📚Project🧪 (inside job high school AU)

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This one-shot is an Inside job high school AU!

Reagan's POV
I'm in the library during lunch as usual just studying for an upcoming math test when I hear someone walk into the library. I look up from my work and see it's one of the popular jocks. Brett hand. He's the only jock who's actually nice from what I've seen. I've never talked to him myself though. I don't really talk to anyone I like to keep to myself and most people don't like me anyways. I look back at my work and continue. I hear the bell for class and I quickly grab my things and start walking to my next class but before I even get out of the library I bumped into someone. "O-oh sorry!" I say awkwardly as I look at who I bumped into. Turns out I bumped into Brett. "Oh, it's fine! It's my fault I wasn't looking where I was going." He said as he holds his hand out for me to shake. "I'm Brett hand! It's nice to meet you." He said kindly which surprised me because no one was ever kind to me before. I always get called a nerd and people like to ignore me and act like I'm not even there. "Oh, I'm Reagan Ridley." I say with a small smile. "What class do you have next?" He asks as he walks next to me. "Science." I respond while walking to the classroom. "Oh me too!" Brett says happily. "Who's your science teacher?" "Mr. Scheimpough" I say as I look at Brett. He's smiling at me. His smile is kinda cute... "no way me too!" He says his smile even wider now. "Oh, nice." I say kind of happy because he seems really nice. We've had this class all year I just never really noticed he was in it. I'm always caught up in books or work. We arrive at the classroom and take our seats. He sits at the front of the room and I sit at the back. "Hiiiii Brett~" one of the girls says while twirling her hair as he walks in. She's on the cheer team and she's very popular but that's all I know about her I don't even know her name. "hello!" He says oblivious to the fact that the girl was flirting. "So... are you doing anything after class?" She asks him while scooting closer to him and wrapping her arms around one of his. Are they dating or something? "O-oh uh no why?" He said seemingly uncomfortable. For some reason, that girl being so close to him makes me mad... am I jealous? No way I JUST met him..
"I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?" The girl asked as she smiled at him. "Oh.. I'm really sorry but I don't feel that way about you.." he responded with an apologetic look in his eyes. "Oh it's fine.." the girl responded as she let go of him. "All right class we're going to be starting a science project today." Mr. Scheimpough said and most of the class groaned at the news. Science projects are always boring. "You'll have to do a presentation on physics. You'll be paired with a partner." He said as I groan at the thought of being paired with someone. Every time we do a paired project I end up doing all the work because I always get paired with someone who won't do it. he goes around the class handing out papers saying who we're partnering with and the basic things we'll be graded on. I get my paper and check who I'm paired with. Brett hand! Maybe this won't be so bad... he's nice I just hope he does some of the work instead of leaving me to do it all. "Alright, you may study with your partner now." Mr. Scheimpough says as everyone gets up and goes to their partners. "Hey, Reagan!" Brett says as he walks up to my desk. "Hi, Brett." I say with a small smile. He sits down at the desk next to mine. "So what should we do first?" He asks as he grabs a pencil and pulls his laptop out of his bag. "Oh well, I was thinking we gather some facts online first and write them on this paper." I say as I pull out a piece of notebook paper. "Okay! Great idea." He says as he smiles at me and goes online on his laptop. We start working and before I know it we're talking while working. "So what kind of stuff are you into?" Brett asks curiously. "Oh I read a lot and I also like robotics. I'm actually the head of the robotics club." I respond blushing. Most people don't ask about my interests. "Oh, that's so cool! You must be really smart!" Brett compliments me and I blush more. Why am I blushing so much around him?? "So what do you like?" I ask him. "Well the first one is probably obvious but I like sports and video games but I also enjoy reading sometimes. I really enjoy fantasy books!" Brett says happily. "Really? I thought I was the only one." I say chuckling as I smile at him. "We should hang out at the library sometime!" Brett says as he grabs my hands and smiles at me. "O-oh s-sure!" I say blushing at the fact that he's holding my hands. His smile is cute. Gah! Reagan stop you just met him you can't have a crush on him already!! I snap out of my thoughts and realize Brett already let go of my hands and went back to work. He looks at me. "Is everything okay Reagan?" He asks concerned. "Y-yeah I'm fine." I say as I hide my face by looking the other way so he won't see me blushing. "Okay well, I finished getting my facts do you wanna look over them?" He asks me while pushing the paper towards me. "Oh yeah." I say as I grab it and read it. "Yeah, these look great! How about mine?" I ask letting him read the facts I've gathered. "Yep, these should be good! I'm super lucky you're my partner you're really smart Reagan!" Brett says smiling at me while resting his head on his hand. "Aw, thanks Brett I'm glad you're my partner too.." I say smiling at him as I feel heat rising to my face.
The school bell rings signaling the end of class. This is our last class of the day so I pack up and head home. Before I leave the classroom I hear Brett behind me. "Wait, Reagan!" He says catching up with me. "Let's swap phone numbers! Especially since we're friends now." He says smiling sweetly at me. "Oh yeah, plus we may need to meet up to study!" I grab a piece of paper and a pen and quickly right down my number and hand it to Brett. "Here you go!" I say as I smile at him. "Thanks here's mine!" He said as he wrights his down on a sticky note and hands it to me. "Thanks!" I say as I wave at him and leave the classroom. Once I get home I sit on my bed and think about how amazing my day was when I was with Brett.. he's so sweet and funny. And he's genuinely nice. I'm glad to call him my friend now. The project isn't due for a few weeks which means I'll have a while to hang out with Brett. I smile at the thought of being near him. Crap. Am I developing feelings for someone I JUST MET? What is wrong with me? I think to myself as I cover my face with my hands.

Brett x Reagan one shots Where stories live. Discover now