Chapter 15

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After tux fitting, Harry and Anne ate dinner and after that, Harry went to his room and grabbed his phone.

He looked at Louis's name on his phone and started to think if he'll talk to him.

Harry remembered his plan ever since his senior year started. He planned to confess to Louis at the day of the Ball but it all changed when he met Zayn.


The guy who made him feel happiness and the guy who motivated him that he can do everything without Louis telling him so. Zayn, the guy who has a heart that can love truly and the guy he loves.

Harry smiled, he love Zayn and he must know that. It took for him weeks to realize it but good thing he did.

Harry grabbed his coat and was about to go out when he heard a knock on his terrace door. Harry went towards the door and gasped seeing Louis.

Harry opened the door "Louis? What—what are you doing here?" Harry asked as Louis didn't answered. Louis stepped closer to Harry as he looked up and leaned in closer and planted his lips at Harry's.

Harry's eyes widened as he pushed Louis away "Louis what are—" Harry's sentences was stopped as Louis kissed him again. Louis pushed Harry against the wall and kissed him repeatedly.

Harry's mind says to push him off but his body says otherwise. Harry closed his eyes as he started to kiss back. Now their kiss is slow and steady. Harry's heart is hammering from his chest as he can feels his cheeks grew hot.

This is what he's been waiting for.

He's been waiting for Louis to touch him and kiss him but why does it feels wrong?

Harry's thoughts are now drifted back where he first met Zayn, he remembered the way he studied Zayn's face, his eyebrows, thick lashes and his beautiful and gorgeous hazel eyes. Then Harry remembered the moment they kissed at the garden.

It was sweet and intimate and Harry feels a thousand butterflies swarm on his stomach but with Louis, he feels—nothing. Empty. Blank.

Harry opened his eyes and pushed Louis away "Lou. This is wrong" Harry said as Louis is gasping for air "This is what you like is it? Me kissing you?" Louis asked as Harry's eyes widened "You want me right Harry?" Louis added as Harry was caught speechless "Eleanor told me that you love me" Harry's breathing hitched "She heard you at the Natural Springs talking to Zayn. She heard that you're inlove with me but too scared to say it" Louis looked at his eyes "And when she told me, I felt things—weird things" Louis stepped back as he look at Harry "After knowing it, Eleanor and I have been fighting a lot. I don't know. I feel weird things knowing that my bestfriend is inlove with me" Louis turned around and took a deep breath "Eleanor asked for some space after our fight last night. She said that I've been distant and dull. So today, I came here if I do feel something for you—" Louis looked at him as Harry swallowed hard, waiting for Louis' answer "And I didn't" Louis added.

Harry should feel all the hurt right now since Louis doesn't love him like that but all he feel was relief that Louis doesn't feel the same way.

He felt free.

"Since when did you love me?" Louis asked looking at Harry's eyes "Start of High school"

"After all these years? And you didn't told me?"

"I don't want to freak you out okay? Knowing that I'm gay is enough for you to stay"

"Oh Harry, I'm your bestfriend. You can tell me everything. Whatever it is, I won't ever leave. You are my beautiful Fairy" Louis gave out a small smile. Harry's heart is filled with joy because Louis is indeed a good bestfriend.

They were just standing in silence when Louis just realized something "Wait, if you're inlove with me. What about Zayn?" Louis asked as Harry's heart thumped "Yeah. I told Zayn to act as my fake bestfriend and fake boyfriend to make you jealous but—"

"Fake relationship had lead to real feelings?" Louis said as Harry's eyes widened.

Harry looked at his sneakers "Yeah" Harry mumbled "I knew something was up when you told me that Zayn was your boyfriend. But, Seeing Zayn looking at you like he's really inlove, I pushed my thoughts aside and accepted it that you and Zayn are REALLY inlove" Louis said.

He walked towards Harry and smiled "You still love him?" Louis asked as Harry nodded "Of course. I just realized it now" Harry said looking at his blue eyes "I'm sorry for kissing you like that Harry. I was just trying to prove something for myself" Louis said "I'm sorry for not telling you that I was romantically inlove with you" Harry answered back as Louis smiled "Its Okay. At least now we have closure: closure that you love Zayn than me and closure that I only love you platonically" Louis said as Harry agreed.

"And yeah, can you do me favor Lou?"

"What's that?"

"Can you take me to see Zayn?" Harry asked as Louis nodded.

//A/N: Larry kiss! Eeeep! But you know, the kiss is part of their closure. But god! Harry just realized his feelings for Zayn! Way to go Harry! Now go to him and say what you really feel! You're hurting Zayn too much now.

My ZARRY heart! And at the end, will they have their happily ever after?

Whoaaaaaaa! Thank you guys for the reads! 😘

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