Kazuichi's Mega Awesome Plan! (Oh, and the Ultimate Fanservice Chapter!)

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This is a pretty long one, enjoy!

You looked up at the clock in the beach house and read it.

2:00... Hajime and Kazuichi will be at the Supermarket soon...

You pulled away from Mahiru and stood up.

"Y/N..." Mahiru stood up as well. "Do you really think we can put all this behind us?"

"I'd like to... I'd like to forget about that game." you admitted. "Fucking Monokuma... I bet he's laughing at us all right now. Especially you and Fuyuhiko."

"I... I want to try and forget everything from the past couple days... Everything not including the moments with you of course...!" She flashes you a shy smile. "Although... do you think Fuyuhiko will...?"

"Forget it? I really hope so, his sorry seemed sincere enough... Maybe he'll cooperate with us from now on... Although, he definitely needs to earn our trust. After what he tried to do, I'm definitely not going to forgive him that easily."

"Peko, too! I... I wonder what came over her..."

"Maybe her and Fuyuhiko have some history we don't know about..." you theorized.

No way is she being blackmailed after she tried to... she wouldn't go that far if she was being blackmailed... right?

"Anyway, I should get going... I need to see Hajime and Kazuichi about something. Unless you need me to...?"

"O-Oh, no, it's fine!" she smiled at you as she looked at the clock. "Now that you mention it, Sonia wanted to talk to me about something too, so I should go see her."

"I could walk you there, if you want?"

"I... I'd like that."

Before you left, you grabbed the bat off the ground.

"It's probably best to not leave this here. I'll return it to the supermarket or maybe put it in my cottage."

"That's... actually a good idea."

You then took out your handbook and looked for Sonia, she was at her cottage. You then walked Mahiru over there. You bid her farewell and were about to leave until she grabbed your hand.

"Th-Thanks... for everything. I..."

She stops herself as she gives you a shy smile with a blush.

"A-Actually, never mind. I can always tell you later."

Mahiru then knocked on Sonia's door, and you took that as your que to leave. You stopped by your cottage and put the bat inside. You were then on your way to the supermarket. Once you got there, you saw Hajime there already waiting.

"Oh, heya, Y/N!" he greets you with a smile. "You came here early too, huh?"

"Yeah, thought I might as well." you chuckled.

"So, what do you think Kazuichi wants with us?"

"I dunno, but whatever it is, I hope it's something casual... I've had one crazy fuckin' day..."

"Really? What happened?"

"Don't... worry about it..."

You wanted to tell him what happened, but you thought it was best to keep it to yourself in case it would freak him out.

Maybe I'll tell him later...

Before Hajime could question you any further, Kazuichi shows up.

"Whaaaaaaa?! You guys are already here!? And I thought I was early!"

*DISCONTINUED* Ultimate Cognizant (Danganronpa 2 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now