Chapter 3

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Next day at school, Harry and Louis are walking side by side towards their lockers when Louis first spoke "Oh yeah! I asked Eleanor yesterday" Louis cheery said as Harry's eyes looked at him with confusion "Asked?"

"Yeah, I saw her at the gym with the other cheerers. She's part of the team now and seeing her yesterday, my courage just came up to me and asked her out" Louis happily said as Harry's head started to spin.

He can't believe it! Its sooner than he expected.

He thought Louis will forget about her but but he didn't. Harry's heart started to ache and his throat gone dry. Harry didn't answered Louis, he forcefully opened his locker and grabbed his books, stuffing all on his bag "Are you okay Harry?" Louis asked as Harry nodded, still putting all his notes and books on his bag "I thought you don't have Shakespeare today?" Louis asked as he saw Harry dumping a Shakespeare book on his bag.

Harry stopped and looked at his bag that's now filled with random books "Uh, maybe I'll read it later when I'm bored or something" Harry answered as he zipped his bag and closed his locker. He swing his backpack on his shoulders and looked at Louis "I'll see you later. Uh bye" Harry said as he walk off leaving Louis confused.

Harry hurried towards his first class which is his Math class.

He sat and didn't bothered making eye contact to the students.

He feels like he's fainting and his heart, its in pain. He doesn't know what to do. His bestfriend which he loves asked a girl out. And for sure, they'll be together since Eleanor likes Louis and Louis is not that hard to love. He's gentle, caring and always thoughtful. Harry wanted to cry but he contained himself.

After classes, Louis went to find Harry. He didn't know what he did that made Harry avoid him.

When he reached the quadrangle, he saw Harry sitting alone at the bench, looking at his phone. Louis went to him "Harry? Talk to me" Louis said as Harry's eyes looked up to him "I didn't know what I did wrong but I missed you at Lunch" Louis added as Harry locked his phone and pocketed it "You—you didn't do anything wrong" Harry said as Louis sat beside him "I feel bad though. Even you said that I didn't do anything wrong" Louis said "Hey I know! Wanna go eat at the Natural springs tonight? It's my treat!" Louis cheery said as Harry raised his brow at him "But you hate Vegetables" Harry answered "Yeah but you don't" he smiled as Harry can't help but smiled back "I'll see you tonight okay? 7PM" Louis said as he stood "I gotta go now Harry, Still have practice. Natural Springs tonight alright?" Louis said again as Harry nodded.

Harry's all smiles as he went back home. His Mum greeted him and said he'll take a shower because Louis and him are having dinner!

After showering, Harry grabbed his bike and went to Natural springs restaurant. He got them a table near the wall and Harry's all excited.

Its been ages since they've ate at Harry's favorite place. Harry looked at his time and it's just a minute before 7PM and Harry can't wait for Louis.


Zayn Malik, a tan skinned, tattooed guy and rumored to be a badboy is working late at the Natural Springs.

He'd been working in this restaurant ever since he got in this neighborhood. You see, Zayn's Mum died due to some incurable sickness. His dad, Yaser, decided that both of them will move out from their neighborhood in oder to move on. Zayn liked the idea because he doesn't want to remember the pain he'd felt when his Mum died.

So, they've moved at Brooklyn, a small neighborhood with a small population and of course, new faces and new people. Yaser adapted easily but Zayn, he's having a hard time since people already judged him basing on what they see and Zayn lets them.

What could he do right? He can't change on how the people will see him.

As Zayn is making rounds at the restaurant 9 at the evening, he saw one table that still has a customer.

Zayn went towards the table and offered that person a glass of water when he saw a curly haired and green eyed guy—he looked familiar "Uh—you want some more water?" Zayn asked as the guy whipped his head up and looked at Zayn and wow, he has the most greenest eyes he'd ever seen.

The guy smiled at first but then his smile slowly faded "Hey, you're that Guy" he said as Zayn looked at him with confusion "That, guy?" Zayn asked as Harry gave out a small smile "So you work here?" Harry mumbled as Zayn saw how sad Harry was.

Zayn sighed as he sat opposite to Harry and put the pitcher down.

Harry was startled at first but then relaxed "You're Zayn, right?" Harry said as Zayn nodded "And you are that guy's bestfriend! The petite basketball team captain" Zayn answered "Harry. My name's Harry Styles" Harry responded "So, you're waiting for your bestfriend?" Zayn asked as Harry's face frowned.

He felt weak by Louis stood him up.

He can't believe his own bestfriend didn't show up. Harry nodded "Yeah. But looks like he's not coming" Harry sadly said as Zayn doesn't like seeing someone sad so he must do something that will make this guy smile "So how did you two meet?" Zayn asked as he saw Harry's face lit up "Oh! We were in first grade!—" Harry talked about on how Louis and him meet when they were little and every time Harry talked about him, he is all smiles and he's just happy "—and yeah, after I came out to him, he accepted me and never left my side" Harry finished as Zayn smiled "How long have you been inlove with him?" Zayn asked as Harry's heart pounded

"Excuse me? I don't love my—bestfriend" Harry said, his voice into a whisper "Okay, Am I that obvious?" Harry added as Zayn chuckled "The way your eyes lit up every time you mentioned his name or how you smiled telling me your adventures together, no you're not obvious" Zayn teased as Harry blushed "I've loved him for years but Can't tell him because I don't want him to freak out"

"Well, what you gonna do with the pain you felt today?"

"I don't know. Maybe let it hurt forever?" Harry responded as Zayn shake his head "You know, in order to let the pain away, you should move on with someone" Zayn advised as Harry stared at Zayn.

He just realized that Zayn has beautiful hazel eyes and those long lashes, Harry wished he had them "Malik! Dishes!" Harry blinked as he was cut off from his thoughts from the yelling lady at the counter "I should go—" Zayn swiftly got out of the chair and stood "But I'll see you at school" Zayn gave out one last smile before leaving Harry.

And Harry smiled, he just got to know Zayn Malik, the badboy and he's not that bad.

// A/N: MY HEART! MY ZARRY HEART! I Love writing this chapter! Zayn and Harry met. Is this a start of something new? Lol!

Thank you guys for the read! 😘

Oh and one more thing, have you live stream Zayn's listening party at NYC?! that was wicked! I'm still in hype and I don't think if I'll ever recover! Seeing Zayn through the video, I realised that I missed him sooooo much! He looks soooo soft and like a baby. God! He doesn't age! Well, congratulations to Zayn who held a successful party! I wish I was there.

Spread love and not hate!

— the CAT xx

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