Movie Theater

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"The Wizard of Monomi?" you repeated the big sign out front of the movie theater. "Well, there goes an hope I have of this place being any decent..."

"I don't why you would think that to begin with..." Hajime chuckled as you both walked inside.

The inside is what you expect from a traditional movie theater. There was a counter with drinks and popcorn, but what wasn't normal is a couple of certain small bears behind the counter...

"Hi! Hello!" Monotaro gleefully greeted.

"We're currently showing right now..." Monophanie explained. "So, please wait five minutes for the next showing to start."

"Showing...?" Hajime repeated. "This movie theater is actually showing stuff?"

"Open your eyes!" Monotaro shouted. "This is a movie theater, isn't it!? What would be the point of the a theater without showing a movie!?"

"What's the point of most of these places...?" you muttered.

"Whatever, this is a new motive, isn't it? Just like Twilight Syndrome Murder Case?" Hajime asked.

You couldn't help but tense up at that name.

"No matter what, I'm never going to see your guys' movie!" Hajime continued.

"Aw, and we were thinking of giving you a ticket..." Monophanie sadly said.

"But we won't allow you to *NOT* watch it!" Monotaro exclaimed.


"I'd rather not watch something Monokuma made after playing that game..."

"You're still going on about that game!?" Monotaro questioned. "That game was a shoddy piece of garbage! This movie is a masterpiece!"

"We're still not watching it." Hajime said. "There's nothing you can do about."

"S-Such reckless behavior!" Monophanie cried. "Daddy will not accept such behavior!"

"Only way father will forgive you is... if you buy this!" Monotaro said as he pulled out a sticker. The sticker had Monokuma on it with it saying, "I'm sorry, I was born stupid".


"Don't mess with me!" Hajime shouted. "I don't even have that kind of money!"

"Besides... not like we'll ever give you that kind of money." you added on.

"Then you pay us back once you get off the island!" Monotaro explained. "Or, you know, you could watch Father's..."

"Fine, I'll pay it." Hajime suddenly said.

"Yeah, that's right!" you suddenly looked at him. "Wait, what?"

"Whoa! How surprising!" Monotaro said.

"As long as I can pay it after I get out of here... I'll pay anything! Even 1.5 million dollars!"

"Daddy will be so proud of us!" Monophanie exclaimed. "You're the first to buy this sticker for that price!"


"Oh, shut up, you stupid-head!" Monotaro snapped. "Can't you see that we're about to be rich!?"


"Yeah! Daddy will still be proud of us! Quit being so negative!"


"Just give me the stupid sticker already..." Hajime deadpanned.

"Here you go!" Monotaro headed him the sticker. "Make sure you wear it with pride!"

"I honestly can't believe you bought it..."

"Oh, the showing is about to end!" Monophanie said. "We should prepare our questionnaire for Daddy!"

Suddenly, the door that lead into the actual part of theater busted open, and out stepped Nagito, who had a disgusted look on his face.

"Ooo, Nagito!" Monophanie greeted. "Would you please answer our questionnaire?"

"It doesn't matter if I answer it..." he muttered as he looked to the side. "That movie was so boring it was torture. Minutes felt like weeks while I was watching it."


"I thought it was going to be another motive, but I guess not... What a disappointment..." he said in a dejected tone. "If money would've settled this... I should've just settled it with money..."

"Why am I not surprised...?"

"Well, looks like we definitely made the right call by not watching it." Hajime simply replied.

You were about to leave the theater, but a poster next your door caught your eye...

"Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls...? Sounds like some spinoff."

The poster showed a high school girl fighting Monokuma with some blaster megaphone weapon. Weird.

"I guess if it's something about fighting Monokuma, I'd buy it." you said as you walked out of theater with Hajime soon following behind you.

"Well... I guess we've covered all the grounds." you said as you looked around the island one more time.

"I guess so... and I now owe Monokuma 1.5 million dollars."

"I still can't believe you did that!"

"I'd say it was worth it, I mean, did you see how depressed it made Nagito of all people?"

"Very true..."

Soon, the nighttime announcement played, and you and Hajime returned to your respective rooms.

This islands weirder than the last... I wonder what's in store this time...


I haven't seen Fuyuhiko or Peko at all while exploring the island... are they up to something?


I hope not, but I need to keep an eye out...

You lied down onto your bed and soon, sleep engulfs you.


AN: Sorry guys! I didn't expect this to be so short! Obviously, there wasn't a Fuyuhiko hospital scene, and I didn't want this to carry into the next morning, so it was super short.

Expect another chapter soonish!

*DISCONTINUED* Ultimate Cognizant (Danganronpa 2 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now