Chapter 31

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Technically 2 chapters in 1 day 🤭


"I'm nervous." I admit as my mother zips up the back of my dress she had picked out for me to wear tonight.
"Why?" She asks me in a sympathetic tone. "He's a lovely man, and you two got on great at the dinner! I promise this will be the exact same." She smiles.
"Yeah, but I also don't have the other two for moral support anymore remember." I remind her. After about 2 days Marc and Sergi had to go back for training unfortunately and the games coming up in future, and to be honest, the time here has gotten significantly more boring without them, but they do keep on sending me all the photos at least which always makes me laugh and smile at them both. I think my Grandad is suffering the most though, damn, he absolutely adored those two; got on like a house on fire, and he's been telling me how much he misses them already!

"The other two?" She asks. "Oh that Marcus and Sam was it?"
"Marc and Sergi." I correct her, laughing at her names for them.
"Yes them." She mutters as she fixes my hair, holding me by my shoulders in front of the mirror in front of us once she was done.

"Wow, look at you!" She grins, looking in the mirror. I just look at myself like she says, gaining a little smile on my face. My hair was straightened again, and this time I was wearing a longer black dress with a slit on the leg with heels and a little purse. It looked lovely but I've never really worn something so elegant before to be honest; I love dressing up nice do not get me wrong but this is definitely something new for me. "Beautiful!" She finishes, tapping my shoulders and walking away to get something.

I just continue to look at myself. I'm unsure about this; going on a date with Dario.

He had asked me that night of the dinner, and to be honest, I was really quite unsure. I could only really think of one thing, well, one person to be exact, but I thought back to how happy my mother was that whole meal, with this family. I don't think I've ever seen her that happy, so I said yes; and honestly, since, seeing her more and more, I don't know, I still can't believe it, but now, in a good way. Plus with Dario, it's something new, something different, he does seem like a nice man do not get me wrong; he's very charming and definitely knows his way around, but I'm really quite unsure on the dating scheme with what's going on at the moment.
I guess just carry on like normal...

"Alessia!" Her voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "There you are!" She laughs.
"Oh, sorry." I apologise.
"Come on, he's waiting!" She excites, linking my arm with her, walking towards the door and opening it, only to reveal the man himself stood by his car, waiting for me to walk down.
"This is so formal." I laugh nervously to my mother.
"I think he really likes you, that's why." She smiles.
"You think?" I ask her. "We only talked at the dinner." I remind her.
"I know, but only the best people click that fast." She gives me a little smile which I return. "Now go and have the best time dear." She smiles, kissing me on both of my cheeks before I walk down to the car waiting outside, which just happened to be a Bentley; I swear people's cars tend to fit them perfectly.

"Greetings Alessia." He welcomes me me, taking my hand, giving it a kiss like he did the other day. "Lovely to see you again." He smiles.
"Hello Dario." I give him a little smile. "You too."
"You look beautiful." He compliments, before he opens the door for me.
"Oh, thank you." I smile before getting in, sitting down in the very comfy seat, looking around at the very elegant interior before he gets into his side, smirking as he catches me looking around the car.

"Never been in a Bentley before?" He asks with a smirk, beginning to drive to wherever the destination will be, I don't know where we're going yet.
"Oh, no I haven't." I answer. I've been in a Ferrari though; a very fast Ferrari, but I probably shouldn't say that to him, so I don't.
"Well, it's a first time for everyone at some point." He laughs making me also laugh, just really quite awkwardly.
I really don't know how to act when it's just me and him yet.

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