Chapter 6

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Morning came as Zayn woke up early than his usual wake up time.

He showered, got dressed and grabbed his keys. He exited his room and saw his dad by their dining area "Hey, good morning Dad" Zayn said as Yaser looked up to him from his newspaper "Zayn?" Yaser looked at his watch and back at Zayn "You're early?" Yaser raised his brows as Zayn gave out a small smile "I gotta fetch someone Dad. I'll see you later" Zayn said as Yaser stopped him "Zayn? Wait!"

"Yeah Dad?"

"Is my Son seeing someone?" Yaser grinned as Zayn chuckled "I'll see you later Dad" he said as he exited their apartment.

As Zayn reached Harry's house, he smiled.

Spending his time with Harry yesterday made him all giddy inside.

Zayn hopped out of his truck and made his way to the steps towards Harry's home. He composed himself as he knocked and on the third Knock, Zayn can hear footsteps "Coming!" Zayn heard Anne as the door opened. Anne's green eyes widened with surprised seeing Zayn "Zayn! Good morning!" Anne greeted as Zayn smiled "I'm here to pick up Harry" Zayn said as Anne smiled back "He'll be down in a minute. Want some breakfast?" Anne asked "Oh no, its okay Ma'am—"

"Excuse me young Man, call me Anne and yes, you're having breakfast. Come in" Anne said as she open the door wide, letting Zayn in.

Zayn didn't hesitate as he stepped inside the house.

Harry swing his backpack on his shoulder as he went downstairs and when he's almost at the end of the stairs, he heard his Mum giggled and she's talking to someone?

Harry continued to walk and gasped seeing Zayn "Oh Harry! Join us for Breakfast dear" Anne said as Zayn smiled at Harry.

Harry's heart thumped, what's Zayn doing here?

Harry slowly walked towards the kitchen table and sat beside Zayn, putting his backpack on the floor "Here you go, Vegetable Sandwich" Anne said as Zayn looked at Harry's plate "Vegetable Sandwich?" Zayn asked as he look at Harry "Yeah. Uhm, its made with lettuce, tomatoes and mayo" Harry said as Zayn cringe some more "That's all leaf" Zayn said as Anne laughed "Zayn Dear, my son's a vegetarian" Anne said as she continued eating.

After eating, Harry bid his Mum goodbye and after that, he followed Zayn towards their front door.

When Zayn and Harry are walking towards the pathway towards Zayn's truck, Harry stopped as He saw Louis's car stopped and Louis got off "What are you doing here?" Louis asked as he approached Zayn and glared at him "What are you doing here Louis?" Harry asked as Louis face Harry "Harry? I told you to stay away from him right?" Louis said as Zayn shielded Harry from his back "Hey, watch it Buddy" Zayn said as Louis glared at Him "Look here buddy, I'm his bestfriend and you're just a nobody! Now get away!" Louis spat as Zayn just stared at him, controlling his anger "Hey! Zayn's my friend and you can't talk to him like that!" Harry said at Zayn's back as Louis's eyes widened.

Did he just defended Zayn? "You can go now Lou. Zayn will be the one to take me to school from now on. You can go and fetch your girlfriend" Harry said as Louis's mouth hanged open. Louis didn't have a choice as he walked back to his car and drove off.

Zayn turned around and look at Harry "Are you okay?" Zayn asked as Harry took a deep breath and formed a smile "Yeah, I guess so" Harry said as he smiled. And it was a genuine smile this time.

Not forced but a genuine one.

Zayn smiled as he led Harry to his truck.

Once they both made it to school, Harry was all smile when he entered their school. And once he saw Louis at his locker, Harry's smile turned into a frown "You can do this okay?" Zayn said as Harry gave a little smile "Yeah. Thanks Zayn" Harry said as Zayn held his shoulder and gave it a little squeeze.

After that, Zayn went to his locker as Harry approached his locker. Louis gave a glance at Harry as Harry opened his locker and said nothing.

Louis closed his locker and looked at Harry "I'm sorry Harry" Louis said as Harry keeps on stuffing his books inside his bag "Harry, I know I've been a jerk leaving you like that but I'm apologizing now. What should I do for you to forgive me?" Louis asked as Harry slammed his locker shut and face Louis "I don't know Lou. You've just hurt me so much. I just can't believe that you'll choose a girl between our friendship" Harry said as Louis was speechless. Harry bowed his head as he walk past by Louis.

Louis must do something to bring back their friendship.


"I think being you as my fake bestfriend is working on Louis" Harry said as he and Zayn are eating at the cafeteria side by side.

Zayn perked his head up, away from his sketchpad "Oh yeah? How so?"

"Well, he keeps on apologizing to me and he's always saying to stay away from you" Harry said with a smile as Zayn playfully rolled his eyes "Geez. He's just like anybody else here. Stereotypes. I'm thankful that my Princess is different" Zayn answered as Harry stared at him.

Zayn went back to his sketchpad as Harry studied his face.

The way his eyebrows knitted together and the way he bit his bottom lip because he's so focused on his sketching. Harry smiled looking at him. All the people are wrong about him because Zayn's not that bad. He's funny, full of energy and he keeps Harry happy.

Harry paused, Happy?

Zayn's making him Happy?

Harry averted his gaze "Did I just think that Zayn's making me happy?" Harry mumbled as Zayn looked at him "What was that Princess?" Zayn asked as Harry rolled his eyes "Stop calling me that" Harry said as Zayn grinned "Whatever you say, Princess" Zayn responded, emphasizing the word Princess and went back on his sketching as Harry just looked at him with a smile.

// A/N: OMG! Zayn and Harry are starting to feel something towards each other! And I love the idea that Harry is a vegan in this story. Yes Zayn! Keep calling him princess! Whoop! Whoop!

I also love protective Zayn! Eeep! My heart 💕

Spread love and not hate!

— the CAT xx

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