Chapter 7

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Zayn took Harry home after their classes.

As Zayn stopped the engine of his truck, He smiled looking at Harry "I'll see you tomorrow Princess" Zayn said as Harry glared at Zayn as he took off his seatbelt "Zayn, I told you to stop calling me Princess because I'm not" Harry said as Zayn chuckled "You're a princess to me Harry" Zayn replied and from the sound of Zayn's voice, it's like he's flirting.

Harry rolled his eyes as he opened the door "I'll see you Zayn" Harry said as he hopped out of Zayn's truck.

When Harry reached their front door, he closed the door and leaned his back into it as he smiled goofily "Oh my!" Anne gasped as Harry's eyes widened seeing his Mum who just happened to see him smiling "Harry? You're smiling all alone? Are you sure Zayn is just a friend?" Anne asked as Harry nodded "Yes Mum! He is. Period" Harry answered as Anne giggled "If you like him, you should tell me okay?" Anne said "Mum! I don't like Him okay?" Harry responded.

"Dear? Why's Louis not coming here anymore?" Anne asked as Harry flinched "Uhm, he's busy with practice and everything" Harry responded with an awkward ambiance "Oh he must be really busy then?" Anne said "I just told you that he is. I'm going to my room" Harry muttered as he went up to his room.

Harry threw his backpack on the floor and lied on his bed.

He's thinking of Louis again.

Louis's hurting him and he wanted it to stop.

He closed his eyes, resting his eyes for a bit as he heard a tapping sound on his terrace door. Harry opened his eyes as he sat on his bed and looked at his terrace door. He stood and walked towards it. He opened the door and looked outside and his heart thumped seeing Louis below "Harry! I'm sorry!" Louis said as Harry panicked!

What if his Mum will see him?! She'll definitely asked him a thousand questions "Come up here!" Harry whispery hissed as he frantically wave his hands at Louis. Louis climbed up using the tree that's near Harry's terrace door.

After Louis made it to the branch that's next to Harry's terrace, he jumped and landed on the floor Of Harry's terrace "Hey" Louis greeted as Harry crossed his arms on his chest.

Louis stood straight and look at Harry "Harry, I'm sorry okay? Please hear me out" Louis said as Harry kept his mouth shut "Okay—" Louis started as he took a deep breath and inhaled and exhaled "I'm sorry for being a jerk to you this past few days. I'm sorry for not defending you to Eleanor's friends. I'm sorry I left you hanging. And I'm sorry for not showing up on our dinner" Louis sighed as Harry's eyes widened "What?"

"It all started on our planned Dinner that I didn't show up to. It all got crashed from there" Louis said as Harry's expression softened "—and here, this is uh—for you" Louis grabbed something from his backpack and gave it to Harry "Here—" Harry looked at the paper bag and grabbed it "What's in it?" Harry asked as Louis smiled "Open it" Louis said as Harry open the paper bag and his eyes lit up "You've bought me Panera Bread" Harry said as Louis smiled even more "I can't believe you went to a Vegetarian restaurant to buy me this" Harry answered as Louis shrugged "It's kind of my Peace offering" Louis said as Harry looked at Louis and gave out his full smile with his dimples out "Thank you Lou" Harry said as Louis pulled Harry into a hug "I'm sorry for everything Harry" Louis whispered as Harry smiled and hugged Louis back—he actually missed Louis "You're forgiven Louis" Harry whispered back.

After Louis and Harry's moment, they're now inside Harry's room, just talking.

They've been missing each other out "And yeah, About Zayn. Now that we're bestfriends again, you should stay away from him" Louis said as Harry's eyes widened "Why? He's my friend! I can't do that!" Harry responded as Louis sighed "He's trouble Harry and now that I'm here, you can ditch him and hang with me" Louis smiled as Harry's heart dropped.

He can't just ditch Zayn. Harry's emotions just stirred up as he felt angry towards Louis for saying that "I can't ditch Zayn Louis!"

"Why not?"

"Because......because he's my—boyfriend!" Louis's eyes widened as Harry's too.

He's also shocked that he said the word Boyfriend. Harry covered his mouth as Louis stared at him wide eyes "What?!" Louis gasped as Harry put down his hands "You said he was JUST your friend?!" Louis said "Did I say that? I meant, Boyfriend. Yeah, Zayn's my boyfriend" Harry lied as Louis shake his head "Why did you even let that Happened? You being his boyfriend?"

"Hey! Zayn's a good person Louis. He may have many tattoos but he's a good person. You can't judge him base on his looks!" Harry defended Zayn as Louis closed his mouth "And if you can't accept him for being my boyfriend, I think—"

"Don't tell me that we'll stop being bestfriends because I won't allow it" Louis barged in as Harry got quiet "Fine!" Louis gave up as he sighed "Let me meet this Zayn so that I'll see what you see in him that's good" Louis said as Harry crookedly smiled.

And he can't believe he just lied to Louis.


Harry is now waiting for Zayn as the front of his house. Louis and him agreed that he'll let Zayn take him for school since they're boyfriends now. Well in Harry's head that is.

Harry's a little nervous and his fiddling with his fingers. As Harry heard the honking sound from Zayn's truck, He stood and saw the truck stopped "Hey Princess!" Zayn called with a smile as Harry shake his head "I'm tired of saying not to call me that Zayn" Harry said as he approached Zayn's truck.

Harry opened the door and hopped in. Zayn stared at Harry "Okay now what's wrong?" Zayn asked as Harry jumped, Zayn can tell he has a dilemma? How?

Harry looked at Zayn as he closed the door and put his seatbelt on "Nothing's wrong" Harry answered as Zayn chuckled "Come on Harry. I can sense that something's wrong" Zayn answered as he started the engine and drove away.

Harry settled his hands on his lap and fiddling with his fingers "Listen—" Harry started as Zayn took a glance at Harry and back at the road "Louis and I already talked and—" Harry paused as he gulped—you can do this Harry "—and we're bestfriends again" Harry added as Zayn wasn't surprised.

Well he wanted to act surprised but he didn't because as what Harry had said yesterday, Louis apologized already.

Zayn shrugged "That's good right?" Zayn responded as Harry smiled "Yes it is" Harry answered. Harry's smile faded when he remembered his lie to Louis "And I may have said something that involves you" Harry said as Zayn made a U turn towards their school "Just tell me Harry" Zayn said as Harry took a deep breath

"ItoldLouisThatYouAreMyBoyfriend" Harry said without a pause as Zayn found a parking space.

He parked his truck and stopped the engine and face Harry "Sorry, What was that? You were speaking too fast I didn't get you" Zayn said as he took off his seatbelt as Harry did the same "I'm sorry about this Zayn. I didn't know what came to my mind last night that I told Louis that we're—" Harry nervously looked at Zayn "—we're boyfriends" Harry whispery said as Zayn's eyes widened.

Harry said what now?

// A/N: OMYHEART! Harry.....what are you doing? Lol! You're in deniably inlove with Zayn. Look what you're doing! Lying to Louis because you don't want to be away with Zayn. Real subtle Styles, real subtle. Lol!

And OMG, Zayn knows if something's bothering or something's wrong with Harry. True love's instincts man! TRUE LOVE 💕

Spread love and not hate!

— the CAT xx

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