. I let out a quiet sigh at the thought of the man, trying not to think about him more than I already have been these couple of weeks before Dario speaks up.

"So, the plan is, I'm going to take you out all day." He begins, instantly making me stop. It's my birthday, I want to see my friends as well, especially with what me and the girls had already planned.
"Oh," I say before looking at him. "have you mentioned that before?" I ask, going back to the meal. "We didn't talk about that." I say quietly.
"I just thought now we're together, that's something you'd like to do with me." He furrows his eyebrows at my questionable answer. "Or not, it's up to you." He adds, a disappointed look coming onto his face, instantly causing me to feel guilty at the fact he had his hopes up, but at the end of the day, it is my birthday, not his.
"Oh no, of course! But not the full day." I say to him truthfully. This only makes him frown which I pick up on, turning off the stove as I turn to face him.

"I'm going to definitely see the girls a big chunk of the day." I begin to list to him. "I'll go back home for a bit, see Callista and the kids, they always do something for my birthday." I smile, thinking of the people back home I've grown to miss. "Plus I've been invited to my own party." I laugh, pulling up the texts from our girl group chat. Dario looks at my phone, taking it as he reads the messages.
"Six pm?" He asks, looking at me.
"Yep!" I grin. "Everyone will be there!" I excite, turning back to the cooking with a smile on my face at the thought of seeing them all.

"I've already got a reservation booked at that time." He suddenly says, instantly making my face fall.
"Oh..." I say, turning around. "Where?" I ask him.
"The most expensive restaurant around." He winks, immediately causing that familiar uncomfortable feeling to pool in the pit of my stomach.
"Next to the Cartier shop?" I ask him quickly, wondering if it's what I'm thinking of.
"Of course." He smiles, taking the food I had made him before sitting down in his seat. I think of the restaurant, that is the last place I want to go to right now, I don't care who I'm with, I just don't want to go there; especially on my birthday. I stay silent for a moment before I remember.

"We can't go there." I say quickly.
"What?" He asks, frowning yet again.
"I've been there before," I begin to explain. "I kind of got kicked out and I don't think I can go back." I laugh a little at the memory.
"How did you get kicked out??" He questions.
"Um," I think of how to word this. "Had a fight over the phone, made too much noise, got kicked out and I don't think I could go back." I say vaguely, trying not to name drop anyone that could piss off Dario. Everybody knows, everybody knows the tension between the two, it was no secret, so to avoid anything else, it's best not to speak of him around Dario.

Dario pauses for a moment, taking in what I had just explained before he sits up in his seat a little bit.
"I'm still not sure." He says, making me a little confused.
"What do you mean you're not sure?" I ask him.
"The party with them, something is bound to happen don't you think?" He says.
"Something will only happen if you let it happen." I kiss him on the cheek before walking past him, on my way to go to the garden seen as though it's almost summer so it was getting really quite warm.

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