Chapter 20

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Long chapter incominggg ❤️


"I'm sorry." I mumble, my face still burrowed in his shirt, still indeed refusing to look at him. I can't stand it when people see me genuinely cry, and not crying like when Jack dies in Titanic; I'm on about a genuine situation to be crying over, for example, now. We've been here probably for about ten-fifteen minutes now, just in the exact same place. Neither of us have moved; he's just continued to hold me close to him where I'm comfortable, just letting me get out as much as I need before I can actually talk.
"Stop apologising." He says in a quiet voice, just above a whisper. I think this is the 10th time I've apologised for all of this, I can't really help it to be honest.
"Sorry..." I say again without really thinking about my response. He stops rubbing my back, and takes his head off the top of mine to look down at me.

"Avi." He says again, laughing a little bit at my frequent apologies.
"Sor-" Oops. "Okay." I cut myself off from saying it again.
He just lets out a soft laugh before putting his chin back on my head where it was before.

"Do you want any more tissues?" He asks after a moment, referring to the sacred tissues which have been a blessing more than once today now.
"You'll do." I respond, completely content with his shirt absorbing all the tears instead. Also I don't want to move, not even for tissues.
"Okay." He says, and somehow I can feel the smile come onto his face.

"You shouldn't have to be doing this." I add. I just feel so embarrassed, I can't help it. "Especially today out of all days." I murmur.
"I wouldn't be here with you if I didn't want to you know." He tells me.
"I don't see why though." I admit. "I didn't think you liked me enough to do that."
"What?" He laughs, looking down at me.
"Don't laugh at me." I whine, hiding a little from him.
"Where did you get that from?" He laughs at me.
"I don't know!" I bury my head back into his chest in more embarrassment. "Just with- ugh I don't know." I give up. He just laughs at me.

"You know, you really don't need to hide your face." He catches my attention after a moment. "For an odd looking girl, you look quite pretty when you cry." He adds, trying to get me to look up. As soon as he says the second part, I can't help but begin to crack up straight away at his attempt of a compliment.

"That was the most backhanded compliment I've ever heard." I laugh, sort of taking my head out at his words, so now the side of my face was just laying on him instead of completely hidden.
"That's why I'm here." He laughs a little before we both go back into our silence, only this time I was barely even crying any more. I just relax back into him, letting out a deep exhale just at the thought of the entire thing. I just can't even process this all, I just never thought after everything she would do that.

"I hit her you know." I reveal to him, which immediately makes his head pop up off of mine, looking down to me.
"You did!?" He asks, sounding excited and sitting up more.
"Hit her bam like you said." I laugh a little bit at his drunken advice. "In the face."
"You took my advice!" He beams.
"I did." I chuckle.
"Was she bleeding?" He asks, still sounding very excited.
"Mhm." I confirm, which makes him let out a laugh at Gee's suffering, before I feel yet another tear trickle down my face.

"I hate crying." I groan, completely sick of the tears falling now, trying to wipe off any remaining ones still falling from my eyes.
"It's okay to cry you know." He says, looking back down to me. "I cry all the time, just look at me when I get fouled." He shrugs, reminding me of the moment when he first came round, when we watched him get fouled on the TV, causing me to let out a little laugh at the memory.

"And now you're laughing again, at my suffering." He dramatically scoffs.
"You brought it up!" I laugh, reminding him, now looking up at him, who meets my gaze.
"Whatever." He jokingly roles his eyes with a smile on his face. He just looks down to me, now being able to see me properly, before he slowly moves a piece of hair that had fallen over half my face out the way so he could see me.

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