Returning home

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"Darling!" Naruto shouted from the open window of the house while sturing the curry that was in the pot on the stove. "Yeh ma?" The raven said swinging on a tree branch. "It's lunch, come on." The blonde yelled back. The small raven jumped down from the branch he was on and ran into the house and sat at the table. Naruto put some curry on the plate and sat it on the table, the young raven dug in straight away. Naruto sat at the table across from the raven, "Mama why aren't you eating?" The raven said while stuffing his face. "Well Menma I've been at the office so much that I've put on weight and I haven't done enough exercise." Naruto rested his head in his hands "mum you look beautiful no matter what, believe it!" Menma said raising a arm in the air. "Haha yeah thanks sweet." Naruto said as he ruffled his sons hair. "When's dad coming home?" "Hmm I think he's coming home in a couple of weeks." Naruto said as he smiled lightly. He missed his raven so much he's been gone for 8 weeks so far and he could just about burst any moment. Menma finished his food and thanked his mum and went up stairs to his room. After awhile of cleaning up Naruto was going out. "Menma I'm going out for a while to see some friends, wanna come or?" Naruto shouted while slipping on some shoes and grabbing a coat. "Who?" The raven shouted back "Sakura and Hinata." "Yeah! Coming!" Menma came rushing down the stairs and slipped on some shoes as well and also grabbed a jumper. It was autumn in Konoha so it was chilly but no snow seemed to show. The 2 boys walked down the street of konoha on there way they received a lot of greetings and how are yous because Naruto was the 7th Hokage, he was known by all. After a couple of minutes of walking in the chilly weather they reached there friends house. Menma knocked on the door and they were greeted by Hinata. "Oh hey guys! You must be cold please come in!" Hinata shoved them in the house. "Hey Hinata, how have you been?" Naruto said scratching the back of his head because he hadn't been visiting lately like he used to. "Is that Naruto!?" Sakura said shoving a head around the corner. "Heh, hey Sakura." Naruto waved "Hi Miss Hyunga and Miss Haruno!" Menma waved from below the adults "Oh Menma! Hello dear sorry I didn't know you were there!" Hinata bent down and hugged Menma. "Memory is up in her room if you wanna go see her?" The purple haired girl said smiling and getting back up. "Yay!" Menma yelled running down the hall and into Memory's room. Naruto and Hinata made they're way to the kitchen island and sat down on the stools while Sakura cooked. "Hey Naruto!" Sakura waved across from the table where the oven was, she was baking a cake. "Hey Sakura how have you been?" "Yeah not to bad, how have you and Sasuke been going?" Sakura popped the cake in the oven and leant on the island infount of Naruto. "Yeah it's been okay.." Naruto said while looking down. "Aww what's happened Naruto?" Hinata said while rubbing his back. "It's just, he's been gone for 8 weeks and I just miss him so much.." Naruto said slouching in his seat with teary eyes. "Ooh Naruto.." Hinata said sadly "well when's he coming back?" Sakura said "2 weeks." Naruto said back "Well could be longer, it's ok just keep yourself busy and forget about it he will be here soon. Don't worry!" Sakura comforted his old team mate. Naruto and the 2 girls moved to the lounge and chatted for a few hours. "Well me and Menma should get going." Naruto said while standing up and walking to the door. "Menma!" Naruto called to his son "coming mama!" Menma said while sliding down the stairs with memory on his back. "Hehe!" Memory laughed "hi Mr Uzumaki!" Memory said with a hug "hello memory, how are you?" Naruto said hugging the pink haired girl. "Good! I've unlocked my Byakugan!" She said jumping up and down in excitement "And how did that happen?" Naruto chuckled a bit. "Well Memory and Sakura had a fight a few nights ago bloody about what they should eat for lunch and she got angry and poked Sakura in the stomach." Hinata laughed loudly "HEY! I'm still recovering from that too!" She pouted and Hinata kissed her cheek "Well come on Menma time to go my love." "Aww can we stay a bit longer?!" Menma pleaded with puppy dog eyes and so did Memory. "No. Not get your ass out that door now. And thank Sakura and Hinata for letting you play with memory and coming over" Naruto pointed at the couple and then the door "Aw ok." Menmas head hung low "thank you miss Hyunga and miss Haruno." Menma looked at them and gave them a small smile before walking out the door and waiting for his mum. "Thank you for letting us come around for a couple of hours, have a good evening." Naruto hugged and walked out of the house. By the time they were done at Sakuras house it was around 7:40pm and it sure was cold. The 2 boys walked in silence back to there house until they passed the Raman place. "Hey darling, wanna go and get some dinner?" "Yeah!" Menma said immediately knowing where they were going to eat. Menma ran to the Raman shop in a hurry. Naruto followed in after Menma "hello again Teuchi!" Naruto said while sitting down and sharing a grin at the old man "Naruto! Hello it's been awhile what have you been getting up to?!" Teuchi said while immediately getting to work on Naruto's and Menmas Raman he didn't even have to ask what he wanted. "Nothing much just always in the office!" Naruto said while looking at Menma. While they were waiting he kept looking at Menma it was if he was day dreaming about something "Mum why are you looking at me it's getting creepy!" Menma said while punching Naruto in the guts "haha it's ok you just remind me of your father." Naruto hugged his son "ehh mum get off!" He said getting embarrassed trying to push Naruto off him. "Oh what are you embarrassed?" Naruto teased. Both they're Raman came out and they immediately dug in.

Time skip to when Sasuke arrives---

It was a rainy afternoon in the office while naruto did papers and looked over some schedules. He was awaiting his husbands arrival. Ge couldn't seem to focus at all which made it hard for him to look over the papers then he heard a knock at the door "come in" Naruto yelled at the door, he immediately stood up when he saw the doors open to a familiar raven walking in "SASUKE!" Naruto ran over to his lover and hugged him tightly "Hey baby, I missed you so much!" He wrapped his arms around his husbands waist and pulled him into a tender kiss that seemed to last forever. They broke apart and went into another kiss this time more passionate Sasuke squeezed Naruto's ass and he gasped and Sasuke took this as an opportunity to slip his toung in and explore Naruto's mouth, the blonde moaned and then broke apart. "I missed this so much..." Sasuke hugged naruto once more and placed butterfly kisses all up his neck "haha" naruto laughed and looked into sasukes eyes he could get lost in his onyx eyes forever... "let's go home babe" The 2 walked out the door.

The end!

Hope you enjoyed, Xx Chilli 💜

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