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Thank you all so much for 437 reads!! I'm so thankful for everyone who reads and enjoys my books! And please don't hesitate to leave suggestions!

Reagan's POV
I walk into the office where everyone else is and I set my things on the table. "Alright everyone as you know a new intern will be joining the team today. She used to work at the Illuminati so she's already fairly experienced." I announce as a reminder. "Please be on your best behavior we can't have another intern quit on the first day. Brett make sure Myc and Andre behave and don't say anything inappropriate please." I say while looking at Myc and Andre. Mostly Myc.
"You got it!" Brett smiled at me. "What you really think I need someone to babysit me?" Myc asks mad. "Myc it's not babysitting also yes, last time we had a woman intern you said some... disturbing things." I say while squinting at Myc. "Anyways she'll be here soon. She's really good at editing and photoshopping so she'll mostly be working with Gigi in media manipulation. "Oh good a partner! Doing all that work by myself is a lot to handle.." Gigi says resting her head on the palm of her hand. "Alright, I have to go back to my office before she gets here so I can meet her there. I'll see you guys later." I say as I walk towards the door but before I do I hear Brett. "Bye Reags!" I smile and wave at him as I head back to my office. I can't help but blush at the thought of him.. I arrive at my office and sit at my desk while I wait for the intern. A few minutes pass by when the door opens and a security guard walks in as he was escorting the intern. He quickly leaves and the intern walks up to my desk. She's wearing a fancy red dress shirt with a matching skirt and heels, she also has long blonde wavy hair.  I stand up. "Hello, ma'am welcome to Cognito." I say putting on my best smile. I'm still not good at social stuff. "Hello, Miss Ridley." She says cheerfully but still professionally. "I'm Alice." She introduces herself and waves her hand out for me to shake. I shake it "and you can just call me Reagan. You don't need to be formal." I say chuckling trying my best to present nicely. "Come with me." I say as I walk towards the office where Brett and the others are. She follows behind me. I open the door and walk in as she follows me to the front of the room. "Everyone this is Alice she'll be working with us." I say as I look around the room making sure everyone is behaving. "Hello I'm Alice Moore, I previously worked at the Illuminati where I edited photos and photoshopped things. For example, if a photo of a lizard person slips through to the internet I would photoshop it to make it look like a normal human and then help cover up any evidence of the original photo's existence. I'm excited to be working with you!" She introduced herself and looked around at everyone admiring and analyzing them. I can't help but notice she looks at Brett a little longer than anyone else. Maybe she's seen him before? "Wow, that's so cool! I'm Brett hand glad to be working with you." Brett says excitedly with his usual smile. Alice smiles at him. "Alice you can sit next to Gigi since you'll be working with her in media manipulation." I say while pointing at Gigi. She sits next to her. "Hi, I'm Gigi Thompson!" Gigi says smiling at Alice. The rest of the group introduces themselves and soon it's time to get to work. Everyone leaves to go to their offices and Gigi takes Alice to the media manipulation room. I go to my lab with Brett since he co-leads the team he tends to help me with my work. "So what are we doing today?" He asks me with a curious look on his face. "Well, I need to finish making some updates on Alpha Beta especially since he had a malfunction last week. I also need to help the new intern get situated. "Oh, I can do that for you!" Brett says happily. "Since your better with your robotics and I'm better with social stuff I can help her so you can focus on Alpha Beta." Brett says with a smile. "That's a good idea." I say smiling at Brett. "She's with Gigi right now but she still needs a tour of the building can you give her a tour?" I ask Brett while he smiles at me. "Yeah!" He responds. "Alright then you do that and I'll be here if you need me." I smile at him and he smiles back as he walks out of my lab to go find Alice. I'm not sure why but the thought of Brett with Alice kind of makes me cringe. "It's probably nothing," I say to myself as I look at Alpha Beta. Unfortunately, he had a malfunction a few days ago and I've had to continue working on him hopefully today I can finish that up and he'll be back to normal. Right now he's not even functioning. He can't talk or anything. It's kind of unsettling to see him so lifeless. I get to work and eventually, he turns on again. "Huh- What happened where am I?" He questions looking around "oh I'm in your lab." He says calming down as he realized where he was. "Finally you're  back to normal." I say sighing with relief that I had finally fixed him. "What happened to me?" He asks while looking at me. "You had a system malfunction and I had to fix it." I explain while  I organize the mess of metal scraps on my desk. "Oh weird. How long was I out?"
"Only a few days. It was a bit hard to focus on fixing you because a new intern just started working here today and I had to do a lot of paperwork and interviews." I respond. "A new intern huh?" he says while rubbing his finger and his thumb on his chin. "Yep. Her name is Alice Moore. She used to work at the Illuminati. She photoshops and edits things. Brett's giving her a tour right now." I say while I cringe at the thought of Alice being alone with Brett. "Hmmm, I'm sensing a bit of jealousy." He says while raising an eyebrow at me. "J-jealous? Me? Of what?" I say chuckling nervously. "Oh, you know you have a huge crush on Brett, and the thought of another girl with him.." "HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MY CRUSH?-" I quickly cover my mouth. "Ugh, it's so painfully obvious. You're always talking about him, you blush around him, and you get jealous when he's around other girls. How could I not know?" Alpha-beta says while rolling his eyes. "Well, whatever you do don't tell him." I say sternly while I organize my desk. "Ah don't worry I couldn't care less about this anyways." Alpha-beta responds as he leaves. "Where are you going?" I ask while raising an eyebrow at him. "I want to go find this intern. I'm curious." He says now gone.
Well, I guess it's just me now. I sit down and start working on some random projects until it's time for lunch. When I walk into the cafeteria I see brett and Alice laughing about something and she's getting awfully close to Brett. "Hey, guys." I say as I sit down with everyone. "Reags Alice is so funny! You need to hang out with her!" Brett says as he smiles at me. "Oh heh yeah.." I chuckle awkwardly. "So did you fix alpha-beta?" Brett asks. "Yeah, and he said he was going to find you but I'm guessing he got distracted." I respond. "Who's alpha-beta?" Alice asks curiously. "Oh he's a robot I created that was supposed to replace the president but he ended up becoming self-aware and he even rewrote his own code and tried to lock America in a box... that was actually on Brett's first day here" I explain giggling at how weird the story is. "Yep! And that's how I became best friends with Reagan! Her robots are so cool! She's super smart too!" Brett says to Alice while he talks excitedly. "Heh, thanks, Brett." I say blushing. "Sooo Alice, what kind of stuff do you like?" Myc chimes in. "Oh I like to sing a lot and I even write my own songs every now and then." Alice responds smiling. "Ooh what kind of music are you into?" Gigi asks. "Oh I like all sorts of types but my favorite is alternative pop." She responds to Gigi's question. "I bet your music is great!" Brett compliments her. "Oh thank you!" She says giggling. Ugh.. I don't know why her being around brett makes me jealous. I mean it's not like he likes her or anything right?.. 
*Time skip to a few weeks later*
Reagan's POV
Brett and Alice have become closer and I can't help but be really jealous. She always seems to be around Brett and I hate it. I don't know how to focus on my work with this going on. But it's time for lunch and I'm already late so I better get going to the cafeteria. As soon as I walk in I feel anger pulsing through my veins at the sight in front of me. Alice is wrapping her arm around one of Brett's as they laugh about something Myc said. I decide to sit by myself today and I sit at a separate table across the room from everyone as I pull out a journal and start writing some things down. Just notes of things like projects I want to do or am currently working on. But I can't help but look at brett and Alice. Ugh. I decide to leave the cafeteria as soon as I walk towards the door I felt a hand grab my wrist "wait Reags where are you going?" Brett asks me with a concerned look on his face. "O-oh I'm just going to my lab I have a lot of work to do.." I lie as I feel tears starting to form in my eyes. One rolls down my cheek. Shit. "OH REAGAN WHAT'S WRONG??" Brett immediately asks me what's wrong worriedly as he puts his hands on my cheeks. I blush and I can't stop tears from rolling down my face. Brett quickly grabs my hand again and pulled me outside of the cafeteria so we could have some privacy.
Now In the hallways he asks what's going on. "I can't tell you.." I say shyly looking away.
"Well I respect your privacy if you don't want to talk but please if you need anything please tell me okay? I'm always here for you!" He smiles sweetly at me. I wipe the tears off my face and smile at him. "I will. Thank you Brett." I say as I look at him. "No problem Reags! I'll be here whenever you need anything." He responds.
*The next day*
Reagan's POV
I walk into the office where everyone is and I see Alice and Brett out of their seats talking away from the table. "What are they talking about..?" I mumble to myself still standing by the door. You know what? I'm tired of being jealous. I walk up to Brett and Alice "oh hey Reagan! What's up?" Brett asks smiling at me I stand next to him with Alice looking at me. I put my hand on Brett's chin and guide him to my lips and kiss him. Right In front of Alice. "Woah!" She says surprised. I smirk and walk away. Brett was in PURE SHOCK. I'll explain later. He looked at me as I walked away. I walk to the table where everyone is and I sit down in my seat. Everyone had their eyes on me. They definitely saw that. I blush and chuckle. "So you really do like Brett!" Gigi stands up with her hands on the table as she leans over it and looks at me. "Heh... yeah." I say with a shy smile. "I mean is that really surprising? I bet they've fucked before." Myc says while scrolling on his phone. I feel my face heat up. "Alright y'all calm down we have work to do!" I say as I stand up and explain the things we need to do today. Brett was still shocked and he seemed really distracted. Once I finished talking I grab Brett's hand and and pull him out of the room. I take him to my lab. "I uh... I'm sorry about earlier!" I say while looking at the ground. "I-it's okay reagan.. do you like me?" He asks sounding a bit worried. "Y-yeah.. I really like you." I say looking up at him while blushing. "I like you too.." he responds blushing as well. "I guess we should do something about that then." I say as I grab his tie and pull him into a kiss. He kisses back while running his hands through my hair. he pulled my hair tie out and as we pulled away he admired me with my hair down. "Do you like my hair?" I ask. "I- uh.. yeah you're really pretty with it down you know!" He compliments me and smiles at me "well I guess I'll have to leave it down for you sometimes." I smirk at him. He immediately blushes. "So are we dating then?" He asks me while looking at me. "Yeah~ I'd like that." I respond as I kiss his cheek. He smiles brightly and holds my hand. I put my hair back up and we decide to get to work and eventually it's time for lunch. We walk into the cafeteria while holding hands, our fingers intertwined. "So.. I'm guessing you guys are dating now right?" Alice smirks at us. "Yeah," I respond with a small smile. "Hm knew it. I could tell you two liked each other." She says with her she's closed as she takes a sip of her drink. "Really?" Brett asks surprised. "Oh yeah. Trust me I've got experience with dating and I can tell when people like each other. It was painful watching you two act like nothing was happening so I may have helped give you a little push.." she says as she winks. "WAIT... we're you making me jealous on purpose?" I ask almost spitting out my drink. "Mhm." She says with a smile. "I'm gonna be honest with you.. I don't even like guys. I'm a lesbian!" She admits as she laughs. "In fact I have a girlfriend." She says as she calms down. "Oh well, thanks for helping us then!" Brett says. I lay my head on his shoulder as I smile. I feel one of Brett's hands running through my hair and I smile even more. I'm finally able to call him mine.

I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! This one was REALLY fun to write so I hope it's as fun for you to read! Please leave some suggestions in the comments for future one-shots!

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