The assassin is inlove ❤️

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The raven was walking down the hallway to his office, he walked past all the rooms with computers in them and agents talking and drinking coffee while enjoying a chat. Sounds of laughter, shoes clicking on the cold marble ground and typing could be heard.

Sasuke was a level 9 agent that worked on elite missions in Sharingan Corp, he was the best of the best. Very skillful in his department. As Sasuke walked down the hallways, a loud womens voice echoed the building, a person talking over the speaker could be heard. "Sasuke Uchiha, Agent 365 please come to office 192." A beep ended the speaker. "Ugh your serious, I just come off a mission a few days ago." Sasuke groaned as he rubbed his temples. He knew what they needed of him, he knows that office number to much, more then he would like. He knew they were going to give him another mission to do something, the pay has never been an issue or the mission, he was a relentless killer it was simply when he got given them.

Sasuke made his way to office 192, mentally preparing himself for what was to come. He knew he was the only one in the organization who was capable of carrying out such high-profile missions, but he couldn't help but feel tired of it all. He pushed open the door and was greeted by his superior, a tall man with a stern expression.

"Sasuke, I have a new mission for you," the man said. Sasuke let out a breathy chuckle. "Just as I thought, I am always right aren't I?" He said as he sat on a chair across from the desk with his feet resting on his bosses desk. The taller man gave him a stern look. "First of all get your feet of my desk, second of all I do not have time for your so called 'humor.' This is important. I need you to execute a little rodent. They have made great progess to break into our firewall and almost has. They has also have interfered with some of our missios. The latest one was where they put Agent Jugo in hospital for 6 weeks!" The man said loosing his cool a bit at the thought. Sasuke was shocked that was for sure, no one has ever put Jugo in hospital before let alone for 6 weeks! "What the hell?! Really?" Sasuke said taking his feet of the desk and sitting up leaning foward a bit more. "Yes! But lucky for us, Agent Karin has found some intel on him and some locations where we could find him and shut what ever plan he has, down." The man said getting up and going over to the file storage, pulling one out and coming over to sit in one of the stools across from Sasuke and putting the file on the desk.

"His name is Naruto Uzumaki, he is 23 years old and is skilled in hand to hand combat, multiple Martial arts like Karate and Muay Thai, has experience with Katanas and all sorts of guns. He mostly uses hand to hand combat and other hand weapons in his hands along with some Karate in his missions, judging by what he see, and is highly proficient in hacking and computer programming, he also has some experience with Kunai's and who knows what else... whoever taught this young man these skills is extremely exceptional. He has made this boy into a living machine... " the man continued sighed as he kept flipping through the pages of the file. "We need you to take him out, Sasuke. No one else can do it like you can."

Sasuke nodded, his mind lingered at how much skill and experience he has. Sasuke would be lying if he said he isn't at least nervous to take this boy down. Sasuke is 25 but he still calls young people kids or boys other then men. But what really caught his eye was his blonde hair that seemed to want to light up the night with those azure eyes that seem to light the path of darkness and sharp but delicate facial details, its just a photo, but it looks like they are staring into Sasukes soul. He looked back up at his boss, he saw something in the man's eyes that made him pause. "What is it?" Sasuke asked, sensing something was off. The man hesitated for a moment before speaking. "It's just that...there's something different about this mission. We're not entirely sure what Naruto is planning, and we need you to be extra cautious. I also got Karin to do a background check on this boy and... turns out his parents have passed due to unexpected circumstances. He drew up with his abusive uncle and turns out he killed him..." Sasuke furrowed his brows, feeling a sense of unease and a shiver of fear wash over him, Sasuke has never killed a family member before so what drew the blonde to kill him? He had never heard his boss express concern like this before. "I understand," he said, taking the file from his boss and standing up. "I'll get it done."

As Sasuke walked out of the office, he couldn't shake off the feeling of apprehension that hung over him. He knew that this mission would be no easy feat, and the fact that his boss was so worried only confirmed his suspicions. But he was determined to complete the mission, no matter what it took. He walked down the hallway, his mind already filled with thoughts of why Naruto did this such thing. All of a sudden alarms and loud evacuate noises rung the hallways and corrodoors, the hallways were now filled with people running to the weapon sector to get geared up with the sudden emergency alarms. He saw a familiar red head in the crowd. "Karin!" He yelled as he stood his ground in the people. "Sasuke!" She shouted back trying to make her way over to him. "What the hell is going on?!" He yelled back at her. "Someone is hacking the protocalls and going to break into somewhere! We have to protect the building and the weapon rooms! Get your stuff and go to the boss! Protect him!" She yelled at him as she continued running away to get to the computers to reinforce them. Sasuke sprinted to the office quickly to get some guns and weapons. He was dressed with a gun holder on his chest. As he was running into the open area where the doors are he saw a person wearing black all over with a mask on. "Who is that?!" He whispered as he stopped right in his tracks. The person stood up from his crouch after kicking someone on the ground and faced him. "Who are you!" He yelled at him. The person was all black and his face was covered by a mask, his body
was swaying oddly as Sasuke reached for his gun to shoot the figure lunges forward and kicked sasuke with a back kick that sent him flying back on his ass. "Ah shit!" He cussed as he lunged back at the person with hand to hand combat. Lucky for his training to be rank 9 he could just keep up with the person that was obviously very very skilled. The person threw more hits and kicks but they were all blocked by Sasuke, Sasuke kicked him in the face but before he went to punch him in the face the person grabbed his hand tightly stopping the force with his own "Don't be to sure of yourself." The voice was raspy as they front kicked Sasuke then threw punches at him in the stomach. Sasuke landed on his back as the person quickly ran away to one of the offices but before he could get to the door Sasuke shot his foot and he fell to the ground with a loud thud. "Ah fuck!" The person winced at the sudden stinging pain in his left angle. Sasuke got up and walked over to him and grabbed him by the throat about to take off his mask "do you know how much that hurt naruto." Sasuke whispered to him lowly "Fuck you!" Naruto said bringing out a Kanai and slicing his cheek. "Ah shit." Sasukes hands immediately let go of his throat and held his cheek in pain. "You don't know half the pain I've been threw you bitch!" Naruto hissed at him while giving him a powerful kick to the rib cage and starting to limp away to the office up the hall way. Karin came running to him but he got up and ran to follow him "Stay there! Don't move!" Sasuke yelled at her as he got up and followed him from behind, Sasuke threw a a light bomb and it blew up infount of Naruto and he fell backwards, the ringing in Sasukes and Naruto's ears seemed to never stop and the light from the sudden explosive made Naruto's eyes blurry and hard to see then all of a sudden a smoke bomb went off around Naruto and he was trapped, didn't know where to go, "Damn this dude sure knows how to confuse someone..." Naruto mumbled angrily he has been in some situations like this before but never like this intense and as strong as a smoke bomb before. Naruto got out his katana ready for any impact he might receive. "Very smart I may say Mr Agent." Naruto shouted out "Well I am the best after all?" Sasukes ego seemed to radiate off the smoke. His voice echoed the hallway where the smoke was still thick. "But may I suggest something that might help you in the future?" Naruto said smirking as he saw Sasukes figure in a light cloud of smoke ready to strike. "Don't think of yourself to much, your ego is blinding you." Naruto let it slide because he was having quite the time 'playing' with the agent. "And who are you to tell me that?" Sasuke restored back. Naruto pulled out a Kanai and threw it at the raven that was semi visible from the smoke but he caught it. 'What... no one's ever caught my Kanais before..." Naruto's eyes widen and then he started feeling a bit intimated "Wow, nice throw is that all you got?" Sasuke barked as his position moved. Naruto needed to get out of there no matter what, even if he could beat him it wasn't worth it at all, he didn't have time for anymore delays. Naruto crouched down so he could no longer be visable 'Hmm...' Naruto scanned for a way out and once he saw a clearing her took it. "Nice talking to you Me Agent but I must get going I do not have time to play games anymore." Naruto shouted as he sprinted out of there and to the sliding doors that enter the building and exited onto the street. Cars zoomed by and he began to run away to get away but little did he know Sasuke was following him...

Chapter 1 🥹 I kind like this one but it will be more about Naruto and Sasuke next chapter 😅 I hope you enjoyed so far. Comment if you want a 2nd part ☺️

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