Chapter 13

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Monday came and a lot had happened on the weekend. Harry just got his heart broken because his fake boyfriend just broke up with him. And Harry's been moping after that.

He doesn't know why he feels all devastated after Zayn left.

His heart is in pain and all he could think about was Zayn the entire weekend. Harry was deep in thoughts when someone elbowed him "Huh?" Harry saw Louis staring with so much concern written all over his face "Are you alright?" Louis asked.

They're at the cafeteria and Louis was happy when Harry agreed to eat lunch with them. Harry blinked and looked at Louis "Yeah. I'm fine" Harry softly answered "Are you and Zayn okay?" Louis asked and hearing Zayn's name, Harry's heart started to ache "Uh yeah. We're fine" Harry said as Louis looked at him weirdly "Are you sure? I mean you look like you haven't got any sleep—"

"I said I'm fine Louis!" Harry raised his voice as the students stopped what they're doing and looked at their table and Louis, he's shocked the most because this is the first time that Harry raised his voice at him.

Harry realized what he'd done as he looked around and saw many eyes staring at him. Harry groaned as he grabbed his backpack and left the cafeteria.

Harry is feeling irritated, annoyed, frustrated and all the other negative emotions are all over him. He feels this way because Zayn left him. When Louis left him abandoned, he didn't feel all these negative energy but with Zayn, he feels liked he wanted to jump off a cliff just to forget what happened over the weekend.

Harry's heart is in pain every time he remembered that weekend. Harry opened his locker and he saw Zayn's car keys. Oh yeah, he didn't return it to him. Harry wonders how Zayn got his car started because as he left for school this morning by taking the bus, he didn't saw Zayn's truck.

Harry grabbed the keys and put it on his pockets.

Classes for the day are already finished and Harry's contemplating whether to see Zayn or not. But in the end, Harry decided that he'll go to Zayn to return his car keys. Harry avoided Louis on the hallway as Louis understands that Harry needed his space for a while since he experienced Harry's outburst at the cafeteria.

Harry took a cab to the restaurant where Zayn works. As the cab stopped, Harry paid the driver and hopped out. He looked at the restaurants name and Swallowed his saliva "You can do this" Harry said as he stepped inside.

As Harry is already inside, his eyes immediately looked for Zayn. But Zayn wasn't on the work floor. Harry took his sit as a waitress smiled at him "Hi Welcome to Natural Springs, what can I get you?" Harry looked at her "Uh do you happened to see Zayn Malik?" Harry asked as the girl gave out a blush "Uh yeah. He's at the back, doing dishes" the lady answered "Oh Can you tell him that Harry Styles is here to see him?"

"Sorry. Our manager doesn't do visitors during work hours but he'll be the one to clean up here after my shift's finished"

"What time do you get off?"

"9PM" the lady answered as Harry looked at the time, it's just past 5 and it will 4 hours til Zayn will clean up the area "Thanks" Harry responded "So, do you want anything?" The lady asked as Harry smiled "Uh yeah. Panera bread and Mango shake, thanks" Harry responded as the lady smiled and took off.

Harry sighed, waiting won't hurt.

It's already close to 9 as Harry's still at the table.

The waitress eyes him curiously because it's already been 4 hours since Harry got inside the restaurant. Harry saw the lady with her bags on her shoulder as she's already leaving the restaurant.

Harry's eyes looked at the door that leads to the kitchen but Zayn isn't around. Harry tapped his fingers on the table and his knees shaking "Need more water?" Harry's ears twinge hearing that thick accent.

Harry looked up and saw Zayn holding a pitcher "Zayn" Harry whispered as Zayn isn't meeting his gaze "What are you doing here Harry?" Zayn asked as Harry fished out the car keys on his pocket and put it on the table "I came to return you this" Harry said as Zayn looked at him and raised his brow "So you waited for How many hours just to give my car keys back?" Zayn asked as Harry nodded "Yeah" He awkwardly answered.

Zayn put the pitcher down at the table and grabbed the keys "Thanks" he said as he spun around but Harry stood "Zayn, wait!" Harry called as Zayn stopped his tracks "The truth is, I want us to talk" Harry said as Zayn formed his hands into fist "There's nothing to talk about Harry" Zayn said "It's almost closing time, leave" Zayn added as Harry's heart cracked

"You can't ran away from what you really feel Zayn" Harry answered as Zayn stopped and face Harry "You can't ran away from me forever. Because I know that you love me and you can't bear to be away with me" Harry confidently said as Zayn glared at him "You're an airhead! Who do you think you are huh?! You're just Harry Styles! Who's too coward to tell his bestfriend that he loves him. And do you think I can't bear to be away you?! Really now Harry?" Zayn answered as he smirked

"Are you sure that I'm the one who can't bear to be with you? Or is it the other way around?" Zayn added as Harry's eyes widened "I manage going to school without throwing an outburst at the cafeteria and came to see me just to return my car keys. Now, who do you think is the one who can't stay away, huh?" Zayn said as Harry's now angry because Zayn's turning everything around

"You!" Harry pointed at him with force but Harry stopped himself as put his hand down and deeply sighed.

Harry can't answer back because Zayn's words hit him straight from his heart.

Zayn's right.

Harry's the one who can't stay away. Harry looked at Zayn one last time before leaving.

After seeing Harry leave, Zayn's heart ache.

He regretted saying those words to Harry but he can't take it back.

//A/N: Aww, ZARRY quarrel. Harry's all irritated! Just tell Zayn you like him too! You keep on denying it! I don't know—everything escalated quickly. But you guys get the point. Lol! Thank you guys for the reads, votes and comments! I love you all! Oh! Don't forget to Buy or stream Zayn's Icarus Falls album! His tunes are bopping. I sooooo love it.

Spread love and not hate!

— the CAT xx

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