The Commander

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I do not own Nikke or anything referenced.

-Grey POV-

I groan as I wake up in a hospital bed to the sound of the machines. "Fuck." I say and pull the sensors off of me. Almost immediately afterwards a woman with purple hair rushes in.

"Oh you're awake Number Seven." She says with a sigh of relief. "Rapi would attempt to kill me if you died." She says and I look at her confused. "Oh! My name is Either! A scientist first then a doctor for humans." She introduced herself.

"Thanks for the save then." I say and try to get out of the bed.

"Take it easy now. You've been down for a week." Either says and push myself up. I begin walking towards my uniform. "Marian had it fixed and cleaned for you." She says and I nod.

"Thank you Ether." I say and she smiles.

"No problem Commander. Rapi, Marian, and Anis are waiting downstairs." She says and I nod getting dressed. I walk downstairs to see the three women waiting.

"Commander." Rapi says and salutes me.

"No need to salute me Rapi." I say and she only nods.

"Right." Rapi says. "Commander Anderson wishes to see you." She says.

"Copy. Lead the way." I say and follow the three of them. I get many stares from passing civilians, and some highly dressed guys. "Why the hell are they staring at me?" I ask and Anis gives me a bored look.

"You really need an answer?" Anis asks and I look at my uniform.

"Anis you shouldn't be so rude to the commander." Marian says and I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Nevermind her Marian. It doesn't bother me at all." I say and she sighs before smiling.

"Of course Commander." She says. I look towards the biggest building I've seen.

"Wow." I say as we enter the room.

"This is your first time in the Ark commander." Marian says and I look at her. "When the surface was being taken by the raptures. They built this underground haven where humans could be safe. Nikke were built and then mass produced to protect humanity. Now we fight to retake the surface alongside the chosen commanders." Marian says and I hum.

"Why don't humans fight back?" I ask and they look at me.

"Humans don't have the strength to use our weapons. I'm surprised your gun did something." Anis says and I nod.

"I carry AP rounds or I used to." I say.

"AP?" Rapi asks and I smile. Reaching into one of my pockets I pull out a silver tipped round.

"Armor piercing. They weren't standard issued but I requested them in my load out. But still..." I say and look at the bullet.

"Commander?" Marian says in concern as we enter the elevator. As I stare at the round I can't help but think about home.

"Nothing Marian. Just the scattered thoughts of a Deadman." I say knowing if I am here, then I am dead in my world. (Is this a different world from his?)

"Well you're still breathing Commander." Anis says with a smile.

"You're right Anis. Thanks to you girls and Julia." I say and they smile. The elevator dings and opens up to show a group of people. But the one who sticks out the most is a man with short brown hair, blue piercing eyes, white gloves, and many medals along his uniform.

"Why are these things in our meeting room?!" An older gentleman asks and motions to the girls.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know trash bags were sentient here." I say immediately looking at the man.

"What the hell did you say boy?!" The man asks standing up.

"I advise you apologize. Or else." I growl as the man I mentioned before clears his throat.

"Jerry you are out of line." He says as the old man quickly sits down.

"You defended those Nikke fairly quick." He says and I nod.

"Yes sir. They saved my life so I'll defend them no matter what." I say and the man smiles.

"Head Commander Anderson." He says holding out his hand. I shake it and nod respectfully.

"Captain Grey Koi-Len." I say and he smiles.

"They told me you are a fighter pilot. We don't have any in our records, so where do you come from?" He asks.

"I am a United States soldier sir." I respond and his eyes widen.

"The army is all but destroyed Captain. You are one of the only people who have a rank. The others are crazy people who worship old generals." He says and I look down. "But a man like you would be hard to pass up. A premade leader, a soldier who has been through real combat, and you've already earned the respect of these girls. I would like for you to join our ranks permanently." He says and I smile.

"Is it possible to get more ammo for my Scar sir?" I ask and he chuckles.

"It'll be a while. But yes I will have it done." He says and I salute him.

"Thank you sir!" I say and he salutes me as well.

"Head to the outpost towards the Outer Ring. It's a little fixer upper, but I'm sure you've been in worst scenarios." Anderson says and we all nod before leaving. Not long afterwards I get a message from Anderson which confuses me. "I have put in for a few more Nikke to transfer into your team. Get situated and you'll have a mission soon." He says.

"We have some more Nikke joining us at the outpost, and we'll get a mission sooner than later." I tell them.

"Of course we will." Anis says and rolls her eyes. We exit the building to see a woman in an anarchy shirt, leather jacket with a red bandana tied on her left arm, tight pants, combat boots, her hair is as white as snow, piercing red eyes that lit up when she looked at me, she has a sawed-off double barrel shotgun on her hip, a leather choker on her neck, and a shotgun leaning on a beautiful bike.

 We exit the building to see a woman in an anarchy shirt, leather jacket with a red bandana tied on her left arm, tight pants, combat boots, her hair is as white as snow, piercing red eyes that lit up when she looked at me, she has a sawed-off dou...

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"Hey Partner. I'm here to give you a ride to the outpost." She says and I look at her. "Name's Sugar. I'm one of your new transfers." Sugar says and I smile as I walk up to her.

"Very nice to meet you Sugar. I look forward to working with you." I say and she smiles.

"Same here. Why don't we seal the deal with a kiss?" She asks catching me off guard.

"We just met Sugar." I respond calmly and I look to see Marian is unamused. "Why don't we get to know each other before you say that?" I ask and she shrugs.

"Sure. Hop on and I'll get you to the outpost." She says and I get on behind her. I go to hold onto the side of the bike. But Sugar had other plans as she moved them around her waist. "Don't want you falling off." She says and before I can respond she takes off.

-finally got around to chapter two. Grey will be very protective of the girls. I know Sugar is very forward but that is how her character is. Who else will be a transfer? Yes Grey's team will be the harem. So far we have Rapi, Marian, Anis, Julia, and now Sugar. Most of the other girls will be introduced except two. Cause I want to introduce them during a mission. Till next time everyone!-

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