Chapter 4 "Partner and Rival"

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"Welcome to the game miss RIVAL"
He said this and went away to enter the building meanwhile, you were looking at his figure with all your anger.

"Ms. Jung calm down" Beomgyu said approaching to you "this is so important for us. Let your anger aside for a while and present our company in best way to get partnership in US project"
Yes the US project, the biggest project that have a biggest value, biggest challenge, biggest risk and biggest success.

You have turned the game in the way that now you are at the "central american" for getting the partnership.
Wait but what you done? That made your company go this far? What happened over a night? How did the game changed?

"YNaaaa" Sana called you "don't think about anything right now. Just focus on one thing you have to beat him and make him regret his action"
She was asking to take revenge? Yes exca

You handed your hand bag to Beomgyu and started walking with confidence.
As you enter the company, every employee was bowing you and you were walking with your straight face.
One of employee approach to you and bowed as to show respect and took you to the meeting hall.

As soon as you reach the meeting hall, you saw many higher class business men were there many of them were your friends like Mr. Park and Mr. Kim. And some of your enemies like Mr. Choi Yeonjun and the new one Mr. Jeon Jungkook.

When your eyes was scanning the meeting room you saw Jungkook, where he was already looking at you and raise his brows to you, as like you guys are good friends.
You did nothing but roll your eyes and the employee took you to your seat. But! Guess where was your seat?
Just right next to Jeon Jungkook, as know as your rival and soon to be partner......

Beomgyu, Sana and other employees were outside, since only the CEO, president's and heads can enter the meeting.
Anyways you sighed and sat quietly knowing that there is no chance to argue for seat beside him and leave a bad impression on others.

He chuckled while keeping is head down and you heard it, but you just ignored him totally.
Everyone there was male, only you were the very female in between.
Obviously some of them was bad mouthing about you, some were busy discussing what to do in meeting, some were just laughing and gossiping.

Jungkook was also taking with someone on the either side, meanwhile you were just there sitting comfortably while checking your file.

For you it's never being awkward when you don't get someone's company. You always prefer to be alone and calm, no matter if it's in public or private. Yeah you were kinda introverted and comfortable with just your own company.

Jungkook finished his conversation with that man and turn a little on his right side where you were.
He observed you for like a minute even some of them noticed his behavior but f them.

"Are you feeling lonely Ms. YN?" he questioned you but you didn't even looked at him "or are you feeling anxious?"
He asked two questions from which he received no answer, he just chuckled at your ignorance.
"Are you going to ignore me like this Ms. Bold?"

Now you finally looked at him while closing your file.
"You really like to disturb people while they are doing something?" you asked with your always straight face.
He frown at your question.
"Just mind your own business Mr. Jeon"
you said while rolling your eyes, while he just smirked, god knows why.

After a while, the meeting finally got started when the heads of central american arrived.
The whole story is that now you are here to be announced as in partnership with US project. And now you are competing the one and only Jeon Jungkook. Your rival but not infront of others.
But the question is what happened in just one night?

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