Author's note

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Hey guys! Omg I'm back so sooon! Well that's because I just finished a new short fic. After Hide and seek, My imagination was in hirewire that I easily thought of a new Zarry au and it's titled Uncertainty.

Thank guys for reading my latest Zarry au entitled Hide and Seek. I really appreciate you guys! You guys are my inspiration to keep on writing. Since you're all here for me, I can't help but think of anothe AU to write. I love sharing my work! Also, thank you for giving votes and comments. I'm really enjoying reading the comments you guys share!

Now, for this Au, I hope you won't hate me for it. I know you guys don't ship Larry but in this AU, be warned, they may be some Larry scenes but its not much.


Oh right, here's about the cover:

Oh right, here's about the cover:

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And of course, edited by Moi. You'll know why it's titled Uncertainty and of course, at the end of the AU. So yeah.

I won't take much of your time and I'll get you started with your reading.

Spread love and not hate!

— the CAT xx

Uncertainty (ZARRY AU)Where stories live. Discover now