Chapter 4

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The next day, Harry was startled when Louis's already at their living room, waiting for him.

He can't believe that he still has the nerve to show up after abandoning him at Natural Springs!

"Harry! Mate! I need to tell you something!" Louis excitedly said as Harry deeply sighed "What is it?" Harry asked, uninterested at all as Louis followed him through their front door and out of the house.

They went towards Louis's car "Eleanor and I are together now!" Louis said as Harry's eyes widened with surprise "I mean! We went out last night and we have dinner and then I asked her if she wanted to be my girlfriend and she said yes!" Louis added as Harry can see that he's genuinely happy.

Harry gulped and force a smile "That's great!" Harry said as Louis stopped his rambling and looked at Harry "You're not happy" Louis said "Huh?"

"Your smile, its different. You're not happy" Louis said as Harry's heart pounded "No I am" Harry lied.

His insides are hurting.

Louis then realized something "Holy! I forgot about last night!" Louis said as Harry shake his head "I'm sorry Harry! I totally space out last night!" Louis added "Just give me the keys Louis" Harry said as Louis tossed him the keys as both of them went inside Louis's truck.

On their way to school, Louis can't stop rambling on how he missed their dinner last night. He apologized to Harry as Harry told him that everything's alright. And when they've reached their school, Louis is still talking about it "I'm really sorry Harry!" Louis said as Harry stopped walking and face Louis "Lou, it's alright okay? Besides, I'm with someone last night" Harry said as Louis head tilted to the side "Who?"

Harry paused and bit his bottom lip, should he tell him that its Zayn Malik?

Harry gave out a crooked smile "Zayn Malik" Harry said as Louis's eyes glared at him "I told you not to talk to him right?" Louis said as Harry continued to walk towards their locker "He's trouble Harry! What were you thinking?" Louis hissed as Harry rolled his eyes and opened his locker "He'll get you in trouble too! Harry are you listening to me?" Louis said as he closed Harry's locker.

Harry composed himself as he look at Louis "Yes, I'm listening. I'll see you at Lunch. I'll be late for class" Harry mumbled as he left Louis.


When Lunch came, Harry is looking for Louis at the cafeteria and when he found him, Harry frowned.

He's with Eleanor and some of the girls from the cheerleading. Harry slowly approached them "Hey Harry!" Louis smiled as he pushed the tray in front of Harry "Bought your usual" Louis said as Harry smiled uncomfortably.

The girls stared at him and when he was about to sit, one girl and Eleanor's friend put a bag on the empty chair "Sorry Babe, seats taken" she said as Harry stared at horror. The girls giggled and that includes Eleanor, when did she get so mean?

Harry grabbed the tray and started to walk off not looking at Louis who's now calling his name. Harry ignored Louis as he looked for a table to sit and he saw Zayn, sitting alone on his usual spot.

Harry walked towards him and sat opposite to Zayn that gave a little jumped from Zayn. His eyes wide seeing Harry sat opposite to him "Hi" Harry said as he put his food on the table and opened the vegetable box "Uh what are you doing?" Zayn asked as Harry shrugged, eating his vegetables "Eating. You want salad?" Harry answered as Zayn cringe "I can see that. But why are you here and not on the jocks table?" Zayn asked as Harry stopped eating and looked at Zayn "Look, I have a brilliant plan—" Harry started "You'll help me get Louis jealous, okay? I promise, I'll make this painless as possible" Harry added as he waits for Zayn's reaction.

Zayn's mouth hang open.

Did this curly who has has beautiful eyes and beautiful smile because of his dimples asked him to make his bestfriend whom he's inlove with, Jealous?! "So? Will you be my next bestfriend?" Harry asked as Zayn closed his mouth and smirked "Fine. Do whatever you want" Zayn responded as he grabbed his bag and stood "Wait! Where are you goin?!" Harry asked as Zayn looked at him "None of your business" Zayn answered "We're bestfriends now, you can't just leave me here" Harry said as Zayn rolled his eyes and settled his hands on the table "Look here Princess, its only pretend okay? And we'll start tomorrow. I don't want to be here longer. The people are starting to stare" Zayn said as he swing his backpack on his shoulders and left Harry.

Harry smiled, did he just called him Princess?

After lunch, Harry went to his classes. He ignored Louis the whole afternoon because he doesn't want to talk to him. He's upset and a little angry at Louis for not defending him in front of Eleanor's posies.

As Harry is walking towards the school main gate, someone held his elbow and spun him around. Harry's eyes widened as he saw Louis "Harry! I'm sorry okay?" Louis said as Harry shake his head and continued to walk but Louis held him again and stopped him from walking "Harry, please! I'm sorry I didn't defended you earlier at Lunch" Louis said as Harry looked at him, he wanted to cry "Why?" Harry asked as Louis sighed "I don't even know"

"Because you chose Eleanor than me. You didn't acted because you want to impress her" Harry barged in as Louis closed his mouth because Harry's words hit his gut.

As Louis didn't responded, Harry continued to walk off.

// A/N: Ugh! Louis is such a jerk! Oh Poor Harry. Good thing Zayn's there. He's all he needs. Whoooooaaa! You'll gonna love what's gonna happen next. For sure!

Spread love and not hate!

— the CAT xx

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