Can't Keep a Good Soldier Down.

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I do not own The Goddess of Victory, Alice, Jackson, or anything referenced.

-??? POV-

"Another Drifter?" I say as another one drifts through the purple water. I walk out into the water and pull him to the shore. "Time to wake up." I say and tap his cheek. He jumps awake and gasps for air before looking at me.

"Who are you?" He asks and I smile.

"I am you. But you can just call me E." I say and sit down on my chair.

"Am I dead?" He asks and I shake my head.

"You are caught in the in-between. This is where I stay to watch over all of my alternate beings." I say and he gets up while looking at his arm.

"The in-between? You're me? How is my arm okay?" He asks and I smile.

"You are in-between life and death, most call this limbo, but that sounds so harsh." I say and motion him to a seat. As he sits I offer him some tea. "I am you, and all of the others. Your arm is okay because in my realm you are returned to your healthiest." I say and he nods.

"What are those graves?" Grey asks and I sigh.

"Those are the ones I wasn't able to save. I allow their loved ones to come and visit them." I say as a portal opens up. A red haired woman with two children walks out, they walk up to a grave, and kneel down. "Come. Let us give them time to grieve." I say and lead him into the house.

As we enter he looks around at all of the pictures. "Are these the others siblings?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Those are my siblings. I'd rather not talk about them." I say and offer him a cup of tea.

"You shouldn't push away your family E." He says and I sigh.

"It's not by choice. It's for the best." I say and he looks to a picture of my small group of friends.

"And these people?" He asks and I smile.

"That is the family that chose me. They've been helping me out of a dark place." I say and he nods.

"How do I go back?" He asks and I chuckle.

"You want to go back?" I ask and he nods.

"I'm expecting my first kid and I need to watch over my girls." He says.

"Congratulations. I wasn't going to let you die anyway." I say as I sip on the tea.

"Then why am I here?" He asks and I smile.

"So you don't wake up while they operate on you." I say and he nods. "But I think it's time for you to go home." I say and open a purple portal. "Good luck Grey." I say and he chuckles.

"Thanks E. You should reach out to your family more. Communication goes both ways." He says as he begins to walk through it.

"I'll think about it Grey." I say and he disappeared into the portal. I sigh and go to my personal book as it glows. "Another Grey?" I ask myself and open it to actually see a new universe has been made. "Interesting." I say and hum as I begin to watch over this new universe.

-Grey POV as he wakes up-

I groan in pain as I open my eyes and see Nihilister standing over me. "Lily?" I say confused and she jumps slightly.

"Oh thank God you're alive!" She says excitedly and runs out of the room. "Hey Ether he's awake!" Lily yells and a lot of footsteps are heard. Suddenly all of my girls, a few different Nikke, Anderson, Ether, and some familiar looking women run in.

"How are you feeling Now.7?" Ether asks and I rotate my arm.

7?" Ether asks and I rotate my arm

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