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AN: This is pretty short, but I really do hope you guys will like it. I rewrote this tons of times.

You laid your hand on the doorknob to the beach house. You were nervous... anxious...

"I don't like this feeling..." you muttered as you turned to look at Mahiru. "Last chance to back out."

"I— I can't... if I want to get past this, and put this horrible nightmare behind me... I need to talk to him."

And with that, you gently opened the door... and you weren't expecting what you saw...


You exclaimed in surprise as you saw Peko and Fuyuhiko sitting on a bench.

"Y/N." she calmly greets you. "What're you doing here?"

She doesn't have anything to do with the game, right...?

"I can say the same to you." you replied back.

"What the hell?!" Fuyuhiko exclaimed as he sat up. "This shit doesn't concern you! Get the fuck out of here!"

You walked forward, making sure to keep Mahiru behind you. "I'm not going anywhere."

You then see Peko stand up, it looked like she was reaching for her sword, but Fuyuhiko raised his hand, stopping her.

What the hell...?

"You wanted to talk about the game, right?" you hear Mahiru say from behind you. "Y/N, played it too, so he can stay..." she finished as she walked up next to you.

"That's no fuckin' surprise..." he spat out. "He's always on your ass..."

"Why is Peko here?" you asked. "Why does it seem like... you're almost controlling her...?"

Peko just stood there as she silently observed everything. She hasn't moved from the bench.

Is she... being blackmailed to do his bidding or something...?

"Hey, don't worry about it and shut the fuck up!" he spat at you. "This is between me and Mahiru! Now start talking! What do you know about that game!?"

Mahiru doesn't respond for a few seconds, she looks to the ground.

"I-If that game really is real... Did... did you kill Girl E...?"

"H-Huh?!" he stammered. "I-I don't wanna hear about that!"

"T-The fact that your sister was killed is horrible... and the fact that I... might've helped conceal it hurts deeply, but... you shouldn't have killed that girl!" she shouted out.

"W-Who cares about that!? Answer me! What do you know about the game!?"

"You had no right to do that! Nobody has the right to judge others for their crimes! Revenge is just wrong...!"

"You fuckin...! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!"

Fuyuhiko quickly kneeled down and began feeling under the bench. He begins pulling out a bat, but your cognitive abilities kicked in, and you grabbed a hold of the bat before he could do anything with it.

"Gr...! You better fucking let go!" Fuyuhiko yelled as you both fought over the bat.

"Young Master!" you hear Peko exclaim. You then felt an urge surged through you and you preemptively dodged an attack from Peko herself. This causes you to lose hold of the bat.

"P-Please stop!" Mahiru desperately shouts.

Peko tries to strike you again, but you dodged it and quickly backed up, placing Mahiru behind you. Peko began to make her way towards you, but Fuyuhiko stopped her.

"P-Peko! What's gotten into you!?" you tried to get through to her, but to no avail.

"Wh-What're you doing!? Why are you doing this!?" Mahiru cried.

"Isn't it fuckin obvious?!" Fuyuhiko shouted as he clenched the bat tighter. "You... You covered up my sister's murder!"

"Goddammit, don't you fucking understand!?" you shouted. "This is exactly what Monokuma wants! He's just trying to fuel your bloodlust! The game could be fake!"

"You don't fucking get it! Goddammit, I got a photo of my fucking sister with her head split open! Just like what happened in the game!"

"You already killed Girl E!" you explained. "What's killing me or Mahiru going to accomplish!?"

"I... I gotta see it for myself... no way she can be dead... If I gotta kill to get out of here, then I might as well take out the accomplice while I'm at it!"

"Dammit, Fuyuhiko, think! Think! Monokuma is just playing you!" you shouted. "Monokuma made that game for fucks sake!"

"No, the game has to be real!" he shouted before his grip on the bat loosened. "But... how could I forget... that my own sister died...?"

I'm slowly getting through...

"Maybe she didn't die! You have to have hope, hope that she isn't dead!"

"T-That game has been on my mind ever since I played it..." Mahiru said. "The photos you showed me, I just couldn't help but believe it was real, but... Monokuma made it, right? M-Maybe it's really fake after all..."

"I..." Fuyuhiko stumbled onto the bench. "Could Monokuma really be...?"

"Young Master...?"

There she goes with the Young Master thing again... what the hell...?

"I... like to believe that she isn't..."he mumbled as he drops the bat. "But those photos...! She looked so real! How does Monokuma fake that!?"

"Monokuma can do anything, Fuyuhiko. He noticed your bloodlust and he exploited it. You shouldn't give into him so easily, no matter how real it seems."

You walked over to him and held out a hand. "Monokuma is the real enemy here, not me, not Mahiru. Please, don't give him what he wants. Escape with us, and you can see your sister with no regrets..."

Fuyuhiko hesitantly grabs your hand and you pulled him off of the bench. He walks over to the door.

"I'm sorry."

And with that, he walks out of the beach house. Peko quickly follows after him and you collapsed to the floor as the adrenaline you had started to wear off.

"I... I hope that's the end of this... maybe we can finally put this game behind us..."

"Y/N...!" Mahiru cried out as she wraps her arms around you. "I-If you weren't here..."

"Shush... let's not think about that..."

You and Mahiru held each other for quite some time, grateful that things went the way it did.


Yeah, as I said before, I do hope you guys like this. I rewrote this a bunch of times, and even now I *still* don't know if I like it.

I honestly might rewrite this in the future if I can get a better idea of things, but for now, this'll be the end result.

Please, let me know what you think!

*DISCONTINUED* Ultimate Cognizant (Danganronpa 2 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now