Home Sweet Home

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I do not own the Goddess of Victory Nikke or anything referenced.

-Grey POV-

I stand in front of Anderson with all the girls from the Outpost. "You gave us quite the scare there Grey." He says and I nod.

"Sorry sir. I accept any and all punishments for my stunt." I tell him and he nods.

"You are on home arrest until told otherwise." He says and my eyes widen. "Apparently you are a target to the Heretics. What for I don't know. But we cannot risk you going out on missions." He says and I glare at him.

"With all due respect sir!" I say angrily and he goes wide eyed. "I'm a soldier! My job is to be out on those Frontlines!" I yell at him.

"This decision wasn't just mine. But most of your fellow Commanders agreed on this." He says shocking me.

"But sir." I say.

"This is non-negotiable Grey. If there comes a time where we need you and Bellona. We will let you let loose." Anderson says and I look down. Rapi puts her hand on my shoulder and I walk out of the room. I say nothing to anyone as I leave the building.

-Rapi POV-

I look as Grey walks away a completely different man. "Sir isn't this a little extreme?" I ask and look at him.

"It won't be for long. Just until we get a tracker on Chatterbox. You girls need to keep him calm and entertained. That is your mission until further notice." He says and stands up. "Dismissed!" He orders and we salute him before leaving.

We walk outside and Sugar gets on her motorcycle. "Well girls. I'm off to get my kiss." She says and speeds off.

"Hey!" Privaty yells and I chuckle as we all begin walking.

-Grey POV-

I arrived at the Outpost extremely annoyed by my situation. I go inside and sit on the couch in silence. I don't know what to do now. I just got Bellona back and a Gunnar. Now I'm grounded until further notice. But the good news is I can look into that Rize Nikke. It might just be a coincidence but I have to try.

"Partner?!" Sugar calls out and I raise my hands.

"Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere." I say and Sugar comes and sits next to me.

"I know." She says and I look at her as she gets in my lap. "I want my kiss." She says and I smile.

"I owe you one don't I Sugar?" I ask and she nods with a small blush. I give her the okay nod and she leans down and captures my lips gently. Her kiss tastes like a mocha coffee, I put my hands on her hips, and her hands go through my hair. She finally pulls away and looks into my eyes. "Wow." I say softly and she smiles.

"That was amazing." She says softly and I nod. "I can't describe the taste of your lips, but I love it." She says softly.

"Your kiss was delicious as well." I tell her. She goes in for another kiss and I let her. This one was full of want and need as her hands went under my shirt. My hands roamed from her hips to her stomach. That was until we heard multiple doors close. She breaks the kiss and groans.

"I should have slashed their tires." She says and gets off of me. Before I could say anything all of the girls walked in.

"Grey listen." Rapi says and I raise my hand slightly.

"I'm not really bothered by it anymore." I say shocking them. "I think my body could use the rest from all the trauma." I say and they smile.

"Well I'm sure you'll be happy to hear about the new Hot Springs." Rapi says and my eyes widen.

"Yeah I could definitely go for a dip." I say but turn on the TV. I motion for everyone to grab a seat. "Later though. I'll make us some popcorn and drinks for a movie night." I say and they all sit down. I hear them discussing what movie to watch. I throw in multiple bags of popcorn, and grab a couple of drinks. "Home Sweet Home." I say with a smile as Freyja-lin comes into the kitchen excited to see me.

-I know this is a really short chapter. But I want there to be a little break from the action. I know we just got Bellona but she needs to be rearmed anyway. Now the absolute REAL question. Who should have the first lemon of the book? It could be a girl we are already close to. Rapi, Privaty, Marian, Sugar, and Snow White. Maybe a girl more recent like Dorothy, Rapunzel, Mihara, or Yumi. I honestly want your opinion on this. Also what should we do about Alexis and Angel? Should they stay dead or be Nikke? Hector sadly couldn't be a Nikke. I'll talk to you all in the next one, unless you comment, and then I try to answer any questions or just talk with you all. Till next time everyone!-

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