Almost Alone

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I do not own Nikke the Goddess of Victory.

-This takes place two weeks after the last chapter. Grey POV-

I wake up in bed to the sight of Frima again. This has become an everyday thing now. I push the stray strands of hair out of her face. "Good morning Frima." I say sweetly and she looks up.

"Morning. Still. Sleepy." She says and I pat her head. She groans and rotates so I can get up. I got a text from Anderson about a mission. I look back at Frima and smile before walking away. I enter the kitchen to see Sin struggling to make overeasy eggs.

"Nice and easy or you'll break the yolk." I tell her and she jumps slightly.

"Sorry Grey. I wanted to surprise you. Guess cooking isn't my forté." She says and I pat her head.

"No worries. I can teach you when I get back." I say and her eyes widen. "Got a mission to go on. So I'll need to find volunteers." I tell her and immediately Eris runs in.

"I'll go!" She yells raising her hand.

"Thank you Eris." I say with a smile. It wasn't long before Privaty turned the corner.

"Me too!" She yells raising her hand.

"Are you sure? I know you've been working hard with your old crew." I say and she blushes.

"Y-Yes! Someone has to keep you in check!" She yells.

"That is what I'm there for." Rapi says walking in.

"I shall go as well." Maiden says walking in as well.

"I'm going as well." Diesel says and I look at her.

"Thank you girls for volunteering. We'll be leaving soon so gear up." I say and they salute before leaving. I go to my room and check my gear before heading outside. I see a package at my doorstep, shrugging I open it, and smile seeing my rifle with the magazines. I walk to the humvee outside and get into the driver seat.

"No driving for you." Rapi says and I look at her. "Last time you got hit by a rocket." She says and I sigh.

"Not getting out of this huh?" I ask and she shakes her head. I hang my head in defeat and walk to the passenger side. Soon the others arrive and Rapi takes us to the gates.

"Heading out Grey?" The guard asks with a smile.

"Yeah. Got a mission downtown." I say and she nods. Before we drive off she stops us.

"If you could. Could you find me a porcelain doll?" She asks and I look into her eyes. "I mean MY doll. It was a gift from my grandmother." She says and I smile.

"I'll keep an eye out. Where would it be?" I ask and she smiles.

"In a house along a dirt road. Two stories." She says and I nod.

"I'll keep an eye out." I say and she smiles brightly.

"Thank you Grey! I'll make it up to you." She says and Rapi clears her throat.

"We must hurry to our mission." She says and the guard nods opening the gate. As we speed off Rapi looks at me. "Are you really thinking about looking for that doll?" She asks seriously.

"Yes Rapi." I say calmly already knowing where this was going.

"Even if it means costing you your life?" She asks almost angrily. I can see her gripping the wheel hard.

"As long as we keep a low profile we'll be fine. If it's too hot then we abandon it." I say and she nods.

"Wonder what she meant by making it up to you." Diesel says and I can feel the temperature dropping. I look back to see the girls with dark expressions on their faces.

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