💝future💝 (Valentines day)

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This one-shot takes place in the future In which, Brett and Reagan are married and have a daughter.
Reagan's POV
I woke up alone in the bed me and Brett share. I smell food cooking, He must be making breakfast. I smile knowing I have the best husband I could've asked for. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. I look In the mirror. My hair is messy and I'm wearing one of Brett's T-shirts and some comfortable shorts. I walked downstairs to see my wonderful husband making breakfast. I really love him.
I look at the calendar and remember that tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I already have my gift for Brett. I got him an airbud plush and some chocolate in a cute heart-shaped box. I wish I had done more. I feel bad. "Reags? You okay?" I hear Brett and quickly snap out of my thoughts "oh sorry yeah I'm fine!" I quickly say assuring Brett that I'm fine. "I've planned the day for you and Rachel (their daughter) I hope that's okay," Brett says.
"I have some things I need to take care of so I thought it would be fun for you and the gang to go hang out!"
"Oh okay! Sounds fun" I say as I smile.
"Can you get Rachel up, please? Breakfast is ready." Brett says as he puts Bacon, eggs, and waffles on a plate.
"Of course," I say as I get up from the table and walk upstairs to Rachel's room.
Our daughter is so sweet just like Brett. She has Brett's hair color and personality.  And she has my facial features. She loves animals. She always carries a stuffed bear wherever she goes. (She's 5 btw) I walk into her room to see her asleep. "Rachel darling it's time to wake up," I say in a calm tone while gently tapping her shoulder. She groans and wipes her eyes as she begins to wake up. "Mommy!" She says fully awake now as she leaps and hugs me. I smile at her. "Good morning darling! Did you sleep well?" I say as I hug her back. "Yep!" She says cheerfully.  "Can you get dressed, please? We have some fun plans today!" I say in a cheery voice. "Okay, mommy!" She says as she runs to her closet to pick out an outfit. She doesn't have many dresses as she doesn't like wearing them. She grabs a cute light blue shirt with an Elephant on it along with some light yellow pants. I hold her hand as we walk downstairs and see Brett putting plates with breakfast on them on the table. "Good morning Rachel!" He says greeting her. "Good morning daddy!"
Me and Rachel sit down at the table with Brett and start eating. "What are we doing today?" Rachel asks. "You and Mommy are going to hang out with some friends!" Brett responds
"Will aunt Gigi be there?" (Gigi BEGGED Reagan and Brett to let Rachel call her Aunt)
"Yep!" I say smiling at her. "Yay!!" she cheers. We finish eating and I go upstairs to get dressed. I wear a choose a plain T-shirt with some black jeans. I walk downstairs and grab my purse. "Alright, Rachel are you ready to go?" I ask looking at her. "Yep!" She responds.
"Okay good," I say as I walk towards Brett who was standing near the door waiting to make sure we get out safely. "Bye darling~" I say as I kiss his cheek. "I love you"
"I love you too. Be safe!" He said hugging me and kissing my cheek in return.
"We will!" I say as I smile at him and he smiles back. "Bye Rachel," he says as he kneels down and hugs her. "Bye Daddy!" She responds hugging him back. He gently kisses her forehead and lets her go as we walk out the door she waves at him and he waves back.  We get in the car and I drive us to the mall which is where Brett told me the group would be hanging out. I texted Gigi when we got to the parking lot asking where we should meet. She said they were all hanging out in the food court so me and Rachel get out of the car and walk into the food court. "What is daddy doing today mommy?" Rachel asks me curiously. "I'm not sure. He just said he had some things to do so probably things for work." "Oh okay!" She responds as she looks around the food court seeing all the restaurants and people. "Aunt Gigi!" She yells as she runs up to Gigi who is talking to Andre and myc. "Hey, Rachel! How are you?" She asks. "I'm great!" She says with a huge smile.
"That's good!" Gigi smiles back. "Reagan! How are you?" She says as she walks up to me and pulls me to the table Andre and Myc are sitting at with Rachel now sitting next to the seat Gigi was in. "I'm good! How about you?" I ask as we both sit down. "I'm doing great!" She responds as she ruffles Rachel's hair. "So what are you and Brett doing for Valentine's Day~?" Andre chimes in. "Oh, I'm not sure yet. Brett's been a bit busy lately so we haven't discussed that yet." I add being a bit embarrassed. "Oh yeah Brett's totally not planning a surprise for yo-" Andre says while Gigi punches his shoulder. "Uh hehe ignore him," Gigi says. "What should we do?"
"Ooohh Mommy can we go to the toy store? Pleeeeeaaaaaseeeee" Rachel begs adorably. "Sure I don't see why not," I say with a smile. Although I wonder what Andre meant when he said Brett's "not" planning a surprise.. is that what he's doing right now? Hmm, I need to focus on having fun right now and making sure Rachel doesn't get out of control with excitement and energy. "All right let's go to the toy store Rachel!" Gigi says grabbing her hand as they stand up.  "What will you guys do?" I ask Myc and Andre "oh we're going to Spencer's" Myc responds as him and Andre both stand up as well. "That really doesn't surprise me." Me and Gigi say at the same time. "Alright let's meet back here in an hour," I say setting an alarm on my watch. "Okay!" Everyone says. Me, Gigi, and Rachel walk to the toy store in the mall.
Brett's POV
I hope Reagan and Rachel have fun with the gang. I'm sure they will. I need to set up my surprise for Reagan. I grab my keys and get into my car.  I drive to the closest party store and pick up some red and pink balloons, streamers, and confetti. I grab a Valentine's Day card they had that was plain on the inside but had a cute picture of roses on the front. I also grab a cute teddy bear holding a heart-shaped pillow for Rachel since she loves animals. I pay for the items and walk back to my car and go to a flower shop. I walk in and look at all the flowers. They're all so pretty. I grab some roses to match the decorations and the theme of Valentine's Day. I walk across the street to a store I can get some lights and chocolates for Reagan. Once I find a nice set of chocolate and lights. I go back to my car and drive to the beach which is about an hour away from our house. There's a beautiful dock I plan to decorate and make look amazing. I REALLY hope Reagan likes this. I truly love her. I finally arrive at the beach about an hour later and start setting up everything.
Reagan's POV:
After walking around in a bunch of stores In the mall it was time to meet back up with Myc and Andre. Rachel found a cat plushie she LOVED so Gigi bought it for her. Gigi loves to spoil her. I love seeing Rachel so happy. So does Brett. I wish he was here right now. We finally made it back to the food court and we decided we should get some food before we leave. I got Rachel her food first and she decided on pizza because what kid wouldn't want pizza?
*time skip to that evening*
Brett's POV
I got everything set up just before Reagan got home. Thank goodness she didn't find out.
I can't wait to see her right now, I've been thinking about her all day. "Hey darling~" Reagan says cutely while smiling at me.
"Welcome back hun~" I respond hugging her and kissing her cheek. I can see Rachel is pretty tired so I pick her up and carry her to her bed and Reagan follows me upstairs. We tuck her in and say goodnight to her. I gently kiss her forehead and Reagan does the same. We quietly leave her room as she's already asleep cuddling her new cat plushie. I hold Reagan's hand as we walk into our room for the night. Reagan gets changed into her pajamas which consists of one of my T-shirts and some shorts. I do the same and we sit on the bed and start cuddling.
"I missed you, hun~" I say to Reagan as we're cuddling in bed. "I missed you too darling~" she responds sweetly as she leans in and kisses me. I kiss back. God, I love her!
I can't wait for her to see the surprise tomorrow. we talked while cuddling and watching movies all night.
*The next day (Valentine's Day)*
Reagan's POV
I wake up in Brett's arms. That's the best way to wake up in my opinion. "Morning hun~ happy Valentine's Day!" He says sweetly while smiling at me and kissing my cheek. "Happy Valentine's Day to you to babe!" I say as I sit up and stretch. He does the same. "Reags go ahead and get dressed okay? I have something special planned and we need to get Rachel to Gigi's house she'll be watching her today." Brett explains while grabbing his clothes." okay!" I say excitedly. I can see he's grabbing his suit so I go to the closet and grab my favorite dress and I walk into the bathroom and begin to change. Once I'm done I look in the mirror.
This is what she's wearing:

 This is what she's wearing:

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"This looks good." I think as I smile. I walk out of the bathroom and head downstairs to see Brett wearing this

 I walk out of the bathroom and head downstairs to see Brett wearing this

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"H-hey Babe.." he says shyly. I blush as I brush some of my hair behind my ear. I walk up to him "I guess we match huh~" I say as I smirk at him. He blushes and walks into the living room where Rachel is. She's finishing packing some things in a bag including her favorite plushies. "Almost ready Rachel?" Brett asks while he smiles at her. "Yep! I'm soooo excited to spend the day with Aunt Gigi!!" She says jumping in excitement. "Alright, then let's get going!" Brett exclaims. "Come on Rachel!" I say happily while I hold her hand and walk her to the car. She hugs me before climbing in the car and I hug her back of course. I smile at her and help her get in the car. Brett gets in the driver's seat while I get in the passenger's seat. I smile as I look at him and back at Rachel who is swinging her legs out of excitement. We arrive at Gigi's and drop off Rachel. We begin to drive to wherever Brett has planned for us to go.
*Time skip to when they arrive*
Third person POV
"Reags before we get out of the car put this on," Brett says while handing Reagan a blindfold. "Okay." She says while putting it on.
Brett gets out of the car and helps Reagan get out as well. As soon as she's out of the car he picks her up. "W-woah," Reagan says blushing
Brett walked holding Reagan for a bit until he finally came to a stop and set her down.
"Alright, you can take off your blindfold now!"Brett says while being excited for her to see the surprise. Reagan pulls off the blindfold and looks in front of her. She sees a deck on the beach decorated with beautiful lights and red streamers and balloons and confetti on the floor of the deck. Brett grabs Reagan's hand and brings her onto the deck and hands her the chocolates and roses. "Y-you set all this up for m-me?" Reagan said tears of joy filling her eyes. "Yes. I love you so much Reagan, I wanted to do something special for you this Valentine's Day. "I love you so much!!" Reagan said while hugging Brett with her arms around his neck she moves her head to look at Brett and they lean in and kiss. "Happy Valentine's Day darling~" Brett says to Reagan while they both smile looking at each other lovingly.

WHOAH LONG CHAPTER... I really hope this isn't too long 😭 I really enjoyed writing this one. I'm using my Breagan fanfic to cope with the cancellation of inside job and I hope this helps anyone else who's sad about it too! For now, let's just enjoy the amazing show we were able to watch and how much these characters impacted our lives. Also, my best friend helped me come up with the main plot for this one shot! Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this long one-shot!

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