Chapter 10

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"YES ONE MINUTE!" I yell to the door which was being constantly knocked on by the guy who was supposed to be picking me up at 12.

It was 11:30.

I rush to the door, with a mascara tube in my mouth and makeup brushes in my hands, I was clearly just getting ready thinking I had another 30 minutes before he came but no.
"Do you mind?" I ask. Well, slur seen as though there was a mascara tube in my mouth.
"Well hello to you too. Wow, I think at second glance you're the ogre, not me." He says, referring to yesterday and my semi-done makeup.

"I can shut you out you know, and Callista can come and get you." I threaten.
"Callista?" He questions, making me nod my head towards her house. His eyes widen and he immediately apologises before coming inside. I shut the door and begin to walk back to my bathroom down the little corridor.
"So enlighten my why you've decided to turn up 30 minutes early." I say, annoyed as I walk down the hall to my bathroom.

I expect a response from down the hall but I see him stood in the doorway of my bathroom, leaning on the doorframe, arms folded, watching me get ready.
"Dunno, I was out early so I just came here." He says, unbothered.
"Why are you in here!?" I ask him, looking at him now. He just shrugs, smirking, clearly seeing that he's managing to piss me off now, instead of the other way around.
"Get out please." I say, turning back to the mirror, moving onto concealer. I look at him in the mirror making eye contact with him, realising he still hasn't moved.
"Neymar it's too early for this." I say through my teeth getting really annoyed now. "Please just get out so I can get ready."
"It's like 11:30!" He laughs me.
"Exactly!" I state my case.

"But anyway, you don't talk to people in separate rooms." He says obviously, still leaning on the doorframe, that stupid smirk plastered on his face that had grown to annoy me.
"Then don't talk to me." I say. "Simple as that."

"Plus you look funny doing your makeup"

I pick up the biggest brush I can get and lob it at him, making it bounce right off his forehead due to his commentary.
"OW" He yells making me laugh a bit.
"That's what you deserve." I chuckle, now applying a little blush to my cheeks before I see him move his hand to my counter from beside me. "Oh wha-" I begin before I'm cut off by a beauty blender being launched at my face hitting me in my nose making my jaw drop. Oh this little piece of shit.

He slaps his hands over his mouth to attempt to stop himself from laughing when he sees the look on my face, and immediately starts to run away, me chasing after him to leave the bathroom. He turns around and shuts the door. I try to open it but he's holding it closed on the other side.
"I swear to god Neymar get off the door." I say from inside the bathroom.
"Not until you apologise for throwing a brush at me." He says from the other side, giggling like a literal child.
"I am not apologising for that!" I remark.
"Then I'm not opening the door." He responds.
"Ughhh! You're so annoying." I groan, walking away from the door.

"Why did I marry such a fool." I mutter to myself before I carry on with my makeup.

"Sábado na balada~" I suddenly hear. What.
I immediately stop applying my mascara, looking at the door with the side of my eyes.
"A galera começou a dançar~" I hear from the other side of the door, again.
"What. Are you doing." I groan out.
"Singing!" He says obviously. "E passou a menina mais linda~" He continues.
"Why are you singing!? Stop!" I yell, close to going to the kitchen and pulling a Vincent Van Gogh so I don't have to listen to this anymore but he carries on. "Oh he's doing this on purpose." I whisper to myself, understanding his intentions.

"Tomei coragem e comecei a falar~" He sings. However, the banshee now seems further away from the door, so I go to the door and swing it open, another brush in my hand.
"Nossa Nossa-" I see him dance, doing this weird hip movement and wiggle with his body, until I throw another brush at him hitting him in the back of the head. "OW" He yells out

Accidentally Married // Neymar Jr ~ DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now