A Mind Clouding Encounter.

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I do not own Nikke or anything referenced.

-Grey POV-

I grunt as I push through a door into an apartment complex. I haven't seen any signs of Chatterbox, or any other rapture. I've seen countless amounts of Nikke, even some that look like Eris. I search through the apartments until I find an old med kit. "Finally." I whisper and open it. "Damn." I say as anything to relieve the pain has expired. I grab the gauze and bandages to wrap around my neck. "If they don't capture me, I'll probably die from blood loss." I say before making a makeshift sling for my arm.

"Are you sure you saw him come through here?" I hear a female ask.

"Yes." Another says and I pull the M17 from its holster. As the door opens I raise the pistol up at them.

"Drop your fucking weapons." I order them and they look at me. One goes to run at me and I fire a round into her skull. She drops dead at my feet and I aim at the other one.

"What was that gun shot?!" Chatterbox asks over the radio. Before she could answer she looked at me.

"Sorry. But I gotta survive for my girls." I say and shoot her in the head as well. I quickly move knowing they would come and investigate. I decided to head further upstairs to try and hide out.  "This dislocation is going to slow me down." I grunt again. As I'm sure I'm alone for now I take a bullet out of a magazine, I put it between my teeth, grab my bad arms wrist, put it over my head, and yank it towards my good side. I growl in pain as I hear the sickening pop of it relocating, and the throbbing sensation. I spit out the bullet and pant slightly from the pain. I rotate my arm and wince in pain.

I head out into the hallway and look to see more Nikke. "Halt!" One yells and I fire at them. I sprint up the stairs as they also begin to fire at me.

"Make up your minds!" I yell and fire down at them from the stairwell. One of my rounds tears through one of their heads. I eventually get to the roof and my eyes widen at the sight of Lilly

"Stop running Grey." Lily says and I point my gun at her. She raises her hands up as her canons disarm. "I mean no harm." She says calmly.

"Is that why I'm being hunted?" I ask still aiming at her as the other Nikke join us on the roof. I walk a little towards the edge to check out my options. Option one was the river, a little far but I think I can make it to the deep end. Option two was the other apartment building, I can easily make the jump and can shoot out a window if needed. My final option was a simple one...death.

"You're being hunted because we want to know how you're alive." Lily says and I look at her.

"I don't know how or why Lily." I tell her before getting serious again. "Why are you fighting the ARK?" I ask and make my decision.

"They are nothing more than glorified puppets! Do you really think those Generals and CEO's care for humanity?!" She asks and I look at her. "They all deserve death!" She yells and my eyes widen. "They treat Nikke like property and disposable parts! They send Commanders on suicide missions! Do you really think you could have taken on Chatterbox?" She asks and I give her a hurt look.

"You've always done this." I tell her and she looks at me confused. "You've always treated me like I was helpless. You saw first hand back at that house how good my accuracy is. You also saw the lengths my girls will go through to help me." I tell her.

"Grey. I don't mean to make you feel like that. But it's true now! Have you noticed how your weapons do nothing to the rapture?!" Lily asks and I look as one of the Nikke moves towards me. I take a step away from them.

"I'm a soldier Lily. I took an oath to protect the weak and innocent." I tell her.

"Then side with me!" She yells.

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