Chapter 51

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surpriseee amighoes go tell a frienddd😜jokes 💗^^^also i saw that photo on tiktok and it made me laugh i promise i'm not arrogant 😍 but anyway, i already had most of this chapter written up ageeees ago but then yeaaa... BUT IVE BEEN SO FUCKING BORED AND LITERALLY HAVE NOTHING TO DO. LIKE NOTHING.
N O T H I N G. AND I HAVE MISSED YOU ALL SM SO YEA, MIGHT START WRITING AGAIN (also please read the a/n at the end merci boucouppp🫶🫶)


I slowly begin to wake up, gradually opening my eyes, having to fight closing them all over again because of the comfort I was in. Even before I fully open my eyes, I could already feel him under me with one arm wrapped around my waist, causing me to smile before I even see him. I rub my eyes a little bit as I yawn, still feeling absolutely exhausted before I start to open my eyes more than they were before.

I had my head rested on his chest with him holding me close, laying there beneath me still yet to wake up. I look up at him, silently asleep. As soon as I look at him, I feel like all the memories of everything that happened yesterday were flowing through my head all over again. This reminds me of the first night I stayed around Neymar's a few months ago, but now, things were ever so different, and in the best way possible.

"I know I'm gorgeous, but it's rude to stare." He says in his groggy morning voice, still not opening his eyes. As soon as he speaks, I laugh under my breath, rolling my eyes at the man I thought was still asleep.
"And it's rude not to look at someone when you're talking to them." I fire back. I see his face shift into a smile before he opens one eye, looking to me. "Hi." I smile up to him. I see a wider smile come onto his face before he pulls me closer to him.
"Hi." He responds back, smiling like an idiot before burying his head closer to mine as we lay there. "You all good?" He asks, beginning to gently rub little circles on my skin.
"Yeah." I smile.
"Good." He smiles before closing his eyes again, completely content with laying here doing nothing apart from being with each other.

I admire him for a moment longer before I relax my head back on his chest again where I look to his tattoo right beside me. I prop my head up ever so slightly so I could read what it said, despite not knowing what any of it meant, before I begin tracing my finger around it, looking at what it said. I loved his tattoos, even though I didn't really know what they said or meant, he just suited them perfectly.
"That one is something we always say before a match." He explains softly, noticing me looking at his tattoo. "I got it for my dad." He says making me smile some more. Another thing I admired about him was how much love he had for his family and his friends.

"What?" He grins down at me, clearly reading my face.
"What do you mean what?" I laugh a little, looking back up to him.
"You're smiling." He says.
"So are you." I tell him.
"I wonder why." He beams. I shake my head, softly laughing before resting my head back to his chest.
"I was thinking of how much you love your friends and family." I explain, beginning to run my finger gently over a few other of his tattoos. "You have a big heart." I send him another smile. He smiles back for a moment, before taking a different approach.
"Do you know what else is big?" He asks with a mischievous look on his face.
"Oh my god." I laugh at him. "You can never be serious for one moment can you?"
"I was going to say my smile!" He says, in which I just raise my eyebrows at him. "Look!" He begins overly grinning. "Tada!" He adds, showing off his smile. I just shake my head before propping myself up.

"I'm getting up you idiot." I laugh at him, beginning to sit up.
"No! Come back." He says before wrapping his hands around my waist before I could get out of bed, pulling me back down to him.
"Neymar!" I laugh as he gets comfortable again behind me with his arms secured around my waist so I couldn't get up.
"Avi!" He copies my tone.
"You're such an idiot." I chuckle, before relaxing into his chest some more.
"You so love it." He fires back, and even though I had my back to him, I knew he had that little smile on his face I had really grown to love.
"Okay fine that's true, you're my favourite idiot." I tell him. I feel him place a few kisses on my bare shoulder, only making me smile more.

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