Chapter 14

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Harry slammed his locker shot the next day. He's so angry with himself because he kissed Zayn and lead him on.

But Harry can't even decipher if he still loves Louis or his feelings are already taken away by Zayn.

He's so confused.

Harry has also been avoiding Louis because he doesn't want to answer his questions right now. Harry went to his classes without Louis and he even ate Lunch alone. Zayn's also been also avoiding him at school and Harry's heart ache every time he see Zayn walking at the hallway.

Their ghosting had been happening for weeks and Harry's okay with that since Zayn doesn't even look at him anymore.

"This stupid plant won't grow!" Harry said as he was at their garden, watering the plants. He put some more water at the poor Orchids "Harry! You'll drown it!" Anne gasped as she ran to Harry and grabbed the water pot out of his hands "What are you doing to my poor orchids?" Anne asked as she examined the plant.

Harry crossed his arms on his chest and huffed "I've gave them water but still, it doesn't grow" Harry pouted as Anne look at her son "Oh Harry, putting water won't make a plant grow faster. It also needs sunlight" Anne said as she grabbed Harry's hand and led him towards the mono block chair "You know, our hearts are also like a plant—" Anne started "We put water on it to feed it just like love. We feed our hearts with Love in order for it to grow. But too much water can kill a plant. It'll will drown. Just like Love, too much of it, it can kill. Sometimes, you'll lose yourself or sometimes, you'll get a little psycho at someone you love" Anne explained "Plants also needs sunlight and for our hearts, we need the right amount of love—"

"Mum, why are you lecturing me about plants and love?" Harry piped in as Anne sadly smiled "You're hurt Harry" Anne said as Harry's eyes widened "No I'm not" Harry responded "You may not tell me about it but I know you're hurt. Your heart's in pain" Anne said as Harry thought of answering another lie to his Mum but, he didn't. Harry sighed "You can see right through me Mum"

"Of course! I'm your Mother. I can sense it—" Anne chuckled "And judging from the way you're acting these past few weeks, you've been distant and you're always annoyed" Anne added "Is it Zayn?" Anne asked as Harry bit his bottom lip "Did Zayn broke your heart?" Anne reached for his hand as Harry looked at his Mum "Mum, I've hurt him Mum" Harry said "He told me he loves me but I told him that I love Louis but a little part of me likes him too and I don't know. I'm confused" Harry mumbled as Anne squeezed his hand "You're inlove with Louis?" Anne asked as Harry nodded "And I also like Zayn. I don't know Mum. I don't know what to do" Harry frustratedly said "The best thing to do is to weigh them. See if who has the most heaviest weight on your heart" Anne suggested "That works?"

"I don't know because I haven't tried it. I only loved your father. But in your case, you need it" Anne smiled "How do I weigh it?"

"Make a list. The positive list of both. When your done with the list, your heart will know who you really love Harry" Anne said as Harry smiled "Thank you Mum" he said as Anne nodded.

So after their conversation, Harry went to his room and jot down positive traits he sees in Louis and Zayn. And after jotting down, he gasped as he knows Louis's traits than Zayn.

He knew Louis his whole life that's why he knows a lot but with Zayn, he knew him for weeks and the only positive trait he wrote was 'He made me Happy.' Harry looked at his disheveled writing "He made me Happy" he read as his heart pounded on his chest.

This is not possible.


Harry is walking at the hallway of their school like a zombie. He hadn't had decent sleep since he jotted down the positive traits of Louis and Zayn.

He sighed as he lazily opened his locker "Hi Harry!" A petite girl with gold locks approached him and smiled "This is for the senior ball. Take a vote for your King and Queen of the night" She said as Harry nodded "You can put the paper at the ballot over there—" she pointed at the red box that's near the fountain "Thank you! And see you at the ball this Friday!" She giggled and took off.

Harry looked at the paper and he saw Louis's name at the King and a Eleanor's name at the opposite as the Queen.

Harry rolled his eyes as he gabbed his pen and wrote I don't give a fuck and folded the paper. Then he slammed his locker shut and went towards the ballot and put the paper at the box.

Harry's doesn't want to be at school today so he left. He wants to be away from anybody. Harry ended up going home. He locked himself on his room as he sat at the corner of his room. He's confused and doesn't know what to do.

Feeling all this stupid feelings for his bestfriend and for liking Zayn. Harry buried his head on his curled up knees as he think.

"Harry, Open up please" he heard his Mum said as Harry didn't answer "I got the keys to your room so since you're not opening, I'll use the key" Anne added and when she didn't heard Harry answered, she opened his room using the key and went inside "Harry, you can't mope here forever" Anne said as Harry looked at his Mum "So what if you're inlove Zayn Malik? It's okay Baby. Louis's happy with his girlfriend and you should be too. With Zayn" Anne smiled as Harry's eyes widened "I'm not inlove with—"

"That's the problem with you, you keep on denying that you're inlove with him. Why?" Anne asked as Harry opened his mouth but closed it again "See, I can see in your eyes that you love Zayn, Dear. Ever since Zayn started coming here, fetching you for school, I see the way your eyes lit up every time you see him and the way you smile at him. It's very different when you're with Louis which I've always see you two since you were kids" Anne explained "You have to let Louis go and be happy" Anne added as Harry stood and sat beside his Mum "You're okay if I'm inlove with Zayn?"

"Are you?" Anne teased as Harry's eyes widened from her question "Of course Dear! Zayn's kind, thoughtful and caring. I see now what you see in him. Underneath all that tattoo's he's someone who's compassionate and just a boy inlove. Like you" Anne said as he kissed Harry's forehead "Now, the tux I ordered online is already here and I want you to try them since you didn't come to school" Anne cheered as she pulled Harry with him.

Thanks to Anne, Harry's mind and heart is at ease because Finally, Harry realized his true feelings for his bestfriend and for Zayn.

// A/N: Tadaaaaaa! Harry's inlove! He's inlove with Zayn! Zayn makes him happy and that's all that matters. My heart! Soooo beautiful. Getting emotional at my own story. Geez! Lol! Thank you guys for your votes, reads and comments! I guess Larry is now over since Harry finally realizes his true feelings for Louis and Zayn. Hooray? Os is it? Lol! Find out at the next chapter!

And a sad note: This story will be ending soooooon. But I enjoyed writing it! I always enjoy writing Zarry.

Spread love and note hate!

— the CAT xx

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