Chapter 7

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"Is this definitely the right place?" Dani asks, looking over at Iniesta, clearly convinced he'd lead us to the wrong place.
"This is definitely the right place." He reassured, looking around the little building we were currently in, trying to search for anyone.
The building was only small and one floor; the entire room was completely empty with no other people apart from us. No one was here, no one behind the counter, nothing.
Out the corner of my eye, I see Leo clearly spooked at the eerie situation we've found ourselves in, as he grabs onto Neymar's wrist for emotional support by the looks of it, Neymar had his other arm around the kitten to protect it.

"Are you su-" He starts again until he's interrupted by a very dodgy yet somehow friendly looking dude who appears from the back room behind the counter who starts laughing excitedly, a very thick Spanish accent clear just from his laugh making us all jump, shitting ourselves. Here we go.

"Ahh! Here you are my friends! You come back for more purchases? You come back to see me no!?" The Spanish man greets us as he comes round the counter a huge grin plastered on his face as he looks between us all.
However, once he sees us all looking incredibly shocked and confused, his smile drops clean off of his face.

"What is wrong, you don't want to see me no?" He asks, looking between us, until his eye catches me and Neymar especially. "Ah you two!" He greets, approaching us, putting us both under each of his arms, as we both stood there awkwardly.
"Completely in love these two, I tell you, beautiful couple! Last night, oh, like what you see in movies, brilliant, wonderful!." He explains to the others; we just just give each other a 'wtf' look, clearly uncomfortable with being referred to that.

Iniesta returns the awkward look at us, very differently from Luis who looks like he would be mocking Neymar about this for the next 3 years, Dani who is also trying to hold back a laugh, similar to Luis, observing this situation and then Leo who is completely distracted, inspecting the décor around the building, probably judging every bit of it.

The guy picks up on the silence we're all in and his smile drops again, before Iniesta pipes up.
"Yeah we're actually here to reverse last night, you know a divorce seen as though they can't remember anything that happened?" He admits, causing the Spanish man to look a little offended and upset.

"You want divorce?" He says taken aback, appearing quite upset; we just nod slowly in agreement

"Oh." He looks down

"Well, you want a divorce, you get a divorce. It make me very sad, my favourite couple we've married so far, but we can do." He sighs, incredibly upset, walking to the behind the counter as he pulls out a box of thousands of sheets of paper.
"Oh thank the lord it's true." I breathe out a breath I was holding in, part of me was worried this man couldn't reverse what had happened. Neymar also just looks relieved.

However, I look at the man, as he begins rummaging around in his drawers. My stomach dropping a little when I see how many papers he's currently trying to go through.

"Are you sure you can find the right papers in there?" I ask, my eyes widening at the sight of paper after paper after paper filled with doubt. How on earth is he going to get the right one? It'll take well over an hour to pick out our individual sheet, oh I hope this'll be quick.
"Yes do not worry hermosa!" he looks up with a teethy smile. Well, a semi-teethy smile; he appears to be missing a few, and has some gold teeth too.
"This happens quite often, I cannot lie. The papers we put in here, we get a bunch printed every month. We get a lot of returning customers here." He responds, still flicking through the paper at a very fast pace; we all kind of side eye each other at this random guy, severely wanting to leave.

He continues to flick through the mounds of paperwork, going from pile to pile before he stops, and starts to scratch the back of his head.

"Eh, I am afraid we cannot find any paper," He announces to us laughing a little nervous.
"You're having a laugh right?" I ask, he just shakes his head.
"Can you not get some more printed?" Neymar asks placing his hands on the counter also seeming nervous and appearing very stressed again.
"Yes my boy! We're waiting on January's delivery!" He assures him grinning again.

Accidentally Married // Neymar Jr ~ DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now