Chapter 55

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^Dean reveal 😜


We were walking together hand in hand along the street, very close to the beach. Since it was getting dark, there were streetlights lighting up the area on either side of the place, with trees lining the roads, it was absolutely breath taking to say the least. The sun was setting, giving the sky a purpley orange colour and there wasn't many people around where we were surprisingly. Davi was running a few meters ahead of us, clearly knowing where he was going and clearly excited, however I still didn't know what this surprise was and I know that's the whole point but it was killing me. I was just told we're having dinner at this place, but he was being very vague.

"So this place..." I start.
"Mhm?" He says, looking down to me.
"So it's next to the beach." I begin to guess, trying to get more clues to whatever this surprise is.
"Yep." He nods.
"And we're having dinner with your family." I add. However, as I speak, I see the corners of his mouth curl up into a smile, making him look away to hide it. "What's with that look!?" I laugh at him.
"What!? I didn't do any look!" He laughs.
"Yes you did you pulled a face!" I point out. "You smiled and tried to hide it."
"I think you're seeing things..." He smiles, looking away.
"Yeah, right..." I narrow my eyes at him suspiciously.

"Hey Neymar!" We suddenly hear a voice call from beside us. We look over and see a man, probably about late teens or so, looking at Neymar with wide eyes and a huge grin. "Oh my god it is you!" The man squeals. "Please can I have a photo I'm a huge fan!!?"
"Sure bro!" Neymar laughs, signalling for the man to come over, which he does, very energetically. As he comes over, I step aside so they can get their photo, however Neymar stops me from moving.
"Nonono, you be in it too." Neymar gently pulls me back to him by my waist. I send him a doubting look, I didn't want to just invite myself in the photo.
"Wait are you sure?" I ask quietly to Neymar, but the man hears.
"Yeah of course! My girlfriend loves you, she follows you on everything she's gonna be so jealous." The man says, pulling out his phone for a photo which completely took me off guard but in the best way possible.
"See?" Neymar smiles before the man takes the photo with all of us in the picture.

"Thanks!" The guy beams, looking back at the photo.
"No worries." Neymar chuckles at the excited guy.
"Oh I am so posting this to the gram!" He comments before looking to us. "Is that what Lionel Messi says? I heard that's what he says when I was browsing the interweb." The guy whispers.
"Oh god his language is expanding." Neymar groans, throwing his head back a little.
"Is that a yes!?" They guy excitedly asks, looking between us both rapidly.
"I can back that." I laugh.
"Gucci!" The guy cheers. "Anyway, thanks guys! Lovely meeting you both!"
"You too, bye!" We both smile at the man who was smiling away.
"Bless him." I chuckle, watching as he practically skips off into the distance.

"You know, if he wasn't in Brazil and dressed more like a drunk hippie, I would've got those two mixed up." Neymar says, looking back at the man.
"Lionel will kill you if he heard you say that." I tell him, amused at the thought of Lionel if he heard that.
"Don't worry, we're safe here." He reminds me. "It's like an out of bounds for that man, you'd be more likely to see him repping a CR7 shirt than come to Brazil." He laughs.
"I would pay to see that." I picture. "Hey maybe me and Antonella could get you in on something this time." I nudge him.
"As long as it isn't those stupid cardboard cut outs, I'm in." He breathes out as he recalls the moment.
"What was wrong with the cut outs!?" I ask, trying to fight the smile that was coming onto my face.
"What was wrong with the cut outs!?" He repeats. I just nod my head, biting the inside of my cheek. "Girl do you know how petrifying it is to get a call at night from Lionel, saying Cristiano is in the house, then going there to investigate with Lionel himself, Thiago, slug repellent and one singular broom to fight off big hench Cristiano; then opening a bathroom door to see Karim Benzema's beady eyes staring you down from the shower?" He lists. "Thank god I'm not a 15 year old girl..." He mutters.

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