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Finally, after long years in highschool, Harry's now at the end of the journey. He really wanted this! He really wanted highschool to be over.

And on the Styles residence, Anne, Harry's beautiful and ethusiastic Mum is more excited than Harry.

"Harry Deary! Senior year! Are you ready?" Anne, Harry's mum called behind the closed door of Harry's room.

Harry opened the door and smiled at his Mum with his backpack on his shoulders "I'm ready!" Harry responded as Anne smiled and kissed Harry's forehead "You'll do great" Anne said as Harry hugged his Mum as Anne caressed Harry's soft curls "Okay, Louis is already downstairs" Anne said as she pushed Harry to look at his green eyes "I'll see you later Mum" Harry said as he made his way downstairs.

And when he reached downstairs, he was meet by his bestfriend who has a feathery brown hair with blue eyes and he's smiling at Harry with such fondness "Hey Lou" Harry dreamily greeted as Louis chuckled "Good morning Harry! Ready?" Louis asked as Harry smiled with his dimples out and he nodded.

You see, Harry and Louis had been bestfriends since first grade and as they grew up, Harry developed feelings for Louis. He'd been his protector and he feels secure every time he's with Louis.

Upon developing feelings for Louis, Harry told him about his sexuality and Louis accepted him with open arms "You're my bestfriend and nothing can change that" Louis said back then as Harry was so happy. As they've reached High school, Harry's feelings had grown and he feels like he already love Louis but he can't confessed his feelings because he doesn't want Louis to freak out.

And now, they're at their senior year and Harry's planning to confess his love before their senior ball that's months away. Harry has more time to find courage and prepare his confession.

"Come on Harry. We don't wanna be late for our first day of Senior year!" Louis said as Harry smiled and nodded. They both exited Harry's house and went towards Louis's Black Audi car. And as usual, Harry drives as Louis rides shotgun.

Even though it's Louis's car, Harry's the one who drives. It's been like that since Louis got his car when he was 16.

Louis tossed the keys to Harry as Harry caught it like a pro "We seriously need some of your catching skills on Basketball team Harry" Louis said as Harry laughed "I'm okay being your supporter Lou" Harry answered as Louis laughed. Louis Tomlinson is also the Captain of their school's basketball team.

Everyone doubted that he'll get in the team since Louis is a petite guy but Harry motivated him and gave him positive advices until Louis made it as the team Captain. He may be small but he's fast and can shoot hoops like a pro baller.

They both got inside Louis's car and once settled in, Harry started the engine and drove off.

High school is the most fun level of education and for Harry, it is since he has Louis on his side. And Harry's life is always in colors because Louis is his source of being lively. They've now reached school as Harry parked at the usual spot where they always parked everyday.

Harry turned off the engine and took out the keys as they went out of the car. They swung their bags on their shoulders and walk inside the entrance of the school. Upon entering their school, The girls squealed seeing Louis. Of course, it's a cliche that every girls at their school likes Louis because he got the looks, charm and of course, the title as the Team captain.

Harry rolled his eyes as some girls threw theirselves at Louis and this time, a blonde girl stepped in front of them and gave a very bright smile "Louis! Hi" she shyly said as both Harry and Louis stopped their pace "Oh hey?" Louis awkwardly answered back as Harry irritatedly tapped his foot on the tiled floor.

He hated this kind of moments where Louis's attention is diverted to these girls "I'm Elaine. From your Physics class and just want to ask if you want to sit together later?" The girl asked as Harry annoyingly rolled his eyes "Sorry Babe, I already a got a seat mate" Louis smiled as he take hold of Harry's arm.

Harry wanted to give out a triumphant smile but he contained himself.

The girl pouted "Oh I see well, I'll see you then" she answered as she slowly walked off. Harry looked at Louis "That's rude of you Tomlinson" Harry said as Louis chuckled "I don't want to abandon you" Louis answered back as Harry's heart flutters.

He knows that Louis meant that he doesn't want to leave his bestfriend but Harry's mind are giving romantic meanings behind it "I'm touched Lou" Harry replied in a teased way but truthfully, he really meant it "You always do Harry" Louis winked as Harry gave out a crooked smile but deep inside, he's screaming with too much romantic feelings.

They both gone to their lockers and as usual, they're also lockermates. Louis grabbed his books and stuffed it all on his bags and same goes for Harry and after that, Louis slammed his locker shut and when made a turn, his blue eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat when he saw a girl with long brown hair with brown eyes, reading a book at the corner of the hallway.

Louis immediately grabbed Harry's elbow and pulled him closer to him "Lou?! What?!" Harry was startled as Louis pointed at the girl "Who's that?" Louis asked as Harry followed Louis's finger and his green eyes landed on the girl with long brown hair. Harry's eyes then went back on Louis's face who's looking at the girl with so much admiration.

Harry's heart ache because this is the first time that Harry saw Louis looking at someone like that. Harry was cut off by his thoughts when Louis shake him "Who's that?" Louis asked again as Harry sighed "Eleanor. She's in my Drama class" Harry answered as Louis wowed "I'm gonna talk to her" Louis said as Harry wanted to say shout NO! But he won't because he has no right to.

And right at the hallway, Harry's heart just go torn to a thousand pieces knowing that Louis likes Eleanor.

// A/N: Yiiie chapter 1! Please don't hate me for making a Larry scene. It's part of the whole story. Anyway, whoop whoop! Harry's inlove with his bestfriend and Louis hadn't had a clue. Poor boy.

Now, I think this story will be a short fic. Because every chapter has short words but its for you to judge! Lol! comment down! Don't be shy!

Spread love and not hate!

— the CAT xx

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