Chapter 25

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Okay some people couldn't see this chapter so I actually beg this works 😭


"I can't believe you're leaving in four days!" Antonella hugs me once we've arrived to the VIP section.
It's true! Four more days here then I'm on a flight to Italy for four weeks.
I told her the day after I found out; I was going to tell her when I came home from work but I just passed out cold as soon as I came home so, so much for that plan.
"I know, I'll send you so many photos though!!" I say, still hugging her.
Honestly, I know I'm going to see her and everyone again once I come home, but that doesn't mean I'm going to miss them all so much.
"You better do!" She says, now breaking the hug and us taking our seats with the rest of the families of the players.

"I'm so excited for tonight." Antonella says once we've sat down.
"What the party?" I ask.
Yes, the party couple themselves are taking us all out after the game basically to get hammered all over again, especially if we win today, but regardless, I think we're still all going even if we don't.
"Absolutely!" She beams.
"Where is it even at?" I laugh, still being absolutely clueless as to what's going on; all I know is there's probably going to be a lot of hangovers tomorrow.
"Oh you know that massive lounge place that Dani has a special love for?" She asks and immediately my eyes go wide, knowing exactly what happened the last time we were there. "There I think! He's been going on about his karaoke again, going on about this time he'll have Adriano on with him." She laughs shaking her head before catching notice of my face.

"You okay? You look like Leo seeing Cristiano." She laughs.
"Oh, yeah, I just can't believe how many people are here." I cover, but also say truthfully, now looking around at the thousands and thousands of people all around, shocked by the complete and utter capacity here even before the game even starts.
"It's something like 99000 people tonight." She explains, looking around to everyone around the stadium. "I told you this is like the biggest game we play! Disregarding like finals and everything." She says to me.
"Clearly!" I say still a little shocked by the sheer amount of people all around us.

"Davi, are you exited to see your Papai play?" I ask Davi who's currently looking over the barrier at the pitch with Thiago, both watching their dad's warm up for the big game.
"Yeah!" He grins back to me before pointing to Neymar and Leo warming up together with Suarez.
"Awh." Antonella sticks her bottom lip out in awe before looking off to the side, her face lighting up as she lays eyes on the other two women we're sitting with today.

"Shakira, Sofia, down here!!" Antonella calls over the two women to us and to the front seats of our section. We definitely have the best seats in the stadium, hands down, we have a perfect view of everyone and everything!
They walk over to us, Shakira with Milan and Sofia on her own, I guess she left her kids at home today.
"Hey you two!" They both come over, greeting us with hugs and kisses on the cheek.
"Hey!" We greet them back as they take their seats.
"Oooh I'm so excited!" Sofia squeals, clapping her hands as she sits on the end, beside Shakira who sit's next to me.
"Excited for the game, or excited for all the drama?" Antonella asks her.
"Listen, a girl can love both." She responds. Agreed Sofia. Agreed.

"Milan baby try not to fall asleep." Shakira breathes out looking at her son, rubbing his head.
"Aw bless him did he not sleep last night?" I ask, looking down at the exhausted looking boy.
"None of us did really." She admits. "Sasha was up the whole night crying." She sighs. "I took your advice with Dani and Adriano's playlist you know!"
"Oh no." I laugh sympathetically; I wasn't serious about that!
"No no, it worked!" She grins which makes me widen my eyes in surprised. "He fell asleep like a dream. All until the man I call my husband started complaining about the noise and turned it off." She rolls her eyes. "We started arguing about it and Sasha woke up and just couldn't settle, so it's been a looong night for us all."
"Oh bless you both." I sympathise with her, looking to her and the exhausted boy.
"Oh don't worry about me! As long as I've got concealer we're all good." We both laugh at the saviour that is indeed concealer.

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