Chapter 17 - END

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Harry and Louis drove together at the Senior ball. Louis was hoping to see Eleanor there. He wanted to fix things that happened between them.

While Harry, he's all nervous and scared. What if Zayn won't show up? He's not ready to live his life without Zayn "Lou! I think I'm gonna faint" Harry said as Louis looked at him "Relax will you? He'll be here" Louis assured as Harry nodded. Harry fiddled with his fingers as he waited for Zayn.

Will he show up?

Back at the Malik's apartment, Zayn was looking at his clothes for the Senior ball. He sighed and averted his gaze towards the window "Son? You're not yet dressed?" Yaser asked as Zayn looked at his Dad "Uh I don't think I'm going" Zayn answered as Yaser went inside Zayn's room and sat beside him "Uh I heard what Harry said to you last night" Zayn's eyes widened as he stared at his father surprisingly.

Yaser chuckled "Don't be scared Zayn. I know about your sexuality" Yaser immediately said as he saw Zayn's frightened expression "Your Mum told me about it. Before she died" Yaser coughed "She said, love him no matter what he is because he is our son. Love him dearly because he's what's left of me" Yaser sniffed as she remembered his late wife

"We may not talk about things but I know you deeply care for the boy. I see the way he changed you Zayn. You've become all smiley and for sure, he's your source of happiness since your Mum died" Yaser said "Son, if you love someone, you'll never easily give up on them. If you love someone, you'll let them feel it. Before its too late" Yaser smiled as Zayn wiped his tears from his eyes "Harry got the half of your heart, don't you want your heart to be whole?" Yaser asked as Zayn chuckled "Yeah, I love him Dad. So much" Zayn said "I want to make my heart whole again" Zayn added as Yaser smiled

"Yes you should"


Harry and Louis are standing near the food area of the whole room. They're both bored and both waiting for their love of their lives to appear.

Harry looked at Louis "I think he's not coming Lou!" Harry frantically said as Louis put both his hands on Harry's shoulders "He'll be here okay? Of all the people here, you should be the one to believe that he'll show up!" Louis said as Harry nodded "You're right. You're right. He just got into a traffic" Harry assured himself.

Then Louis eyes widened seeing a girl with long curly brown hair entered looking beautiful in a white long gown "Harry, I think its my cue" Louis said as Harry's head tilted to the side "Huh?"

"I'll see you later!" Louis said as he walked past by Harry. Harry followed Louis as he saw him went towards Eleanor.

Harry sighed and gave out a small smile "Eleanor made it. I hope you'll make it too, Zayn" Harry mumbled to himself. Harry looked at his phone and its close to 9PM. Harry deeply sighed and he's getting a little frustrated.

Harry wanted to cry, if Zayn won't show up, he'll definitely have to live the rest of his senior year with a broken heart. Harry impatiently tapped his foot as he fiddled with his fingers "Harry!" Harry spun around only to see Louis with Eleanor and they're smiling fully "We've patched things up. Is Zayn here?" Louis asked as Harry's even more frustrated.

Louis and Eleanor already made up but Zayn isn't here yet. Harry shake his head "Our ball isn't finished yet, believe he'll be here okay?" Louis said as Harry nodded.

"Okay! People, gather around!" The students at the room stopped their dancing as they focused their attention to the stage "You look all beautiful tonight!" Their principal said "Now, its time for the biggest announcement you're all been waiting for!" The principal cheered as one of the faculty gave her the envelope "Its time to announce the King and Queen of the night!" The crowd cheered as the principal opened the envelope "And the King is..........." drumrolls can be heard "None other than our Basketball team captain, Louis Tomlinson!" The crowd cheered and applauded as the spotlight is now at Louis.

Harry clapped and glad that his bestfriend had won—Even though he didn't voted and written I don't give a fuck at the paper.

Louis was now crowned as the Principal congratulated him "For our Queen.........." again with the drumrolls "Member of the cheer leading, Eleanor Calder!" They all applauded as Louis smiled triumphantly "Wow Look at that, our beautiful King and Queen" the students applauded "Now lets give them the dance floor" The principal said as Louis took Eleanor's hand as they went in the middle of the dance floor and started to dance at the song of Queen's somebody to love (Slow melody and in strings)

The other students joined as they dance by pairs.

Harry stood at the back of the crowd as he saw his other classmates asking someone to dance with. Harry wanted to cry, Zayn didn't come and that means, he hadn't accepted his love and he has to deal with the pain and regret that he didn't told Zayn sooner of what he really felt.

"Care to dance Princess?" Harry's head turned and his eyes widened seeing Zayn wearing in his black tux and he look so gorgeous.

Harry's eyes instantly waters as he saw Zayn "Zayn!" Harry whispered as Zayn chuckled and stepped closer to him "Sssshhhh stop crying Princess" Zayn comforted as he cup Harry's cheeks and wiped his tears with his thumb.

After that, Zayn smiled as he stepped back and looked at Harry "So, can my Princess give me a dance?" Zayn asked again as Harry's heart skipped its beat and hearing Zayn calling him Princess doesn't irritates him at all, in fact, it's music to his ears "You're a jerk" Harry replied as tears rolled down again at Harry's cheeks.

"You let me wait here for hours and only showed up now? What kind of—" Harry stopped his rambling when He felt Zayn's lips on his. Harry was shocked at first that he felt Zayn's lips but he began to relax as Zayn kisses him with so much passion.

Zayn's hand snaked at Harry's back, pulling him closer to him as Harry settled his hands at Zayn's neck.

Harry opened his mouth to let Zayn in as Zayn's tongue went inside Harry's mouth, savoring him and tasting him.

Harry's heart wanted to burst out of his chest because kissing Zayn is the best feeling ever! They both parted, gasping for air as Zayn leaned his forehead on Harry's "I love you Zayn, I do I do!" Harry said as Zayn smiled "Thank you Princess for Loving me back. You're the only one who see the good in me when no one else does. You didn't judged me right away. You believed in me that I'm a good person and—" Zayn looked at Harry's eyes "You're my happiness" Zayn added as Harry's eyes gave out tears "I love you, Princess" Zayn said as Harry smiled wide with his dimples out "I'll only look at you Zayn" Harry responded as Zayn's heart is filled with joy!

"I'll only look at you and no one else"

And that night, both of them are in ecstasy.

Harry was uncertain of his feelings for Zayn but when you're destined to each other, it is certain that you'll end up no matter what uncertainties you'll feel.

Just like Harry, he thought he's certain that he loves Louis but ended up with his Uncertainty which is Zayn.


//A/N: I need tissue! Ugh! I love writing this part! And that's it guys! Harry and Zayn live happily ever after! Aaahhhhh! My Zarry heart! It's a bit cliché but, it is what it is sooooo that's the end! Gosh! I didn't expected it to be a short chaptered Au. But oh well. I hope you guys did enjoy this AU! I enjoyed writing this actually. Sooooo teenagers story, sooo rated PG , filled with fluff and overloaded sweetness. Well, comment down of what you think to the whole AU.

Thank you, thank you guys for reading, voting and commenting! I'll see you next time at my next AU! I love you all! 💕

Spread love and not hate!

— the CAT xx

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