Chapter 2 "Arrogance"

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"Mr. Choi" you call out him "let's leave it's 9 pm."
"Sure Miss" he bowed and you both walked outside the company.
You throw your keys to him "take my car"
He catches it and came with your car.

You were sat on passenger sit while her was driving the car.
"What's the menu" he asked intentionally "Italian? Mexican? Korean? Indian? Fre-"
"Shut the fvck up" you know that he was teasing you "why you're always so irritating?"

"For real" he laughed "you look so cute like this"
"Shut up" you rolled your eyes "I am not naive"
"Naive?" not new to him "come on ynaaa being cute is not naive"
"For me" You looked at him "it is"
He sighed knowing he can't argue with you.

Soon you both reach to your favorite restaurant. It was a fancy asethetic, but it was more like expensive restaurant.
You both went to table which was at upstairs on roof. Well roof dinner is more expensive and that's the reason not many people come there, so you always go for roof dinner cause you hate being surrounded by people.

Anyways here you both were looking at the menu.
"Oh my god" Beomgyu gasp while checking the menu "they doubled the price of all items"
"Stop being naive" you said "I am paying, order whatever you want to"

"YN" he said while looking at you "I know you are a millionaire. But look I don't want treat it's okay, let's go. It's too much."
"Gyu" you said raising your voice "sit back. You ain't going anywhere without having dinner."
"Stop being stubborn" frustrated Beomgyu "let's go eat somewhere else then"

"No" you said "waiter. Please write my order"
You said three dishes name that you like and Beomgyu was looking at you being done.
"I am not stubborn" he said while taking seat back to his chair "you are stubborn".

"Whatever" you said while sipping your drink that one of waiter just bought for both of you.
"Well, I asked Sana to join us but she is have family reunion today"
"Are you okay" he asked all out of blue.
"Huh" you were confused why he is asking all of sudden "do my face look puffy? Or am I growing fat?"

"Ahhh this woman" he being totally done with you "YN I am asking about your mental health"
"Do I look a abnormal" you said with a straight face.
He slam his hands on his head.
"I mean" he took a deep breath "you are CEO, right? You must be stress about you work. That's what I asking"

"Ahhhhhh" here go your dramatic sass " well I have the best person who takes my all stress and so I am never being stress"
He smiled knowing you are taking about him. "Ohhh really"
Your cute hmm everytime make his heart skip a beat.

Both of you were taking about random things and your food finally arrive.
"Wowwwieee" food can make you crazy "let's eat"

And in the mean time you both completed your meal.
"Delicious" you said leaning back to your chair " I don't know about others but I love food"
He giggled at your words.

"Well" he took out a small box from his pocket "mom was missing you so much and she send this for you."
"Ahaan" you opened the box "neck chain?"
He nodded.
You smiled looking at the chain "if you didn't said that it wasn't from your mom. I would still except it"

"What" he knew his lie is being caught "no really she send this for you"
"Really?" You asked chuckling "aunt have never buy me jewelry, she send me her perpared dishes, her handmade thing and so on but never this luxurious things."
He was silent, you spoke "you think you can lie to me. Say it you bought it for me"

"Yes" he said in low tone "I bought it for you"
You smiled and looked at the neck chain. "It's pretty and I will keep it don't worry"
He looked at you and passed a smiled as you did the same.
Soon you paid the bill and off to your car.

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