Chapter 1 "The Expensive Girl"

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As like always the youngest female CEO is on her way to her company building in her Lambhorghini.

The Channel watch on wrist, with Gucci googlesresting on her head, wearing the Louis Vuitton dress and Dior jewellery with YSL makeup on and the apple device with her.
Anyone can say the millionaire girl also know as 'The expensive girl'

Her phone rang
"Yes, Mr. Choi?"
"Ms. Jung, actually Mr. Hwang has postponed our meeting"
She chuckled "that bullshit. Alright, give this contract to Mr. Park"
He was in in disbelief but not shocked, he knew his boss.
"Ms. Jung, let be the meeting tomorrow and give him the contract"

She replied firmly "Mr. Choi, you know I hate wasting my time and waiting for someone. This is the third time he is postponeding the meeting. He is careless about his duty, then why should I care? Anyway I am on the way i'll be there in couple of minutes, we'll talk there!"

With that she cut the call.
"That stupid Hwang Hyunjin. does he think without him my company will not run?" she chuckled "Little brat" she whisper under her breath.

Here, Mr. Choi was sat on his chair with his one hand on his forehead. "Why she is always like this? No one have never stress me the way she stress me. Ahhhh"

The one who is always stressed due to his boss.
He is none other than Choi Beomgyu, the personal assistant of the CEO of company.

Soon her car arrive infront of building and the tension among the employees rose up. Yes she is very strict about work, but she is cool too.

She throw monthly parties to rejuvenate employees' mood and make them stress free (but for a short time)
After the party is over she is again to her bossy character.

No doubt many of male employees fanboy over her, but secretly. If she get any kind of information that you are crushing over her, what wil happen you know?

You'll be fired from the US biggest company, simple as that.
She is none other than the 'Jung YN'.

You step out of her car and entered the company, every employee started bowing you and you were just walking with a straight face.
Your PA came downstairs as he know you would arrive in any second, he bow to you and walk behind you to your cabin.

As soon as you both reach to the cabin. He spoke "Ms. Jung, please think once before giving the contract to Mr. Park."

You sigh and spoke "You know I have gave him enough time. He is just misusing his power of being head of a small a$$ company. I don't care about him, just email Mr. Park about the contract and tell him to meet me tomorrow at 9 AM. Sharp!"

Beomgyu sigh knowing you are not going to change your mind, once you are made up to something. "Okay Ms. Jung"
He bowed and was about to left when you spoke
"Mr. Choi what about that project?"

He frown and ask "which project Ms.?"
You looked upto him, with a cold gaze "the US biggest project"
He closed his eyes in fear knowing what going to happen next. "ummmm we didn't get any response"

You chuckled and bend down to your head to your hands that were laying on your table.
"whom did you contact?"
He replied "the secretary of company's CEO"
You straighten your back "give me the contact of CEO".

His eyes widen "are you kid- ....sorry I mean you'll talk to him?"
"Why? Can't a CEO talk to a CEO?" you said with a straight face.
He hesitate a little and said "but I don't have his contact number"

"But you have his secratery's number right?" he nodded to your statement, while you smirk and said "then ask from him"
"Her" he corrected.
"What" you asked in confusion.
"It's her" he said "his secratery is female"
"Bastard" she said in frustration "I don't care, just go and ask!"

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