Chapter 21

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I'm really gonna have to start toning down the chapter length this is already coming up 12 hours and I ain't even got to the main part 😭 UNLESS YOU'RE HAPPY WITH A 3 DAY BOOK LMAO LMK
(I wrote this at the start of the chapter. Spoiler. It ended up being 9.6K)
(OH and Ant will be Anto from now on because for some reason now every time I write Ant my skin felt itchy, okay enjoy ❤️)


"So you did all of that, got ever so close, and DIDN'T give her just one little smooch?" He says in a voice far too loud for my liking, already catching the attention of everyone in the changing room.
"Leo!" I whisper yell to him, indicating for him to pipe the fuck down before anyone hears the wrong thing.

"Okay sorry!" He whispers back, toning down his voice and lowing his head to me. "So why didn't you?" I think telling him what happened was a mistake.
"Why would I kiss her? What is wrong with you!?" I ask him "Also don't say smooch, it sounds weird..." I cringe at his choice of words.
"Okay sorry..." He apologises. "But why would you? Because you like her." He wiggles his eyebrows at me, answering my question and his own.
"How many times do I have to tell you." I groan, putting my head against the wall. "I like her, yes! But in a normal way!" I explain for the hundredth time, looking at him from the side.
"But you think she's pretty?" He wiggles his eyebrows again with a goofy smile, pointing his finger at me.
"Everyone does!" I huff, batting down his pointer.
It's not exactly a hidden fact that she's absolutely beautiful, obviously I'm not the only one who thinks that.

"Then why didn't you KISS her?" He persists, emphasising his new choice of vocabulary.
"Because!!" I state my case. I think that's a great explanation!
"Because what?" He asks. "You were scared of the pretty girl?" He taunts, sticking his bottom lip out, before doing kissy lips, coming closer to my face now trying to smooch ME.
"Shut up!" I push his face away.
"Hey! Don't mess with the goods, I have to perform soon, this is my front cover, my weapon." He explains. "This is what makes the opponents fear and the chicks cheer." He adds, fixing his face and pointing to it.
"How poetic..." I mutter sitting down on the bench, waiting for our queue to go out to the tunnel.

"Hypothetically though, what would be so wrong if you DID like her?" He asks again, following me to the bench.
"But I don't." I deny.
"That's why I said hypothetically, god Neymar you never listen!" He stresses, putting his fingers onto his temples.
"Sorry." I laugh at him before answering his hypothetical question.

"Because we both agreed to carry on our lives like usual, nothing more! We can't like each other Leo." I cover. 
"And when did you come up with this?" He asks, crossing his arms and raising his eyebrows.
"Um, the day after, when she came round I'm pretty sure." I think back to the day. Yeah, that was when we agreed to just carry on our lives like usual.
"And you're sticking to that?" He asks me like I'm stupid.
"Well, yeah..." I say quietly.

"Oh my god please you're so stubborn." I just drop my jaw, feeling offended by this insult. "You never follow any rules, so why not you know, fuck this one!" What!!?
"I wouldn't do that to her are you mad!!?" I ask, flabbergasted by his outrageous suggestion.
"Obviously not her!" He holds his temples again. "I mean the rules, fuck the rules! My god you disgusting boy!"
"Oh! Leo you need to specify!" I laugh.

"I can't w-"

"EVERYONE HERE NOW, TEAM TALK THEN GET YOUR BACKSIDES ONTO THAT PITCH!!" The bellow of coach echoes through the room. We all get up and start groggily walking towards him, not wanting to have to hear yet another talk from Coach.

"HURRY UP!" He persists, but no one hurries. "Fucks sake." He mutters, holding the bridge of his nose.

"LAST ONE HERE IS A SKIN FOR A WEEK!!" He adds, so I immediately push Leo back so he falls back onto the bench again, before running over to coach with everyone else who is now practically sprinting in this small space, refusing to be a skin yet another day.

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