Chapter 2

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Classes are boring as usual and Harry's been waiting for lunch so that he can be with Louis. And when the bell ring at lunch period, Harry couldn't be more happier.

He dashed towards the cafeteria and his eyes immediately looked for Louis and when he saw the brown haired guy with beautiful blue eyes sitting at the middle of the room, Harry smiled as he approached him "Louis!" Harry greeted as Louis looked up to him and gave out a big smile "What took you so long? Your food is getting soggy? Do vegetables go soggy?" Louis asked as Harry took his seat beside Louis and chuckled "They rot not go soggy" Harry answered.

Good thing Louis didn't abandoned Harry upon knowing that he's gay because if he did, Harry might be bullied everyday.

And good thing Louis is the Basketball team captain, the other jocks can't touch Harry. Harry's so lucky to have him "So, what did you get me for lunch?" Harry excitedly asked "Your usual, caesar salad and tuna sandwich" Louis grinned but then cringe "Why do you keep on eating greens Harry? It's dull and boring" Louis said as Harry chuckled "They're Healthy Lou and besides, healthy means good life" Harry answered as he opened the box of Caesar salad "Man, if you're in my team, I wouldn't let you eat just plants. Growing man like us needs Meat! Or in your case, a growing fairy like you needs Meat" Louis teased as Harry glared at Louis.

Louis knows that Harry doesn't like to be called Fairy but he teases him calling him that "Harry, you're my beautiful Fairy" Louis said to lighten the mood as Harry wanted to blushed but he just averted his gaze instead. Louis knows how to make Harry feel all giddy.

Both of them started to eat as Harry's eyes caught one person sitting alone at the other side of the cafeteria.

He has this jet black hair, olive colored skin and he's wearing a black leather jacket with black shirt underneath.

Harry also notice his tattoos on his hands "Lou? Who's that?" Harry asked as Louis stopped devouring his food and looked ahead "Oh, that's Zayn Malik. He's a new transfer here" Louis answered "Students fear him. They said he's a hothead and a trouble maker so, they stay away from him" Louis added.

Louis saw that Harry wasn't responding so he put his Hand on Harry's chin and made Harry face him. Harry was startled as he felt Louis's warm hand. Both of them are now face to face "And you, I want you to stay away from him okay? He's trouble and I don't want to get you in trouble" Louis said as Harry's heart is pounding on his chest.

This is the first time that Louis held him like that in public! In front of everybody! They're so close, so intimate. Harry slowly nodded his head as Louis smiled and let go of him "Good. Now finish up, 30Mins left before lunch ends" Louis said as he dug into his food.

After lunch, Harry went to his drama class.

And there, he saw Eleanor and what a coincidence, the only available sit is beside her.

Harry mentally rolled his eyes as he went to sit next to her and when he did, Eleanor came up to him and smile "Hi" she smiled as Harry gave out an awkward smile "I'm Eleanor!" She cheery said as Harry's mind saying 'I know and I don't care' "Hey, I'm Harry" Harry responded instead "Hey Harry! You're always with that Cute Team captain of the basketball right?" She smiled with her teeth out "Yeah. Louis. He's my Bestfriend"

"Awesome! He's cute. I'm trying outs for cheerleading because of him" Eleanor said as Harry's heart thumped "Be—because of him?"

"Yeah! And when I'll get in, I'll be with him during his practice because we have the same practice hours" Harry's heart ached, so this girl Likes Louis too. Why does everybody likes him? "That's cute" Harry softly said. Their conversation stopped because their professor already entered the room.

And Harry can't focus himself at class because of too much thinking about Louis.

After classes had ended, Harry immediately went home. He took the bus every afternoon because Louis is always held up on his practice. It's also been their routine that every afternoon, Harry will take the bus. And when he went home, he kissed his Mum on her cheek and went up to his room and plopped on his bed.

He sighed, Harry's been inlove with Louis since they've stepped into high school and for years, he didn't have the courage to tell him. He doesn't want to lose Louis and if keeping his feelings bottled up inside its the only solution, he'll do it.

He's contented that Louis's on his side. Telling him that he's gay is enough.

And Harry didn't know that he drifted off to sleep. He was awaken when someone was knocking on his terrace window. He slowly fluttered his eyes open as he sat on the bed and looked around his room. He look at the led clock on his bedside table and saw that its already past 7PM.

The knocking continues as Harry looked at his terrace. He stood and walked towards the terrace and saw Louis outside. Harry opened the door "Lou? What's up?" Harry asked as Louis went inside with a sad face and Harry instantly knew what's bothering him "Its your Dad isn't?" Harry said as Louis sat on Harry's bed and nodded.

"He told me that he has high expectation for me this year" Louis said as he covered his face with his palms "I'm doing the best I could Harry, why can't he see that?" Louis added as Harry sat beside him "Lou, your dad wants the best for you"

"I am doing the best for him too but why does he still wants more?!" Louis said as he looked at Harry. Harry wanted to hug him and comfort him "Can't he just be contented of what I can give?" Louis added as Louis's eyes gave out tears from too much pressure and fear of letting down his dad.

Harry put his hand on Louis's shoulder and ran his hands through them.

Louis leaned his head on Harry's shoulder "I'm always thankful that I have you Harry" Louis sniffed as Harry's heart thumped "I'm really thankful that I have someone who I can talk to that understands me and accepts me of what Only I can give" Louis smiled as Harry's heart can't stop beating fast.

Louis's so intimate today, is he telling Harry something? Or where Harry's just assuming "of—of course. I'm your bestfriend" Harry answered as Louis chuckled "You're my beautiful Fairy" Louis said as Harry's cheeks blushed.

Thank God that Louis's leaning his head on Harry's shoulders or else he could've seen him blush.

//A/N: Eeeep! A Larry moment! Promise! You won't regret if you'll keep on reading lol! I cringe everytime I'm writing about them. I'm really not a Louis and Harry fan, promise! But since it'll give out an interesting part in the story, I decided to go with Larry. Anyway, I'm talking too much nonsense lol.

Please continue reading. Thank you! 😘

Spread love and not hate!

— the CAT xx

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