Chapter 5

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Harry's tears just rolled down his cheeks as he walked towards the bus stop.

He can't believe that Louis abandoned him because of some girl.

As Harry made it to the bus stop, he wiped his tears and took a deep breath "Hey?" Harry looked up and saw hazel eyes looking at him inside a beat up truck "Harry? You need a ride?" Zayn asked as Harry looks at his black truck with fading paint and Harry can tell that it wasn't maintained but still, looks Functional "Huh? Yes. I'm—I'm going home" Harry stuttered as Zayn opened the car door for him "Hop in" Zayn said as Harry was having second thoughts.

Zayn saw that he's hesitant "Come on Harry, lets put this fake bestfriend to work" Zayn said as Harry stared at him for a minute and sighed.

He walked towards Zayn's truck, hopped in and closed the door "Now that's a good Princess" Zayn grinned as Harry rolled his eyes. Zayn chuckled due to Harry's reaction and then drove off.

"Where do you live Styles?" Zayn asked as Harry stared at him "At the 27th Ave" Harry answered as Zayn nodded.

The rest of the journey was quiet because Harry doesn't like to talk and Zayn, well, he doesn't want to talk either because as he can see, Harry's sad.

Most of their talk was just Harry pointing directions to his house "We're here" Harry said as Zayn slowly stopped the engine and looked at the neighborhood. It looks serene and so homey, not like where Zayn lives.

It's a little noisy because his Dad and him lives in an apartment at Bushwick. Harry took off his seatbelt and looked at Zayn "Thank you for the ride Zayn" Harry gave out a little smile as he opened the door "But are you okay though?" Zayn asked as Harry stopped opening the door midway as he looked at Zayn with surprise "What?" Harry answered whispery as Zayn rubbed his nape "Well, I'm your fake bestfriend right? Isn't that what bestfriend's do? Ask each other if they're okay?" Zayn said as Harry was stunned.

Wow, Zayn's taking this fake bestfriend seriously "Wanna meet my Mum?" Harry asked as he himself was shock that he asked Zayn that. As for Zayn, he looked at him contemplating whether to say yes. But in the end, he gave Harry smile and nodded.

Anne heard the door open and footsteps "Mum?" Anne smiled hearing his son's voice "Harry dear? I'm here at the kitchen!" Anne answered as Harry went towards the kitchen and Anne gasped as she saw a different face instead of Louis "Oh. You have a new friend?"

"Uh yes. This is Zayn. He's from school" Harry answered as Zayn smiled at Anne "Hi Ma'am, My name's Zayn Malik" Zayn said as Anne looked at Zayn from top to bottom, examining him and when Anne saw his tattoo's, she take hold of Harry's arm and pulled him protectively closer to her "Oh Hi Zayn. You've got lot of tattoos" Anne said as Zayn knew that Anne already thinks he's a troublemaker.

What's new, all of the people who sees him judges him easily "Mum, Zayn's my friend" Harry said as he looked at Anne "What? I'm just saying that he has a lot of tattoos" Anne answered "And that's your way of telling him that he's a bad guy but trust me, he's not. He's my friend" Harry said as he smiled at Zayn "Okay, I'm sorry Zayn. That was rude of me. Well, welcome to our house and make yourself comfortable" Anne said as Zayn gave a small smile.

"I made sandwiches so, help yourselves okay? I'll be at the garden" Anne said as she kissed Harry's cheek before disappearing.

Harry looked at Zayn who's standing awkwardly at the corner of the kitchen "Sorry About Mum. She's a little judgmental" Harry said "No worries, I get that a lot" Zayn shrugged "Well, but not from me, I see you as you are" Harry smiled as Zayn's heart thumped right there "See me? As I am?" Zayn asked as Harry nodded "Come sit, lets eat sandwich" Harry offered as Zayn take his sit near Harry "What do you mean you see me as I am?" Zayn asked again as Harry gave him a sandwich "Well, I didn't see you as the 'bad boy' I see you as a person" Harry said as he took a bite of his sandwich "That's nice of you to say Harry" Zayn said as he looked at his sandwich "No seriously—" Harry said with his mouth filled with sandwich.

Zayn chuckled "Didn't your Mum told you not to talk when your mouth is full?" Zayn said as Harry swallowed the sandwich and smiled "Sorry. I was just excited to tell you that you're a great person Zayn" Harry said "How can you be so sure? You've only met me like days ago" Zayn responded as Harry shrugged "That's true but I see good in people" Harry answered.

Zayn was speechless after that. He can't believe that he's starting to think that this fake bestfriend may actually end up as his friend.


Zayn and Harry talked about things like their hobbies, interests and fave things. Its like getting to know each other. Harry's smiling now and Zayn didn't bothered asking him about his tears he saw earlier.

Seeing Harry smile is what matters "Again, Thank you for taking me home Zayn" Harry said as he took Zayn towards their main door "No problem. Anything for my bestfriend, right Princess?" Zayn responded as Harry's cheeks turned red "Why do you keep on calling me Princess?" Harry asked as Zayn chuckled.

He stepped closer to Harry as Harry's eyes widened "Because you're a cute little Princess" Zayn whispered as Harry's heart started to beat fast as his cheeks blushed.

Zayn chuckled as he pinched Harry's cheek "If only you could see how cute you are" Zayn said as he stepped away from Harry and walked towards his car "I'll see you at school Harry!" Zayn wave as he opened his truck and hopped inside.

Harry touched where Zayn pinched as he watched Zayn drove away. Harry's cheeks suddenly felt all hot. He plastered a goofy smile on his face as he went inside and closed the door. When he walked past the kitchen, Anne called him "Yes Mum?"

"That Zayn Fella, he seems nice" Anne said "He is Mum and don't be deceived by his tattoos. He just likes art" Harry answered as Anne smiled "I trust your judgement on Him Harry" Anne said as Harry was about to make a turn—"Dear?"

"Yes Mum?" Harry looked at his Mum "Is he like, courting you?" Anne asked as Harry's jaw dropped. Why would his Mum think that?! "Mum! What gave you that idea?!"

"Well, this is the first time that you brought someone new at this house, aside from Louis. I just assumed that you and Zayn are dating" Anne said as Harry's cheeks are madly blushing now "Mum! We're not dating okay? We're just friends" Harry said as Anne nodded "Okay, okay" she said "But are you sure though?"

"Yes Mum! He's just a friend. Can I go now?" Harry asked as Anne smiled "Okay! I'll call you if Dinner's ready" Anne said as Harry nodded and continued his way to his room. And when he got there, he sat on his bed and thought about what his Mum said.

Zayn and him, dating? That's absurd! And for sure, Zayn doesn't like Harry like that. But then, Harry thought about Zayn calling him 'Princess'

Harry blushed some more as he heard Zayn's voice inside his head calling him Princess. Harry groaned! Why is he thinking about Zayn all of the sudden?!

// A/N: HAHAHAAHAHA! My heart is beating like crazy at this chapter! I like how Zayn calls Harry Princess. Suits him don't you think? And Anne, I'm on board with her asking Harry if they're dating.

And Harry is just the sweetest right? He didn't quickly judged Zayn by his appearance but he got to know him first. I wish most of the people of the world are like him. Today's generation are filled with judgemental people and I hate it.

Zayn's also a subtle flirt! Lol!

Anyway, Spread love and not hate!

— the CAT xx

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