Chapter 7 "Call"

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There Jungkook was done with troublemaker trio and here you were done with your mom.
"So I am embarrassing?" you asked rasing one eyebrow.
"off cource" your mom hit your thigh "what that guy have think about you? Yn you need to be careful fr haan?"

"Mom?" this was your last straw "Idc what he have thought about me and i said i always carry extra pad but this time it was just an accident."
"Anyways, he was handsome?" her way of asking was filled with askance

She always use to tell you to date a kind, rich and handsome guy. No doubt why your standards were so high, but you were looking at your mom with a judgy look.
"tell me!" she shook you as she didn't get your response "you have his photo?"
"yes" you said again with in antipathy "i have......... to sleep now!"
You took your mobile phone and went to your bedroom. Living your mom in disbelief.

Here Eunwoo was tellin everything about you and whatever happen in these two days.
Jungkook was so done and was not interested in their nonsense, but poor guy mumered "are you guys done now?"
He said without any emotion on his face. He look upto Eunwoo and again spoke "sometimes I regret my descision of making you my manager"
Yeobeen hit him "dare you speak that again"

Wehreas, Taehyung was already taking fun of the whole story "bro are you falling?"
But that was something triggered Yeobeen, her face changed "Tae be in your limits"
with that she went towards the kitchen to serve the dinner.

"What happened to her" Tae asked as he never saw Yeobeen behave like that. Her expression was something new that he saw for the very first time.
"long story man" Eunwoo spoke and went to kitchen, to help her.

"what happened to Yeobo?" Tae again asked but to the only person next to him who was none other than Jungkook.
He sighed "I'll tell you when the time will come!"
Tae nodded as to say okay, he knew that so something was wrong with that expression yet he decided not to ask again nd again.

But he looked at his friend who seems like lost in deep thought.
He kept his hands on his shoulder "kookie, don't worry about anything"
Jungkook smile at him and nodded.

"do I have to give you invitation to come for dinner?" Yeobeen yelled from the dinning table, as they went to dinning table for lunch.

On the other hand, Beomgyu was dying in frustration "this WOMAN!"
He again looked at his phone "SHIBAL! I will die one day in stress that she gives me."
Being dramtic for the whole time, but what can he do. It's his fault you called him twice but he didn't pick up and now he called you for the 17th time but you didn't pick up.

He is texting and calling you almost from last one hour just to know if you reached home or not and also to know why you called him, but you on the other hand was going to sleep. You layed back on your bed but wasn't sleepy so decided to scroll through phone.

BUT! Your eyes and mouth widen when you saw 17 missed calls and 25+ message from Beomgyu. You totally forgot about him because you were lost in the happiness of your mother's arrival.
You slam your head with your plam and dailed him.

This side he got a call and his a$$ calm down when he finally saw your name on the caller ID.
As soon as he picked up the call ..........
"HEY YN, BITCH! you know what and what I was thinking here. I thought that I made the biggest mistake by dropping you alone. From last an hour I am trying to contact you but you , NO. You ain't receiving my call nor texting me even a dot! You called me twice and then nothing? Do you have any idea my breathe were raising by each passing second and my blood pressure HAH! Don't ask about that. You know what one day I'll die like this BEACH!" He said everything in one breathe and you got idea how mad he was. He shouted again "NOW EXPLAIN!?"

You were sipping your water peacefully because this was not the first time you forget about him and this is not the first time he just burst out on you.
"take a breathe" you said in a calm voice
He closed his eyes realsing what and what he just spoke right now "l-look Yn, I-i am sorry. I didn't mean but you-"

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