Chapter 11

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Harry sat at the recliner near the pool. He's still processing his feelings.

Love Zayn? That's impossible.

Zayn's his friend. He'd been with him when Louis abandoned him. He made Harry feel all better by telling him that he has his own life and he can totally live without Louis telling him off about his decisions.

Zayn's pretty amazing. But Harry shake his head "Stop it Harry! You don't like Zayn! He's your friend" Harry said to himself as he heard the door from the kitchen opened.

Harry looked around and saw Zayn walking a little zigzag towards him "I found you!" Zayn said, his voice a lot deeper than his usual "Zayn, are you drunk?" Harry asked as Zayn chuckled and sat beside Harry "I'm not. I can still see you clearly" Zayn said as Harry wanted to smile, he's so adorable but Harry just sighed "Okay, give me your keys and I'll drive" Harry said as he laid out his palm at Zayn and seeing Harry's hand opened for Zayn, he put his hand on Harry's palm and lace their fingers.

Harry's heartbeat quickened and his cheeks started to heat up. Zayn is holding his hand which he shouldn't feel all giddy about since they held hands earlier but something's different from this hand holding. Harry can feel butterflies inside his stomach coming alive and he can feel Zayn's pad of his thumb runs through his skin "You know, I was jealous earlier" Zayn started as Harry glanced at Zayn.

Zayn's not looking at Harry but he's looking at the pool, his hazel eyes glistens from the light that's coming from the pool.

"When that Michael dude flirted at you, I wanted to punch him but good thing, I controlled myself. I don't want to make a scene" Zayn said "I don't want people to think that I'm indeed a troublemaker" Zayn added as Harry looked at Zayn "Hey, you're not okay? You shouldn't let people get inside your head Zayn. You're a good person" Harry said as Zayn sighed before leaning his head on Harry's shoulder, still not letting go of his hand "Thank you Princess. You're the only person who thinks that and I'm grateful" Zayn said as Harry's heart sped up and seriously, when did it got so hot in here?

And what is this Harry's feeling?

"You're amazing Harry. That's why I keep calling you Princess because you have a heart like one. You see good in people and you follow your own instincts. I like that. You're compassionate, kind hearted and thoughtful. I don't get it why Louis doesn't love you back like the way you love him. If I'm him, I'll be lucky to have a bestfriend who's inlove with me because for sure, I'll love him back because he's not that hard to fall inlove with" Zayn said as Harry's insides are churning.

Is Zayn's confessing something to him?

"How hard can it be to say 'Hey Harry, I love you. Will you love me back?'" Zayn chuckled as Harry's heart wanted to burst out of his chest, his insides are really swarming with butterflies now and he's now madly blushing! "You—you love me?" Harry softly asked as Zayn looked at him intently, locking their eyes together.

Harry's breathing labored as he saw Zayn's face nearing his "If I say I do, will you look at me the way you look at Louis?" Zayn whispery said as Harry's head started to spin. Ohgod! He feels like fainting "Zayn..."

"But then again, I won't pressure you to love me back because I don't deserve to be loved back by a sweet human like you" Zayn backed away as he stood and looked down at Harry who's all shocked from the happening "and I can't compete with Louis. Your bestfriend, team captain of the basketball team. You'll never looked at me the way you look at him" Zayn said as he grabbed his keys from his pockets and gave it to Harry "Here, you drive. I might crashed the truck if I'll do" Zayn added as he went inside the mansion.

Harry's jaw dropped.

Zayn Malik just confessed that he loves him! What should Harry do now?!


When Zayn woke up the next day, the first thing he saw was a cream colored ceiling and some glow in the dark stickers on it. Zayn slowly sat on the soft bed and roamed his eyes on his surroundings.

Wait, this is not his room.

He checked himself and he's still all dressed—that's good. Zayn then looked at the whole room "Where am I?" He whispered as he slowly get off the bed. He saw some photo frame from the desk and his eyes widened seeing Harry's photo with Louis. He gasped, He's at Harry's room!

The door slowly creaked opened as Zayn look at the person who'd entered "Oh hey you're up!" Harry shyly smiled as Zayn gave an awkward one "I'm sorry for intruding here Harry" Zayn said as Harry immediately shook his head "No! No! It's okay! And Mum made breakfast! Come on!" Harry cheery said as left, opening the door for Zayn.

Zayn deeply sighed, he needs to remember what happened last night. He drunk a number of bottles and he remembered looking for Harry. And then the pool! There was a pool! He saw Harry there and he was sitting alone, looking at the pool.

"Zayn!" Zayn stopped his thoughts for a minute when he saw Harry again "I thought you were following me and when I saw you aren't, I came back here. Are you okay?" Harry asked as Zayn nodded "Yeah, yeah" Zayn answered "Okay, lets go. Mum's looking for us" Harry said as he left again but this time, Zayn followed him.

When they reached the kitchen, Anne is already at her seat, smiling at them "Good Morning Boys! Breakfast!" Anne singsonged as Harry took his sit and looked at Zayn. Harry then waited for him to sit at his usual sit. Zayn slowly sat and looked at Anne and Harry "Zayn Deary, will you please call someone at home? Maybe they're worried that you didn't go home last night" Anne concernedly said "Uh yes. And I'm sorry for being here Anne"

"Nonsense! You're welcome here!" Anne interjected as she smiled "Now, call your parents after breakfast okay? Let them know that you're safe" Anne added as Zayn nodded.

After breakfast, Zayn called his father and told him that he's okay. And for Yaser, he's shocked that his son called him just to tell him that he's okay since its usual for Zayn not going home when its a weekend.

Yaser gave him the freedom to do what he likes because he knows that Zayn is responsible enough to do what he pleases. And after calling his father, Zayn looked for Harry. Anne said that he's at the garden, tending the plants. Harry's just adorable

"Deary, you tell Harry that I'm off to the market okay?" Anne said to Zayn as she put on her scarf "Okay Anne and thank you for letting me stay" Zayn smiled "And As I said, you're welcome here" Anne said as she wave a hand at Zayn and took off.

Zayn continued to the garden and saw Harry there, watering the plants. Zayn leaned his shoulder at the door frame as he watched Harry.

The way Harry looks at the plants with fondness and the way he eyes lit up. Zayn can't stop himself feeling giddy and feeling this romantic feelings towards Harry.

And From there, Zayn can no longer Deny that he is inlove with Harry Styles.

//A/N: I SOOOOO LOVE THIS CHAPTER! Zayn confessed that he LOVES Harry with alcohol intoxication! Lol. I feel all giddy writing that part. My Zarry heart! Aww poor Zayn, he wanted Harry to look at him like how he looks at Louis. Aww.

What do you guys thinks? I'm soooo inlove with this chapter. Lol!

OMG! ICARUS FALLS album out now! I'm so proud of Zayn! He's really amazing! Grab your copies now! Or yet, stream it! Lets make Zayn proud.

Spread love and not hate!

— the CAT xx

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