💔Ron Pt.2🥀

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Omg, y'all!! 139 reads??? TYSM!
When first made this book I honestly thought no one would read it. tysm for all the support! <3333

Brett's POV
I woke up in my bed my hair a mess and my face still red from crying. Today is Saturday so I don't have to go to work thankfully. I don't think I can handle seeing Reagan right now.
I check my phone to see a few messages.

-Work chat-
Gigi: Hey Brett are you doing okay? I know you said you got sick yesterday.

Reagan: Brett are you alright? Should I come over to check on you?

Andre: Do you need some drugs?? They will make you feel better!

Reagan: Andre really??

Andre: what? They really will make him feel better! I'm not lying.

Myc: can y'all shut up!! You're blowing up my phone 😑

Reagan: I will block you if you don't stop Myc. This is important!


Gigi: OMFG STOP. This is about Brett.

How do I even respond to that..?
Seeing Reagan's message made my stomach hurt. How can I even talk to her right now?
Well, she's getting worried so I need to respond.

-Work chat-
Brett: Hey guys I'm okay. Sorry for not responding. My stomach just hurts that's all.

Reagan: okay please let me know if you need anything!

God, she's so sweet. Ugh, why do I have to like her... I lay down on my bed and cover my face with a pillow as I scream in frustration.
I need to do something about this. I can't live like this. "I think I know what to do."
I say to myself. Reagan gave me Ron's number after we first met.

Brett: hey this is Brett.. can we meet somewhere? I need to talk about something.

Ron: oh uh sure. Let's meet at the coffee shop in town around 3:00 pm. Does that work for you?

Brett: Yeah that's fine. See you at 3:00.

I turn off my phone and check the time. It's only 10:30 am. Now I just need to think about what to say and prepare myself.

*Time skip*
I arrive at the coffee shop and as soon as I walk In I see Ron sitting at a table while looking at his phone. I walk up to the table and sit across from him. "Hey." He says looking up from his phone. "Hey sorry this is gonna be pretty awkward but I need to talk about something.." I say while looking down while fidgeting with my fingers "That's alright. But why did you want to talk to me and not someone you know a bit better?" He asks while taking a sip of his coffee.
"well they wouldn't understand and it's about Reagan," I say while looking up at him hoping to myself that when I tell him he won't be too mad. "Oh?" Ron says curiously.
"Before I tell you what it is I just want you to know I have nothing against you.." I say preparing myself. "I like Reagan.. and it's really bothering me so I felt like I needed to tell you." I say looking at him. He had a surprised expression on his face but that quickly changed into more of an annoyed face. I can tell he's not happy.. "oh.." he says while looking away. "Well, I appreciate that you told me." He says with a small smile but I can tell he's not happy. "Please don't tell Reagan!" I quickly say. "Okay, I won't." He says awkwardly. "W-well I need to go.." Ron says as he gets up and walks away. "Ugh great, he probably hates me now." I mumble to myself. I get up and walk back to my car. I go home and sleep until I wake up from hearing my phone go off.
Call from: Reagan
I quickly pick up and as I do I start to worry. I hope Ron didn't tell her.
"Hey Brett. Are you feeling better? I just wanted to check in." She says in a concerned tone. I sigh in relief knowing Ron didn't tell her.
"Yeah, I'm okay now. Sorry for worrying you!" I say trying to sound normal.
"Oh, it's okay! Since your feeling better do you wanna hang out? I'm pretty bored." She says sounding happier now knowing I'm okay.
"S-sure!" I respond being happy she wants to spend time with me especially because she's been with Ron so much lately.
"Great! Come over to my house!" She says happily.
When I get there I see her working on one of her inventions. God, she's so beautiful when she's focused.. AH pay attention, Brett! "Hey, Reagan!" I say in my normal happy tone.
"Ah hey, Brett!" She gets up and hugs me. I immediately blush at how close she is.
We decided to watch a movie on the tv and we were sitting kinda close and I almost put my hand on hers when her phone started ringing. Dang, it. I know she's already dating but I wanted to just hold her hand for a moment... no Brett that's so wrong!!
Reagan picks up the phone. "Oh hey, Ron! What's up?" Ugh, ron really??

Ron's POV
I can't stop thinking about Reagan so I decided to call her. "Hey, Ron! what's up?" She asks when she picks up. "Oh nothing really I just couldn't stop thinking about you~" I say smiling just thinking about her. "Aw, you're so sweet!" She giggles. "What are you up to?" I ask curiously. "Oh, I'm just hanging out with Brett right now. We're watching a movie." She says happily. Brett? Really? Why does she even hang out with him.. and who does he think he is telling me he likes her and then goes and hangs out with her? Is he trying to steal her from me? Well, I'm not gonna let that happen. "Oh alright, I'll leave you guys be then. I love you~" I say sweetly. "I love you too~!" She says giggling again. There's no chance Brett can steal her from me. I hang up as I start to think. If he really wants to try and take her from me I'm not gonna make it easy for him.

Brett's POV
Ugh.. does he have to call her so much? Just about every time me and Reagan are hanging out we always get interrupted by Ron.

*Time skip to Monday*
Brett's POV
Everyone is at lunch including me and Reagan. We're having a normal conversation when all of a sudden Ron walks in. What on earth is he doing here??? He doesn't work here.
He walks up to Reagan and sits next to her ignoring that I'm here. "Hi, babe~" he says as he puts his hand on her cheek. "O-oh Ron, what are you doing here?" She asks as she blushes. "I had the day off so I thought I'd visit you." He says as he smirks and pulls her closer to him. He kisses her and when she's distracted he glares at me. So he wants to be like that huh... fine.
I grab Reagan's hand. "So Reagan how has your day been?" I ask and gently let go of her hand. She's blushing a lot now. "Oh, I'm good thanks for asking Brett!" She smiles at me sweetly. "Hey, Ron! Let's use this as an opportunity to all hangout!" She says as she smiles at both of us. "How about all three of us go to the mall after work?" She suggests excitedly. "Sure!" I Say happily.
"Um okay," Ron says as he smiles. Reagan gets back to eating and isn't looking at Ron as soon as she looked away Ron glared at me again. He really wants to show me that I don't have a chance with her.  We'll see how this goes.
*After work* 
Ron's POV
"Hey, Brett!" Reagan calls to him as he enters the mall. "Hey, Reags! Hi, Ron" he says as he smiles at us. He's a nice guy but I won't let him take Reagan away from me. And what the hell does he think he's doing.. "Reags" ?? He gave her a nickname??
"So what should we do first?" Reagan asks looking at both of us. "How about we go into that photo booth over there?" Brett suggests "we should get some fun pictures!" Oh no. He's planning to take her in there alone, isn't he. Not while I'm here he's not. "Well some pictures of all three of us could be fun" I reply making sure it's with all of us and not just Brett and Reagan.
"Okay great idea Brett!" Reagan says as she pulls both of us to the photo booth. We all get in awkwardly and start taking pictures as we smile at the camera. I kiss Reagan's cheek in one of the photos. I can tell by Brett's face he's pretty jealous about that.
We get out and grab the photos. Brett's face was disappointed when he saw the photo of me kissing Reagan. I thought I was doing good until I notice Brett is holding Reagan's hand. Why does she let him do that?? I'm her boyfriend! I should be the one holding her hand. She probably thinks Brett just does it because he's her best friend.
Brett's POV
Ron obviously knows what he's doing so to get back at him I continue to hold Reagan's hand. This is something we do surprisingly often and Reagan doesn't mind. She seems to enjoy it as well.
Ron's POV
"Let's go to the food court and get some food." Reagan says. "Okay!" I respond walking next to her and grabbing her free hand. She blushes when she realizes both of us are holding her hands. She lets go of both of our hands and walks ahead of us seeming a bit uncomfortable. I look at Brett and can tell he feels bad for making her uncomfortable. I feel bad too. Us fighting like this is childish. "Hey, Brett.. I'm sorry about all this.. fighting. It was really childish of me to fight you. You were mature and told me about your feelings and I got jealous. I'm sorry." I say quietly walking next to him as we both look at Reagan who's walking in front of us. "It's okay! I'm sorry I started fighting too. We both care about Reagan and that's all that matters. We should hang out sometime!" He says holding his hound out to me as I smile and shake it.
Brett's POV
I'm glad me and Ron are friends now, but I can't help but feel this pain in my chest again. I know my relationship with Reagan will never be like Ron and Reagan's. I feel tears filling my eyes. I quickly wipe them away and continue walking and put on a smile.

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