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Hey guys, so recently ive been going through some personal stuff at home like depression and a few other mental things, also some family issues. I will not be updating for awhile I have no idea when I will again, most likely just until I am ready to write again. Maybe 1 month 4 months, I have no idea to be completely honest. I also have a new job that pays me double the amount I was on before which is SOO good because ive been in a tough spot with money and relationships. I just wanted to also thank you guys for the all the reads I have been getting, it not easy to write (For me personally) because I have ALOT of writers block but if I do get some free time through my life I will definitely write down some short stories or ideas. 

Im also taking a break from the internet and social media because that has also been a add on to my negative mental health. I will still be checking things out on here but I wont be on very often, so im sorry if this has caused any inconvenience with you reading my book and waiting for a update. :(

Bye Xx Chilli xx

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