Chapter 48

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oh no! honestly need to sort this out and buy some grippy gloves because i keep dropping my laptop and letting my fingers slip 🙄🙄


"OOOOH!" The whole crowd yells in anticipation as the keeper manages to save a shot I had kicked in the top right corner. I get out a little huff as he hits it over the crossbar and earning a corner instead, however I was still as determined as ever, completely focused on the game.
"Nice shot Ney!" I hear Suarez yell in encouragement as we push up into the box. The whole stadium was screaming, we've been the better team by far, we just needed this goal and here we had a chance.

"Ney this one is to you!" Leo says, trying to lose the defender who was hot on his feet, making sure Leo didn't have any way of getting off him.
"Alright!" I say back as the ball gets kicked. It comes flying to the centre of the box, coming my way perfectly, but I feel someone come beside me, pulling on my shirt, throwing me back behind him and pushing himself in front of me, causing him to receive the ball again and uproar to occur across the stands.
"PUTA REF DO YOUR JOB!" Leo yells at the referee who really had been annoying him this whole game, and due to his ACDC pre workout, he was not keeping his opinions to himself.

But I don't sit around complaining, instead I chase the ball to the player right near me who now had it. He passes the ball to his teammate quickly, but I keep up the pressure, eager to get that ball back as this was definitely our chance to equalise.
He panics on the ball, passing it back attempting to do a one-two, but I manage to intercept the pass, gaining possession of the ball again, causing another wave of screams to erupt throughout the stands from both team's fans, both for different reasons. I continue to dribble up the pitch again, just managing to make about a meter outside the box until I get heavily knocked down by another player.

"OW!" I yelp out in pain at the sudden force barging me down.
"Oooh!" The stadium cringes as I get knocked to the floor from the brutal hit, especially on my ankle, making me hold it in pain as I lay on the ground for a moment.
"Let him get up, let him get up, let him get up!" The referee says, rushing over after blowing his whistle.

"Damn I ain't even touch that guy! He's diving man!" The defender who was clearly lying attempts to claim.
"We all saw it Andrea!" Leo says to the man who had tackled me hard before coming over, kneeling down next to me. "Neymar are you alright!?" Leo asks.
"Yeah yeah, I'm good." I say, now sitting up and holding onto my ankle which had taken a big knock, but there was about 10 minutes left now including injury time, we still needed two more goals and I wasn't getting taken off. So instead, I roll it around a few times trying to loosen it up, wincing slightly as I do, but it would be fine for the rest of the game.

"Did we get a free kick?" I ask Leo, still sat on the ground moving my ankle, trying to look at the crowd of players trying to negotiate.
"Umm." He turns around looking at the now angry Juventus team who were previously arguing with the referee and our team. "Yep! Seems like the referee has finally managed to do his job. Why?" He asks.
"Okay good." I say before jumping back up.

"You're a bad man Neymar, a bad man." Leo laughs before the referee blows his whistle, publicly announcing the free kick, again, causing more and more cheers to erupt; this free kick was right outside the box.

"Lionel you take it!" Xavi instructs, throwing Leo the ball as he jogs up into the box with the other forwards and midfielders.
"No Neymar's taking it!" Leo suddenly says causing me to look at him instantly in disbelief. He has easily been this game's man of the match, he's played far better than me, why is he giving me this free kick?

"What? No Leo you take it." I tell him, he's been playing amazing this whole game, he deserves to take this.
"Neymar." He puts a hand on my shoulder. "You're the best free kick taker here." He says sincerely looking at me.
"Leo." I give him a look. He was clearly the best free kick taker on the team.
"You are when you believe in yourself." He says. "You're taking this one." He says with a small smile causing me to smile back at him.

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