Chapter 12

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//A/N: Hey guys, I reuploaded this because one of my readers commented on chapter 13 that they didn't see chapter 12 and I was like in confusion since this story is completed. I also had a hard time looking for it and thought I didn't have a copy but thankfully, my outdated android phone has a copy, such a life saver! Okay, here's chapter 12!


Harry stopped pouring water into the plants when he sense that someone's staring at him. He looked at his side and saw Zayn.

He almost jumped seeing him "Zayn! You startled me!" Harry said as Zayn chuckled and walked towards him "Hey, your Mum says she's off to the market" Zayn said as Harry smiled and put the watering pot on the ground "Yeah. She always goes to Market on Saturdays. Its like spending her time with her besties too" Harry replied

"You really got a nice Mum Harry"

"Thanks. I love her so much. She's accepting and I know she's annoying sometimes but its only her way of showing that she loves me so much" Harry said with a big smile "What's your Mum like?" Harry asked Zayn as Zayn's face frowned.

He took his sit at the mono block chair near the glass doors of the kitchen "Uh, she was beautiful. Also loves me so much and she was also accepting. She accepted me when I told her about my sexuality" Zayn answered as Harry sat opposite to him

"You said Was—"

"She died. Just months ago" Zayn barged in as Harry's eyes widened and his heart dropped

"I'm sorry Zayn. I didn't know"

"Yeah. No need to be sorry. I know she's in good hands now" Zayn sadly smiled as Harry stood and went towards Zayn.

Zayn looked at Harry as Harry leaned down and instantly hugged Zayn.

Zayn stilled as he was stunned by Harry's hug "Thought you could use a hug" Harry whispered as Zayn's eyes started to give out tears.

After his Mum's death, no one ever comforted him. His father was there but he only ask him if he's okay and when Zayn says he is, he doesn't ask further questions.

Zayn stood tall, forced himself to become strong in handling his emotions and pushed aside his grief. But one hug from Harry, he suddenly became weak, vulnerable and fragile as he let his tears flow.

Zayn slowly raised his arms and hugged Harry back as Harry is now crouching down to Zayn to hug him better and more closer. Zayn buried his face on Harry's shoulder as Harry ran his fingers on Zayn's black hair "Let it all out" Harry whispered as Zayn keeps on crying.

After minutes later, Zayn sniffed and gently pushed Harry as they're now face to face "Better?" Harry asked with a small, comforting smile as Zayn slowly nodded his head.

Harry cupped Zayn's cheeks and wiped his tears with the pad of his thumbs "It's okay to cry Zayn. Crying doesn't mean you're weak. It just means that you're strong because you've surpassed the most painful part of life" Harry said as Zayn's heart flutters from his comforting words.

They were both staring at each other in silence, giving each other small smiles when Harry decided to lean in, slowly until the tip of their noses bumped.

Zayn's eyes widened seeing Harry's face near him. His heart is beating fast and for sure he can hear his pulse. Harry didn't stop leaning in as he closed his eyes and softly planted his lips on his. Zayn sat still as he can feel Harry's soft lips against his. And all the sadness he felt, was washed off and changed into love.

His love for Harry.

Zayn relaxed and put his hand on Harry's shoulder and closed his eyes and kissed Harry back. It was just a sweet, soft yet very intimate kiss.

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