Moving house & A new fear

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They're house 🥹💜


Naruto a Sasuke just brought a new house on the hill in a fancy neighbourhood and just arrived. The couple figured it was time they move out of that old house they were in near the beach, it was washing the wood down and soon enough they would have to move out anyway and considering it was to small for they're liking even though it had more then enough space. Sasuke never had any issues with money because his company is one to the biggest in Japan so money was never a problem and he let Naruto pick the house and he picked a beautiful house with Gardens and pools....

"Holy moly! This house is huge!!" Naruto shouted as he got out of the car and ran to the frount of the building "Haha well you did pick it dobe." Sasuke said chucking as he undid the back of the car and grabs out a few boxes. They're was no need to move all the furniture out of the old house because he brought this house with all the furniture and he wanted to keep that house furnished because they woould be selling it later on. Come help loser." Sasuke said getting out the boxes and giving one to Naruto "oh ok BABE." Naruto said as he yelled the babe part to be 'nice' the blonde walked into the house and his mouth dropped it was everything he loved in the house. Stone walls, marble tiles and wood features. In the middle of it there was a massive staircase going up into the seccond level it was all marble. He walked up stairs and saw a beautiful bed with a ensuite connected the bathroom to the hudge bedroom the bathroom had a spa and 2 showers conjoined into 1 and 2 sinks along with as you walk into the bathroom on the sides of the walk way would be wardrobes for them each. It was heaven to have this much space. "Holy shit!!" Naruto squealed and jumped up and down in the bedroom that also had a balcony that looked out over the field and pools below "Like it?" Sasuke said behind him grabing his waist "Yes I love it! Thanks so much baby!" Naruto kissed him deep but quickly and ran off to another room, there were about 5 spare rooms so plenty of room when the Uchiha family came to visit and one day hopefully a few little uchimaki kids running around the hall ways... there was a home gym but that was down stairs that was pretty big so Naruto could work out with Sasuke, bedrooms, bathrooms, indoor movie theater, pools, a massive garage for Naruto to park and buy as many cars as his heart desires and a beautiful marble kitchen with brick walls that Naruto specificly asked for and that was about it, can't forget the big back yard. After a few hours of exploring Naruto was sitting on the beautiful couches watching tv while Sasuke cooked some food for dinner. "Sweet, dinner." Sasuke called "Yeah coming." Naruto replied as he got up and went over to get his dinner of Sasuke and they both sat down at the table. Naruto took a drink a water "Hey Naruto since we have all of these spare bedrooms why not try and fill them up?" The raven said smirking "With guest-" Naruto immediately knew what he was talking about and blushed madly. He put his Palms on the table and rushed off to calm himself down, this was next level, the 2 never had any conversations that involved having kids or anything about kids they were just enjoying there single life. The raven just laughed his ass off at his husbands reaction. "You dick!" Naruto yelled from the hallway as he angrily stomped off "sorry baby I'm serious though!" The raven laughed even harder. After calming down he came back and stared daggers at Sasuke. After awhile of talking they both went back up stairs and got ready for bed but before Naruto could go in to his room he passed a room that looked dark. He got chills down his spine from the door and opened it a bit. He stood behind the door afraid until a bang was heared form inside the room. Naruto shit himself slammed the door and ran into the room "Honey what's wrong?" The raven said as he hugged the blonde that seemed so scared "THE ROOM DOWN THERE IS SCARY! ITS DARK AND I HEARD A BANG!" The blonde scaredly spoke as he was shaking "Hmm let me see you big baby." He grabbed Naruto's hand gently and rubbed it while they were walking to the room "This room?" Asked the raven and the blonde just nodded. He opened it and Naruto kept his distance from the door and Sasuke all together! "There's nothing in there dobe." The raven chuckled a bit and put a reassuring smile on. Then there was another bang "Yeah no, fuck this!" He said running away but was grabbed by Sasuke "Baby stop please." He said tugging away "Naruto its nothing it's the birds hitting the window and the water." The raven laughed and was going to make the blonde face his fear by putting him in the room. "Babe stop!" Naruto said on the ground as Sasuke tugged him harder " Naruto you need to face your fear!" Sasuke said obviously struggling "SASUKE STOP! I REALLY DONT WANNA GO IN THERE!!" Naruto shouted and cried. Sasuke FINEALLY grabbed him and put him on his shoulder "STOP IT SASUKE!" Naruto shouted angry then ever punching Sasuke in the back. He bit Sasuke on the shoulder and the raven was met with instant pain this gave Naruto a chance to get away and make a run for it in his car. He finally got away and ran to his bedroom and locked the door, scrap the idea bout the car "Naruto that hurt you little shit." Sasuke said laughing a bit but feeling a bit guilty "I hate you! Don't talk to me!" The raven shouted "Baby I'm sorry please..." the raven put his head against the door of the bathroom and pleaded "Well to fucking bad, get fucked you asshole!" Naruto shouted angrily at his husband. Sasuke just chuckled and got into bed "Love you goodnight." Sasuke said as he knew his lover would join him soon then he could make it up to him and just as he thought a few minutes of silence the door unlocked and was greeted with a half sleepy blonde he got into bed and faced away from Sasuke "baby..." Sasuke said his hand slithering to Naruto's waist which was immediately slapped off. "Piss off, I'm still mad." Naruto grumbled. They both fell asleep he knew Naruto wouldn't be angry in the morning and could talk it out with him.

The end.

So a little back story ahaha this actually happened to me at a AirBnB me and my boyfriend stayed at and I hated going into that room and he did exactly what Sasuke did I still hate him so much for that because it was really scary but I guess we all gotta face our fears some day. Lol Chilli Xx 💜

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